Hi, glad to meet you
hello everyone i am new to this board and look forward to getting to know everyoneee....just wanted to say that, thanks bye bye.
Hi, glad to meet you
who needs a new bookbag?
perhaps a door hanger stating a scripture straight from the "good/evilbook" itself...the new world translation!
What about these bookmarks?
BM1 Reminders Teaching on Bible Studies .25 no tassel
BM2 Reminders for Apartment Witnessing
BM3 Reminders for Magazine Witnessing
i was thinking about this in several areas today.. 1) district conventions and house-to-house work.
if you were a witness for a long time, you probably remember a time when going to the conventions seemed perfectly "normal" to you: it was absolutely "the thing" to sit in a sports arena all day listening to bible talks and counsel from men in suits.. but at some point, did you ever start to feel like you were participating in a cultural relic, so to speak?.
as in, "here it is, the 1990's, and the society is still using fundamentally the same old format they've been using all century long.
I think that the main reason for d2d is to keep the dubs really busy. The JWs are supposed to be up-to-date with the mags and literature so that they can place them. So it was one way make sure that everyone read the literature. The way it was explained to me was that if you are giving out spiritually, you need to keep topping it up.
Didn't work for me, though, because I pioneered for years, without reading the literature first. OOps, guess that is why I am here now.
IMO, this is just part of the mind-control over the JWs.
back in late 1973 when i got my fatal doubts about the wtbts, i was sure that the society would crumble soon after 1975 when yet another prediction failed.
i was not alone with this thought; a british author by the name of stevenson (an exjw that had written an expose) allocated an entire chapter in his book about the likelihood that there would be a very major falling away in 1976 or soon thereafter.. but it didn't happen.
yes, there were several years of consecutive worldwide declines.
In our congregation, nothing much was made of 1975, except that it was the end of 6000 years. The elders just pointed to the fact that it was just a date, and pointed to Matt 24:36 about no-one knowing the day etc. As they said, the 6000 years would have been known to Jesus, and even Satan, and so would the time of Eve's creation. So, to us, 1975 was just a sign-post along the way. That made more sense to me than that 1975 would be the start of Armageddon.
Simon, you said
The main thing is that people should be allowed to leave if they want without fear of any reprisals (like losing family and friends). If they gave up the bully boy tactics I'm sure more would leave.Exactly. It would also lead to the open discussion of doubts, and people would be less inclined to 'Wait on Jehovah' when they realised that their own doubts were not due to their lack of study etc.
a lawyer once told me, "everything you say can and will be twisted against you in a court of law.".
a situation came up that recalled yet another act of jw justice.
another person commented to me regarding the above, "no doubt this little axiom more than applies in judicial committee meetings too.
Amazing, you say
I know that this is unfortunately true.
However, in a court of law accused ones have a chance to defend themselves, with representation.
DB, you say
However, as a guy who sat on a few committees myself, I think we really did try to effect justice, at least to some degree.While I agree that there are elders who do try, personal feelings affect judgement. Until the elders are able to stop putting the welfare of the organization above the welfare of people, there will be no true justice.
i was very close friends with brother "kind" who was a jw for over 30 years.
kind did not know this file existed.. one evening, bro.
the po was on the committee, and bro.
Amazing, this part
He was not allowed to see the evidence or the conclusions drawn from it by the Elders involved
would have had the case thrown out in court of law.
Even hardened criminals get the opportunity to know what evidence is being presented against them.
By the way, shouldn't this one be #9?
it's strange how life has a tendency to balance things out, to ultimately repay us for both our bad deeds and our good deeds.. how ironic it is that the wtbts's policy on shunning has now become a major force that actually unites searchers for justice throughout the world!
what a smack in the teeth to this unilateral org, they themselves through their appalling treatment of ex's, have finished up simply pushing so called apostates into each others arms!.
would sites such as this exist if the wtbts rescinded their belief in shunning?
Englishman, you ask
Would sites such as this exist if the WTBTS rescinded their belief in shunning?
While i agree with you that the shunning policy is a major uniting factor, I think they might still exist.
Some examples of reasons that such sites could be needed are:
The WTS changes policy, and pretends they have not done so.
The blood issue, causing unnecessary deaths, is enforced, although the society says it is a conscience matter.
They constantly harass the JWs to do more in 'placing literature', bible study work, meeting attendance and meeting preparation.
as it was considered back in 1995 that due to not holding to the society's view of the literal generation of 1914,i had disasociated myself,now all jehovah,s witnesses dont believe this anymore,are they all appostate for rejecting this important truth,that i had apparently sinned so much in rejecting?????????
Cautious, you said
But it seems to me that people are dfed from the WTS for not believing them, and it doesn't appear to matter what the doctrine is, you just have to agree with them. So, as the WTS change their minds, you must faithfully follow them in their new thoughts and agree to that too
That is exactly the way it is. To be a JW, you must accept the society is god's channel, and you must say "Yes" and "Amen" to every idiotic utterance
a mexican wave.. cheerleaders.. a streaker.. ice cream / hot dog vendors.. people standing up with their fist raised high saying "yes!".
extra time.. presentation of awards.. autographs.. booing.. the audience waving their lighters as night falls.. there must be more!.
englishman.. ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.
The final prayer? I used to wonder if it was really a shortened Public Talk. (Sometimes not much shortened, either)
Enlightened, you asked
are they clapping as a symbol of saying "Thank God thats over and done with for another year!!"I clapped for that one.
in the crowded corridors at the district convention, there was a purse snatcher.
i was in the right place at the right time to catch it all.. this guy grabbed this sister's purse and made off with it.
she screamed and several brothers were in purseuit.
ROFLOL what a great story.
Trouble is, it is so true that those contribution boxes are everywhere.
Mommy, I never had the courage, but I often wanted to say no to sending money to the organisation. I thought that since we were trying to raise money for a new KH we needed to keep the money for the congregation to use/
Every week they were browbeating us during the service meeting, to give, give, giveYes, it made me unwilling to contribute. I seem to remember that C Russell said something about knowing it was time to stop when the voluntary contributions stopped coming in.