glad to hear things are going well with you (except for that
) ...
You have come a long way in such a short time of posting (less than 2 months as of this writing). Your prolific postings have been informative, encouraging, humorous, and appreciated.
As for the reg pio/MS thing....I am surprised you have not given up on at least the pioneering already. I dont know if you were "making your time" (tm) in February, but apparenty you are not making quota now. Yet, you stated the following about the elders in your congo:
I've gotten no calls from any of the elders accept two, and they might've called twice each at the most, but it does seem like they're inquiring about me through another person at the moment.
and this:
t's been about a month and a half and i've been to 2 congregation meetings within that time span
HUH??? How is it the spiritual shepherds have not contacted a MS/reg pioneer under such circumstances? Even the worst body of elders Gestapos should have been encouraging you getting on your case for shirking your responsibilities. I dont know when your CO visit is, but expect that if you have not "humbly" stepped aside by then, you will be removed and serious questions will be asked..... OF YOU NOT THE BORGelders.
In my experience and training in the Borg, RF, I highly recommend you step aside immediately....Write them a letter, blame it on the loss of your fiancee if you want....depressed, blah blah....just dont express doubts about the Borg! if you want ANY chance at a successful fade. (hey, I can relate to that...I started going down hill after my fiancee broke off our engagement last year). But if you wait, it will make your fade harder....unless your CO is as asleep at the switch as your elders seem to be (either that, or as cunning ...and they are waiting to pounce on you during the CO visit).
Glad your sister is being so awesome...and sounds like the mental vice grip that the Borg has on your parents is getting a serious crack in it... family is all important...despite what the Borg keeps trying to pound into our head about JW family being tenfold after losing nonJW family....blah blah...
glad to hear the story is on the upswing... love to chug a mug one day with you... cheers!
SnakesInTheTower (of the "tipping my cap to Roller Dave for his comment about my closing" Sheep Class)
Plus, you're the guy who introduced us all to the (of the 'whatever' sheep class) thingie. I LOVE that, it's a very useful device for commentary, and I thank you.
...someone finally got it!...sometimes now I just shorten it to () if I am just welcoming someone to the board...cause Im in hurry sometimes! like this one!!!...