I was not asked I was told I along with all of the other elders were sitting on the case.
Search my recent posts and that of poster donuthole... I was an elder on his apostasy JC case.... no way out of it.
Snakes (Rich )
i woke up this morning wondering what any elders who frequent this site would do if they were asked to part of a judicial commitee to disfellowship an apostate.. how would you handle it?.
has it happened to you?.
no deep reason why, just wondering!.
I was not asked I was told I along with all of the other elders were sitting on the case.
Search my recent posts and that of poster donuthole... I was an elder on his apostasy JC case.... no way out of it.
Snakes (Rich )
today is sunday.
i ranted about being sick of my job a couple of months ago, seen that the thread was bumped yesterday.
i usually work 2 or 3 days of the weekend (fri-sun) because that is when i make the most money (being commission and all).
police uniform. I thought you would take the hint in my previous post
a lot of people who have not run across me already think I am either a) a cop b) a bounty hunter...or c) serving papers.
All because of my hat.
on another front...i interviewed for another job yesterday....still collections, but in the safety of a cube farm. The total interview lasted 90 minutes They went from the standard questions to an additional 45 minutes of what the interviewer said were "optional questions".....some were questions that had nothing to do with the original interview...and some were tied to specifics of my resume and my experience. It was the most brutal, mentally exhausting interviews I have ever had.
Do you think they would ask me "how much time do you need to give to your current employer if you were offered the job?" if they were not going to offer me the job? Next two training sessions start 9/20 and 10/7. Full benefits, medical, etc...that start Oct 1 if I start in September.
Fingers crossed.
Snakes (Rich )
i hate to ask you good folks to jump around but the first post in the thread below explains why i'm going into the jc meeting, hence the basis for my questions below.... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/198636/1/reply-to-judicial-committee-question-thenoblelodge.
i have no idea how to present my witnesses.
they've already agreed to show up.
I would ask God not to charge this sin against them. I said it and I meant it. I forgave everyone in that meeting that night and I have tried to live up to that.
I thought it was something like that, but didnt want to misquote you. Good attitude to have. I don't think I have been DF, but I do think a marking talk has been made at area congos about me without mentioning me directly. I am avoided by most so-called "Strong" witnesses in the area now. (strong = elders, MS, pioneers, spouses of same).
looking forward to SBC's update....
Snakes (Rich )
i hate to ask you good folks to jump around but the first post in the thread below explains why i'm going into the jc meeting, hence the basis for my questions below.... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/198636/1/reply-to-judicial-committee-question-thenoblelodge.
i have no idea how to present my witnesses.
they've already agreed to show up.
During my JC I asked three times who my accusers were and they failed to present them. The third time I was asked to leave the room and they would discuss if they bring forth my accusers, when I returned to the room I was summarily disfellowshipped.
....and since I was one of the elders on your JC, I can tell everyone else here what I already told you.
You had no chance at all. It had already been decided to DF you by the PO, his daddy, and the CO. The rest of us elders were dragged into the mess as a loyalty test. If we refused to go along with the charade, then we were also apostate. No this was not said, it was implied. If you went against the H family, then you were toast. (Ironic now that the PO and his wife were recently DF, along with the PO's mommy being DF and the PO's brother in law DF...and the whole H family gang and their buddy the service overseer are all gone). I dont think there is a single one of us elders from that JC still a JW..or at least not elders.......irony and karma rolled up in a sushi roll.
They (the PO and his daddy) had flimsy evidence (if you can define "evidence" as copies ...easily a ream of paper printed of your old blog which had nothing "apostate" in it), and NO witnesses (unless they count an anonymous email that an elderly sister presented to them that she suspected was from you as "Witnesses").... so your blog and the email were the evidence AND the 2 witnesses. It was as f**ked up as a soup sandwhich. The whole JC was just a formality for an already decided eventuality. The PO had it out for you and that was good enough. I stalled the thing as long as I could behind the scenes.
