No. Elders have several different meetings throughout the year. They meet as a body anytime there is a judicial matter, they meet to decide administration stuff (often), and they meet before every assembly, and every CO visit. They meet often.
JoinedPosts by Georgiegirl
Elders? do the rest of us know what they know..?
by angel eyes inwhat things about elders do only elders know and the rest of us dont?
i never knew they had a hand book till i came on here.
unsure why they dont mention it because surely its not meant to be a secret?.
Elders? do the rest of us know what they know..?
by angel eyes inwhat things about elders do only elders know and the rest of us dont?
i never knew they had a hand book till i came on here.
unsure why they dont mention it because surely its not meant to be a secret?.
AE - thanks. :)
He's dead now, finally. The thing is...I'm just one of many he molested - and one of many that have been molested. That's one of the reasons there is so much anger on boards like these. Pedophilia is NOT an auto-DF. The scary thing is - no one knows about it. So you have householders who could be called on by pedophiles, SERVING elders that are pedophiles, etc. etc.
Oh- and he made it back to be an MS before he died. Do I think he quit? not for one nanosecond. Pedophiles do not after study after study has proven that.
Elders? do the rest of us know what they know..?
by angel eyes inwhat things about elders do only elders know and the rest of us dont?
i never knew they had a hand book till i came on here.
unsure why they dont mention it because surely its not meant to be a secret?.
AE - Your statement:
pedophiles cant be elders can they?
I don't know whether to run out and get you fireproof clothing to protect you or just make popcorn - yikes.
My molester was an elder.
Yes, the other elders knew (including my own father.)
No. He was not removed and nothing. Nothing. was done. It's that pesky two-witness rule thing, you know.
He was finally removed years and years later after he molested a couple of siblings. NEVER disfellowshipped.
Elders? do the rest of us know what they know..?
by angel eyes inwhat things about elders do only elders know and the rest of us dont?
i never knew they had a hand book till i came on here.
unsure why they dont mention it because surely its not meant to be a secret?.
For what it's worth -
I am probably in the minority but I still believe most elders are serving with good intentions.
I also think most are under-qualified, completely misled and are only carrying out the guidance they've been given without really thinking of the consequences - but I do think most of them are doing what they have come to believe is right. That doesn't make them right, of course.
Elders? do the rest of us know what they know..?
by angel eyes inwhat things about elders do only elders know and the rest of us dont?
i never knew they had a hand book till i came on here.
unsure why they dont mention it because surely its not meant to be a secret?.
They know the names of every pedophile in the congregation and the rest of the congregation doesn't.
Hubby is Researching 607...
by cognac inwould you say that's the beginning of the end?
hubby's researching if the beginning date can be proven from the bible its starting date is 607. clearly, he won't find the answer.... here's hoping he will see the light... .
I think it's going to depend on whether or not "fufilled prophecy" is what keeps him in. If it's something else, it may not be as important. For me - it took approximately 12 hours for my entire belief system to come tumbling down.
While I'm so grateful it did, it was a horrifically terrifying experience. Cognac - IF this is what does it for him, be ready for some pretty tough emotional issues...realizing everything you built your life around is completely false - can really wreak havoc with your psyche.
How many XJWs went onto another faith....?
by 2pink ini'm just curious here.. as i am exiting currently and trying to find my new place (and belief system) in this world, i am wondering what the experience was like for other xjws.
did you go onto a new faith?
i'd love to read your responses.
I think it's interesting that John 6:60-69 has been used to many times to browbeat people into feeling guilty about leaving...and equally interesting that it's been misquoted so many times that JWs believe Peter meant an organization. The actual scripture reads To WHOM would we go? (i.e. one person, Christ - not WHOM - a religious faith). Personally, I don't believe in either anymore...I agree with Liftsong "if you deem religion to be about enlightenment to where we fit into this amazing universe and gain the ability to evolve as a person to the greater good and the world around me, then yes I did." Eloquently put.
(edited b/c I had so many typos. Good heavens.)
Rehab has been very interesting, but ended nightmarishly....
by oompa inhi guys...oompa here.
was i in rehab for alcohol addiction or jwd addiction!?!?
! computers or cellphones allowed so i have been awol awhile..... ya, i finally made my self sick enough on booze to realize i was really sick and tired of being sick and checked myself into rehab without any planning at all and while wife was out of town on a family was a a very desperate moment in my life, and i was extremely physically and emotionally sick....i was so desperate i took zero time to reseach where to go, but called an old school friend who said rehab had saved his life and he made the calls and actually took me and helped me check in to the place he went to 5 years ago.
Yay!!! Congrats on your sobriety date! One day at a time. YOU are worth keeping clean and sober.
Time To Vent Part 1
by tryingtoexit innother thing that's gonna be hard for me during my fade.
is all the stupid rules.
things i never questioned, but now that i'm more knowledgable about this cult, i hate on these non bible based rules.. they use the nice word "principles" but we all know what they really mean.
Maybe it's a regional thing. I remember a brother giving a talk at a circuit assembly several years ago counselling the sister to wear pantyhose in field service - bare toes showed we didn't take the ministry seriously and didn't properly reflect the organization. I remember it quite well b/c all of the sisters I knew were soooo angry. Um...We lived in the south where the heat index routinely was over 100 degrees. Wearing pantyhose out in the sun for 2 hours = guaranteed heatstroke.
Latin congregations usually allow moustaches, caucasian ones - it can be frowned upon. I have NEVER heard of a brother given privileges who had facial hair - through 3 different countries where i served. I have seen some with beards or goatees but they were considered "rebellious" and "spiritually weak".
Witnesses and apostasy from the WT
by isaacaustin in"apostates" are considered by the wt to be the worst kind of sinners, and summarily shunned at all costs.
while there is no scriptural basis for this when the seeming proof-texts are analyzed....fear and loyalty to the org always allow this to keep going on.
in the book of matthew, jesus was tempted by the satan the devil.
Nodding - and if you take "apostate" as it is defined - then even Christ was an apostate. He left his Jewish faith to establish a new covenant, did he not? And Paul, Peter, all of the apostles? By definition, they were apostates.