I guess my question is, unless you have a "part" on the meeting, why have a camera as an audience member?
while i sit here watching my extra-pimi wife on zoom.
i see her go into the jw trance, duel personality at it's finest.
it is so creepy to watch this religious personality come out.
I guess my question is, unless you have a "part" on the meeting, why have a camera as an audience member?
while i sit here watching my extra-pimi wife on zoom.
i see her go into the jw trance, duel personality at it's finest.
it is so creepy to watch this religious personality come out.
I cannot imagine sitting through two hours of that horrible gibberish. Especially if it includes live stream if Gibbering Buddy member Steven "Rubber Face Clown" Lett.
So, are you telling me that everyone on Zoom has a camera pointed at them and everyone else can see each other? When I was a kid, my parents said look at the stage not the audience. I was a ADD child before that was a thing.
Hell, I'd rather pick my nose and eat a booger on Zoom for the Jdubs just to gross everyone out. It would be worth it.
F#@k the cult. Glad I am out.
Snakes (Rich)
... or rather listen to the advice on their jw news website:.
show love to others.
while we all know the importance of attending christian meetings and participating in the public ministry, if you are sick, it is best to stay home to avoid infecting others.
You know what I like? That I have no idea when it is. THAT is progress.
well, these stories are always fun, right?
let me share mine.. my husband and have been pimo for 2 years.
inactive for one year.
Welcome to the forum.
I simply walked away in 2007, about 6 months after being removed as an elder. I had the ability to fight the decision and win. (Long story, find it under my user name in my early posts). I just decided I had enough. I don't DA because a) I will not play by their rules, b) my mom is 76 and still a JW in her 50th year in the cult and recently widowed (my stepdad was not a JW) and I don't want to cause her any unnecessary grief. And c) I told the local elduhs that if my name were ever mentioned from the platform or I got wind of any "marking", I would make their ministry impossible. Guess who is not being bothered. LOL.
Snakes (Rich)
from a member of the board asking for this to be posted.. hi.
i'm pimo.
could you please let people know about this?
What was that song.... Celebrate good times, come on, let's celebrate!
i was thinking about how the org is dying, and how the guboobs are trying to give it cpr by transitioning to tvpreach.
now they will construct a media mecca and it looks like they will go full on e digital.
so, i was trying to come up with a name for their new hollywood that would stick.
Lions Lying Gate Entertainment
Univers(ally) Hated Pictures
20 19th Century (Crazy Like A) Fox
New Line World Cinema
i had to submit to a random work place drugs test yesterday, of which i passed.
in this country smoking marijuana / methamphetamine is illegal.
the thing that really struck me was that despite the illegal nature of it, was just how prevalent and problem is.
every once in a while you hear people say they actually “miss” their old witness friends and or family.
some would have even stayed in the organization if they became a bit more liberal and open minded.
Hmmmmm..... I wouldn't go I to a Kingdumb Hell of Jehober's Witlesses for ANY amount of money, for ANY reason, including my JW mom's funeral. Thankfully, she does not want a funeral when she dies.
I HAVE been to 2 JW weddings since leaving. One for my big sister (not related, but close friend at one time), one for a friend who was my best man at my wedding to a non JW, both held at an outside non JW facility. Both officiated by the same elder. Both very incoherent even to the dubs in attendance, even by low dub standards.
Never again. Not in a KH, AH, or convention since summer 2007.
Snakes (Rich )
i have just got of the phone with a relative complaining about the convention venue.
as far as my relative is concerned wt can do no wrong, so for him to say what he did it must of been bad.
the venue where the convention was held was described to me as a “tin shed with no air conditioning”.
Busch Stadium 2, Astroturf, International CONvention, St. Louis, Missouri USA. 120°F on the field. Summer 1978. I was 11. Hotter than hell.
International 2019 held inside, but that place echoes. Former football stadium. Glad I missed it.
Snakes (Rich)
probably not new to many of you but i'm gonna post it anyway!.
i went to a circuit assembly last week at the fremont, ca assembly hall in fremont, ca to be with my wife so she could be there to 'witness' the baptism of a person she "studied" with about 2 decades ago!.
at the main entry to the assembly hall there are 3 or 4 large double door entrances.
I attended an International Convention in Hamburg Germany in 2006. I was shocked to see the brothers manning credit card machines for donations.
Gotta wonder how many go into debt to keep up their donations?
Snakes (of the "kept the plastic in his wallet" Sheep Class)