The appeals committee was also rigged by the CO....made up of the sub CO for the circuit, a young MTS elder (who was taking extensive notes) and another heavy hitter elder ...all from the A side (north) of the circuit. Your final parting words were classic and I wish I had my notes from that meeting.... you told them where they (and I since I was there too) stood.... I thought you were classy in your departure. Can you refresh my memory about what you said?
Snakes (Rich )
today is sunday.
i ranted about being sick of my job a couple of months ago, seen that the thread was bumped yesterday.
i usually work 2 or 3 days of the weekend (fri-sun) because that is when i make the most money (being commission and all).
I know that you have been trying to find another line of work, have you ever thought of being a cop?
NO... and my fiancee would never marry a cop....so that is out...
Side story......although I was at the police station not long ago picking up a report. A lady in records told me the position of records clerk was opening up again and I should take the civil service exam. Problem is, I took the same exam 6 years ago. I scored #1 out of 150 applicants. In the final interview with the Civil Service Commission, I was up against a black woman. White guy against "double minority." I was more qualified than her on the required practical skills. The chairman....err...chairwoman of the Commission was (and I think still is) a black woman. The other 2 were old white guys who were nothing but window dressing. She ran the show....and gave the black lady the job. A friend, since retired, who worked for the city then in the building, gave me the real scoop later. She said I had no chance of being hired, that they already had who they wanted waiting in the wings but the mayor had to go through the motions of attempting to hire minorities. The black woman was hired for show, went through training and probation, then quietly let go because she did not have the skills. They then went off the original exam list but skipped m. Who did they hire? A white woman....the woman in records who I was talking to....she had since been promoted and her old job..the one I should have had...with benefits....was back up for grabs.
I didnt have a problem with the lady...I used to work with her at a call center....I have a problem with out city and lack of leadership. I dont want to be low man on the totem pole and then get laid off 4 months later. That and the office has no windows and no natural light. I would go batshit. I will look elsewhere for a job...Toni and I want to get the hell out of this no-job, no-industry town.
I am sure the dubs will have their jaws dropped to the ground when they see you in uniform
lol...what uniform? I wear a tshirt and jeans and walking shoes. (Though technically my tshirt is supposed to have our logo on it, they want me to buy the shirts). I have a client issued name badge clipped to my collar and my infamous hat. Hell, the hat gives me away before the badge does I have been at this so long. Once in awhile I see dubs, but because of the hat they dont recognize me. That and I dont work in an area I used to preach in. But that running from dogs and dodging pissed off householders finally became a marketable skill. lol
Snakes (Rich )
i posted this rant on my notes on facebook.
why i have no idea... (maybe because i am reading the facebook effect about that company).. are you sick of your job?.
someone recently told me that i should be glad i have a job.
today is sunday.
i ranted about being sick of my job a couple of months ago, seen that the thread was bumped yesterday.
i usually work 2 or 3 days of the weekend (fri-sun) because that is when i make the most money (being commission and all).
Today is Sunday. I ranted about being sick of my job a couple of months ago, seen that the thread was bumped yesterday. I usually work 2 or 3 days of the weekend (Fri-Sun) because that is when I make the most money (being commission and all). Sometimes I take a day off, usually Sunday. Money being tight and work light starting tomorrow through Thursday, thought I should work a few hours. Made good money.
It was a weird weird weird day. The strangest door was a door I had been by the previous Friday. The customer's family asked me to come back later....often a stall tactic. I waited until the last possible day, today, to go back before final shut off of cable tomorrow. They sent a little girl to the door. I asked for the customer or another adult. She said her parents (the customer) was asleep but her grandma was home. I asked her to go get granny. Granny sent her back to the door saying come back later. I sent her to go get her parents. They sent her back downstairs with instructions to shut and lock the door. She did.
I wasn't letting this one go. I knew they wouldn't pay but I could sure make some money on their four pieces of cable equipment. I started banging on their door like a cop. They ignored me. Soooo...since I drive a Civic and not a truck or van, I do not carry an extension ladder around I could not shut their connection off at the tap (utility pole). (That and the vertigo I get on the top rung of a 28 foot extension ladder extended all the way out hanging on the steel line was a problem in the company's futile attempt to train me). What I could do was take my trusty little wrench around to the side of the house and unhook the other end of the connection in their house box. I knew this might get a reaction.....ooooh little did I know the reaction. Next thing I see is a teenage boy outside pointing at me and someone say "where is he?!" Next thing I know this dude is running at me full bore like a bull charging....ahhhhh shit. I start running the opposite direction, around the rear of the house to the alley....unfortunately my car is at the front on the street but I wasn't going to be cornered.
