i made a ginger almond chicken recipe that I did in the slow cooker (aka crock pot) the other night
it was delicious
Snakes (Rich )
i made a ginger almond chicken recipe that I did in the slow cooker (aka crock pot) the other night
it was delicious
Snakes (Rich )
saturday - wake up with a big smile on my face, cause hey, it's field service time!
spend approx.
I faded before my last convention...then went to one last meeting...then never went back....that was 3 years ago...
I do not know how many thousands of hours I was in field circus....likely tens of thousands since I pioneered for a bunch of years
and spent lots of time at quickbuilds, etc...
get your life back.
Snakes (Rich )
well, i have been a memeber for a while.
thought the site was gone.. nice to see its still up and running.. learned alot here.. to summerize..........born into the jdub......got df'd at 15.... (am 34 now)on purpose (was molested by my uncle, so wanted out, saw the bs of covering that kind of thing up at an early age),.
dad was an elder, grandad was a po, etc.. left home after being df'd..........ran away....never to return....had a hard time learning how the " world" really was.. anyways......just glad to see this board is still around........just wanted to extend myself to anyone who needs to talk about abuse or the difficulty of "getting out".
welcome back to the insanity jesika
a lot of people have moved on...some moved to another board when they thought this one was closing...
...the board has changed a lot...but some of the standbys are here. Like a bad penny (whatever that means), I am still around.
Snakes (Rich )
the picture of a train falling off a cliff at 1975.... and.
isn't there a photo of russell's tombstone in one of the early publications?
if so, what book was it, and does anyone have scan of it?.
I dont know if this is it or not...according to the website I found this it was from the old Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained (orange kids book).
Kingdom Ministry May 1974 p.3 How Are You Using Your Life? "Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end."
Snakes (Rich )
i posted this rant on my notes on facebook.
why i have no idea... (maybe because i am reading the facebook effect about that company).. are you sick of your job?.
someone recently told me that i should be glad i have a job.
oh...did I mention that they cut are compensation? I wish I could post a copy of the corporate memo...it came from the executives in New Jersey...basically talking about the economy and their margins shrinking. Our company had to cut the rate they charge the cable company to become the dominant vendor and shut out the other companies doing what we do.
So the first (and I do not believe last) place they cut is how much we are reimbursed for picking up each cable box or modem. Right before I started 5 years ago, techs were paid $12 a box....then $12 for just HD/DVR boxes and $9 for regular digital boxes and $5 for modems....which can be sweet if a customer has 4 or 5 boxes. Then they cut us to $9 no matter what kind of cable box (still $5 for modems). More recently, they told us...you have to sell/upgrade cable to at least 1 customer a week or we cut your compensation to $8 and we cut your compensation by $1 per customer and 1% on your collections.... (though I got the boss to amend that for me, but I still take that hit occasionally).
Now...it is another $1 off the equipment... so it could be $7 per box. Meanwhile, my gas costs keep going up. I have to work harder to get the same amount of money...meaning drive more hours.
And in case you think I make great money ($20-25/hr on avg)...I do not work 40 hours in the field because 10 hours a week is paperwork...meaning I am not out knocking on doors collecting. Then I drive 50-100 miles a day plus going to the office....by the time it is all done, I make less than $15/hr before taxes.... and some weeks less than that.
I have gotten hurt once on this job. I was told to take a few days off to heal, but I was not paid for those days, but my company did have to pay the express care bill. I have been bitten twice in the last couple of years and threatened numerous times by customers.
I am starting paperwork now...and have to drive to the office to drop it and equipment off ..and pick up new work..then go home and sort that out.
My fiancee is right...I spend more time than I think on this job. I am looking, looking.
Economic recovery my ass. I need some coffee.
Snakes (Rich )
i posted this rant on my notes on facebook.
why i have no idea... (maybe because i am reading the facebook effect about that company).. are you sick of your job?.
someone recently told me that i should be glad i have a job.
used to be I could count on literally more work than I could handle and cherry pick the work orders most likely to pay or return large amounts of cable equipment. cable company has gotten smart and limiting the amount of equipment that customers can have... and is turning off their service faster...instead of 60-90 or even 120 days delinquent (from date of the bill), they have cut it to as little as 41 days. (11 days after the bill comes out) depending on what day a Thursday falls.
Now, I am lucky to get 100-120 work orders but spread out over the same size area, meaning less contacts per hour, meaning less opportunity to collect money and/or equipment.... and those work orders that are printing are more resistant to collections because the cable company has already precalled (read, harrassed with a dialer followed by a philipine CSR wanting payment). by the time I get it, the customer is pissed.
