Mr. flipper... I went back through your posts back to about april...trying to get a handle on where you are as a jw/exjw. appears you have been inactive 4 years and have moved away from your old congo. I am guessing you never had your card forwarded to the nearest congo to where you are...just tried to fade away...almost successful too (damn ex-wife)
mr flipper, I am trying to figure out the timetable here. Aug/Sept 06, ex-wife and daughter try to catch you and mrs. flipper in compromising position (nothing to catch, not stopping the ex from accusing you). You and mrs flipper get married in Oct 06. Nov 06 you get a call from your former (technically still your current) elders wanting to meet for an inquisition. You decline. Fast forward to Feb 07, you get a letter inviting you to a BorgInquisition. Is this all correct?
Assuming it is, why did they wait 2 months (what Mar/Apr 07?) to D/F you? Did they announce this before they told you were D/F, or has the announcement been held in abeyance while this appeal goes through? Are you D/F now (exhiled to Shunville) or in D/F BorgLimbo (meaning, no privleges, but you are not yet exhiled officially to Shunville?)
So now you appeal in May 07 and here it is almost the end of JUNE 07, 10 months after the initial accusation? WTF? I am curious that the chairman admitted they could not come to a decision. They are not supposed to tell you that they did not agree or even that they are leaning toward no decision unless it is to uphold the original committee decision. They should have just said we have a couple more questions. The fact that they are delaying this whole thing rather than just uphold the original committee tells me that one or more elders on the Appeals committee has some serious doubts about the original decision. Since it is your ex-wife making the accusation, her testimony should have been seriously questioned in the first place.
Oh yes, the CO is definitely involved, since he is the one who chooses the appeals committee (usually from within the circuit, but sometimes outside depending on ties to the accused). Yes, I think am certain the BorgServiceDepartment has been contacted.
I have some inside knowledge of the process at BorgService assuming I was informed correctly (please dont ask how, I just do, and no I never was a bethelite/CO, etc). As someone else said here, it is rare that an appeals committee decides opposite of the original committee. (And rarer for the original committee to be reversed by Service.) If the appeals committee either decides opposite or no decision, then it goes to BorgService for a decision. That is not just a flip of a coin. I know procedure there, and they have procedures for just about any imaginable scenario that could be thrown their way. Tons and tons of old JC case studies. It could stop at the brother at the state desk in consult with others in BorgService. It could go to the service desk committee of the branch (US in this case?) could go to the Service Committee of the GB. In extreme cases, it could go to the GB...although you (and the local elders) will never know how far up it goes before a decision is sent back. However, this could be a lengthy process the further it goes. There may be tons of phone calls and/or letters going back and forth between BorgService, Appeals, Original, CO, DO, depending on who gets involved.
Your case does not seem that complicated. I think ultimately you will be ruled against. I say this because you do not have "works befitting repentance", meaning you are not at meetings, FS, even if you did nothing (and I have no reason to believe you did anything wrong even in the eyes of the Borg...this is just your exwife exercising a vendetta), you have not been to the meetings, so out of the Borg you go. I am surprised it has gone this far in the appeals process. Most appeals committees I dealt with would have said "4 years inactive? forgeddaboudim!"
The only reason to go forward is a) to mess with them b) to try to show JW family you still care what the Borg thinks c)to maintain contact with the JW family. Some say why bother. Others say fight em. I have no advice, just info. PM if this is confusing or you have questions..... I wish you well. Your avatar always makes me smile.
SnakesInTheTower (of the "still have a toe trapped in the Borg" Sheep Class)