The customer is ranting and raving about me owing him $300. What he really means is the cable company. I started yelling at him..."HEY!!!, you didn't pay me $300. GD it, quit chasing me! I don't make enough money to be chased by you." He slowed down a little and started insisting I reconnect the cable. I said: "You give me your equipment and I will hook it back up" (which reestablishes the basic only connection). He made sure I went to the box and did it. He then had the teen get the equipment. (One thing I have learned in the last 5+ years on this job, if a customer is talking, he is not going to fight. It is the quiet ones that worry me.)
I told him..."Dude, why would you risk arrest for cable, and a company you can't stand? I dont think it was right you sending your kid to the door instead of dealing with me yourself. I dont talk to kids about adults business." "Furthermore, had you actually assaulted me, I would have had you arrested. And, although officially we are not supposed to carry weapons to defend ourselves, I will tell you that some of us do, in fact, carry pepper spray among other things." {although officially banned by our company and our client, I went right out and bought 2 canisters as soon as the memo was issued...this time mine happened to be in the car...first time I use it on a person I lose my job...I usually use it on dogs}.
By the time the conversation ended, I had 4 cable equipment boxes, and a handshake and an apology from the customer. He is supposedly getting satellite this week, but someone else will be doing the pole shut off by Wednesday, so either way the cable is off. Too damn much effort for not enough money. It has been too long since I ran that fast outside of a gym treadmill.
My comment about not making enough money for being chased threw him off enough to start thinking and diffuse his anger. Humor gets me out of a lot of tight spots on this job. I bash the cable company all the time. They suck. However, the comment is true.....it is time to find something else. I have been submitting resumes and cover letters. Maybe I should include the following in a cover letter: "Reason I want to work for you: The safety of a cube farm versus being chased by irate customers has a certain sense of security."
Anyway.... that was just part of a weird 5 hour day today...there was other weird things...but that is enough for now. Paperwork is done, trip to the office tomorrow, then no work until Wednesday. It is bed time.
Snakes (Rich )
so, here's your typical "i'm concerned about you" letter.
and my responses.
wanna take a look?.
marking for later look...
Snakes (Rich )
every time i see jw's in service, they are not carrying bookbags but rather plastic holders and small fold over purses to hold them.. what ever happened to the big ol' bookbag in service?.
When I was an elder, I had a large case with wheels and a retractable handle. Of course, being secretary, I could probably justify it a bit better (esp when I also cared for territory briefly). After I quit the cult, I carried my school books for college in it. Since our school has so many stairs and slow elevators, I moved to a small canvas bag (ironically I had from an international convention...since it just said Hamburg Germany and not JW stuff, it was fine).
The large case is now in the garage.
Snakes (Rich )
i was reading through another thread and this was briefly mentioned.
i remember goodie nights, i also remember how they just kind of faded out.
was that an unofficial thing or was there official direction from the fds in the form of a letter/article or local needs talk that put a stop to it?.
One of the things that made being a kid in the cult barely tolerable was "treat night" (aka "goodie night") at the Congregation Book Study.
Not long after I left that congo and started my fade (dec 06), I had noticed that it was coming to an end. First the goodie night goes, then the CBS goes....
...Brooklyn (Patterson) better not mess with coffee breaks....field service will come to an official halt. I tried to shorten breaks (from 45 min-hour) to the normal 15 and got shot down...that told me all I needed to know as a JW and an elder...that people hated FS as much as I did. When I became secretary.... I could tell that the amount of time turned in did not match the amount of time (minus breaks) that was put in.
Maybe the GB will shoot itself in the foot and WT, et. al. will die a quiet death.... how many people do you know are actually contacted at the door anymore by a dub in FS?
Snakes (Rich )