Oh well, I am working in the projects (public housing) today and other areas. Just waiting for my beautiful bride to be to get home. I am watching the 9YO.
Snakes (Rich )
i posted this rant on my notes on facebook.
why i have no idea... (maybe because i am reading the facebook effect about that company).. are you sick of your job?.
someone recently told me that i should be glad i have a job.
I posted this rant on my notes on facebook. Why I have no idea... (maybe because I am reading The Facebook Effect about that company).
Are you sick of your job?
I am. Someone recently told me that I should be glad I HAVE a job. Interesting. Do they mean a job that is commission only, minimum wage ($8.50/hr) guaranteed but if I am making that little in commission I won't still have the job, a job where I put 30K miles a year on my car, no reimbursement for fuel or repairs, work in all kinds of weather...no paid vacation, no benefits. I would hate to do a cost analysis of my expenses versus what I make. I would probably have to quit on the spot.
No idea until Thursday night/Friday morning what my work load will be for the week following? A job where I have our clients customers yelling and/or cussing and/or threatening me because our client doesnt know how to provide customer service and outsources it to Panama/Philipines/Pakistan? A job where I am trying to convince people to pay their past due accounts on service that is spotty/dodgy/inconsistent?
I should be glad I have THAT job. Wow. Profound.
**********end of facebook rant)
What I want is a job that pays a decent wage, working regular daytime hours, with benefits for me and my family. Without health insurance, me and my fiancee are going to have a difficult time getting married. Though we will bite the bullet if one or both of us doesnt have a new job by March 2011. We want to get married, but she is going back to school and jobs are scarce around here. Unemployment rate in this area is around 10-11 percent. That is the rate of those collecting unemployment, not those whose benefits have run out or they have given up. Estimated that 5-6 people are chasing every job. Go to a brick and mortar establishment and often they tell you to apply online. (Thus why I am online right now). The job listings on the major boards are slim. I apply for what I might be remotely interested in that has benefits. I customize my resume for each prospective employer I am frustrated.
Of course, if you are reading this and have no job, then my little rant is petty at best and your frustration is exponentially larger. And for that, I apologize...that whole "met a man with no shoes, then met a man with no feet..." kind of thing. Yes, there is always someone in worse shape.
Here is hoping the economy gets better soon (hint: quit outsourcing jobs to foreign countries and giving tax credits for the privilege).
Snakes (Rich )
i've been offered the option of working from 8 pm until 4 am.. pay is a little more.. the only drawback is the drive to and fro.. have you ever done something similar?.
avoid it like the plague... I did it off and on for years. You never get used to it....ever.
Snakes (of the "wants a Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm job with benefits" Sheep Class)
cc: my supervisor, our manager, our vicepresident.
guy that didn't show up:.
guy that didn't show up.
i once got fired over the "tone" of an internal communication at the major water utility I was employed by. The recipient of the email did not object but did comment to me personally about "toning it down" but they loved me. This guy was a supervisor in California at a local district office and I was in Illinois at a call center as a billing specialist. They had a customer that kept asking for unreasonable adjustments on their water bill. I finally emailed that I made one last adjustment and that was it. My problem was using all caps and bold on a few words...that was the "tone" problem.
The issue escalated because I cc'd a call center supervisor who was dealing with the customer from our end. He had a huge issue and escalated it to my boss, her boss, and his boss.
That evening, I kept getting receipts returned via LotusNotes that my emails were being opened, one after the other. Problem was, they were days, weeks, even months old. Same supervisor was opening them. I walked out of my cubicle to hers. She was in there crying. After 50 emails she had to suspend me. Too many "problem" emails.
I was fired a few days later. I won my unemployment appeal. But I sure hated to lose that job. Despite the politics, which I sucked at, I loved what I did and it paid well (at the time) and had full benefits.
Now I have a job that pays well but no benefits.
Moral of the story..be careful what you email. Other moral of the story...if you are employed...stay employed and keep your head below the radar...until you can find something else.
Snakes (Rich )
dear tech support,.
last year i upgraded from boyfriend 5.0 to husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow-down in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under boyfriend 5.0. in addition, husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as romance 9.5 and personal attention 6.5 and then installed undesirable programs such as nfl 5.0, nhl 3.0 and golf clubs 4.1. conversation 8.0 no longer runs and housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.
please note that i have tried running nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.
marking for later read to Fiancee 2.0. Her sense of humor (v 3.1) is compatible with this thread.
Snakes (Rich )