im an atheist and i like the idea that comes with freedom of though and analytical thinking that follows being atheistic vs having a religion im just kinda in a jam because i need to try and find something to completely lose the thoughts in the back of my head that say what if im wrong and i "suffer" because of it. i feel that if i can find something to destroy these thoughts i can be alot more comfortable with my views and opinions. anyone have any thoughts on what i should do. what did u guys do when u became atheists? i feel like its alot easier to remain agnostic and in a state of neutrallity rather than to actively choose a position. what do u guys think?
JoinedPosts by Lotus65
im an atheist and i like the idea of being an athiest but its kinda hard
by Lotus65 inim an atheist and i like the idea that comes with freedom of though and analytical thinking that follows being atheistic vs having a religion im just kinda in a jam because i need to try and find something to completely lose the thoughts in the back of my head that say what if im wrong and i "suffer" because of it.
i feel that if i can find something to destroy these thoughts i can be alot more comfortable with my views and opinions.
anyone have any thoughts on what i should do.
JW spanking their kids
by asilentone inwhat do you think about jw spanking their kids at the kingdom hall?
i hate the idea off hitting ur kids and calling it discipline cause its not really discipline its just causing them physical damage and they dont understand what they did was wrong they just know that i get beaten if i do that so i wont do that. my uncle used to beat us all the time to the point we were scared to ask for food because of the severe beatings we got when doing something wrong. he didnt beat us all the time but it was bad when he did and although we loved him the beatings he gave scared the crap out of us and when we asked why we were told that they used to stone kids for being disobedient and now all we get is beatings. my point is that when i see kids getttin beat it makes me mad and embarassed and seeing as how my family sees me a weak link im gonna make it a point to embarass all of them on the "child rearing" techniques next time i see them. so maybe they learn that god doesnt want them to brutalize young children
did taze plan for a massive religion that appeals to only the downtrodden?
by Lotus65 indid taze when originally created this religion did he plan for the massive cult organization that it has become or was it mere chance and did he plan to prey on the weak and downtrodden people in society or was this originally supposed to encompass all people into "life saving" religion
did taze when originally created this religion did he plan for the massive cult organization that it has become or was it mere chance and did he plan to prey on the weak and downtrodden people in society or was this originally supposed to encompass all people into "life saving" religion
World of Warcraft fans???
by Confucious in.
hey guys.... i'm a big gamer.
i play a game called world of warcraft.. i know of 2 other people on my server that are jw.. one is a fader and the other a regular at the meetings.. i actually discovered them by accident after chatting with them during christmas time.. just wondering if anyone else here plays on wow.. confucious
i love wow i play at least 16 hours a week join me on uther my names are taychon, solusknight and cryos
was there a 1975 "scare"
by Lotus65 inive heard through different research ive done along with people ive talked too that there was a 1975 "scare" in which the time was supposed and the end was at hand
is that true
Ive heard through different research ive done along with people ive talked too that there was a 1975 "scare" in which the time was supposed and the end was at hand is that true
I received a package from my mother today
by ex-nj-jw inmy dub mother sent me a package today, inside was a nwt bible, a picture of me around age 5 at an assembly - i looked miserable and my dad was holding a battery operated fan in front of me, and a letter, here is the letter.
i ask that you remember that i was 18 when i left and i'm now 42, that there is a total of 8 children in my family and there are only 2 that are still jw's, oh and that my mother is a complete nutcase!
dear nj:.
wow sorry about ur mom and the organization although she is being so horrible to u try to remember that this is a brainwashed member of a cult speaking these are just the destructive effects of the watchtower society and the governing body
Saturday District Convention notes: Don't research JW's online!!!!
by truthseeker inwith two thirds of my sentence complete, i am almost ready for parole.. there was some unbelievable stuff said today - i think there must be some sort of hallucinogenic gas coming through the ac, because no one batted an eyelid over what was said from the platform.. as usual, i will highlight the main talks.. .
"deliver us from the wicked one and from every sort of lawlessness" - matt 6:13, titus 2:14. .
they had me beliving that they were as sincere as they said they were for about 30 mins i was sitting their and listening with an opwn mind to them they had me beleiving that they were the best christians because of there practices of brotherhood and good faith toward each other. the attendant came over to my section and i could have sworn he saw me with a kjv version i actually think that he told the speakers that i had one because i was sitting at the edge of the row and i saw him looking at me. because they specifically mentioned the version i was using and said that the name jehovah was taken out inside of them putting it in. for a couple minutes i was almost considering talking to the brothers about heresy and apostasy. but then i thought about all the negative aspects and got up and took a walk before they could poison me anymore
i know what straw man is but i need a definite definition before i put my notes from the scamming brainwashing convention on the forum
Saturday District Convention notes: Don't research JW's online!!!!
by truthseeker inwith two thirds of my sentence complete, i am almost ready for parole.. there was some unbelievable stuff said today - i think there must be some sort of hallucinogenic gas coming through the ac, because no one batted an eyelid over what was said from the platform.. as usual, i will highlight the main talks.. .
"deliver us from the wicked one and from every sort of lawlessness" - matt 6:13, titus 2:14. .
i was forced to goto that damned convention because im 16 and a minor and i took 7 pages of written notes on every piece of bull i saw there im thinking of putting them online or on the forum but thats alot to type lol
Follow up commentary - 72 year old JW died refusing transfusion
by Gopher inhere is a follow-up for those interested.
here was the original story from last week: the elders came to make sure margaret would die.
a former jw wrote a compelling commentary protesting the policy leading to her death: click here.
i think that we should take a look at the religion when making these descicions to see if its a legitiamte religion based on some form of logic or actually a cult i know that its not anyone's right to say but when u look at the jw's they are alot more outstanding as a cult than other religions