I sure am glad this thread got bumped up... oldie but goodie.
My Routine while Pioneering(tm)
Start at 6:45 by leaving a tract under the receiver at a phone booth or in a laundry mat (never mind that both were in someone else's territory, just closer to my house to start my Time™.
Meet rest of early morning group at 7. Make sure to drive so as to control the route and order of people getting out. Make sure other 4 people get their Time™ started. Go through drive thru for coffee/soda, etc. Better if you have to hit 2 or 3 places to satisfy everyone. Maybe leave tract with someone.
Make sure that other 4 people hit the laundromats that have people in them. Praise them for having extra long good chats. Encourages such behavior in the future.
Be sure to go to unattended apartment laundry rooms to leave magazines. Leave 2 2006 Back Issues. (Be Make sure to take out the 23 1999 Craptowers already there and throw them back in book bag for later recycling.)
Make sure to do laundry room in apartment in rural area 30 min away. Assure group that Time(tm) continues as long as we are Productive(tm) ...relate experiences to distract.
850 a.m. Make sure to get to Field Service Meeting(tm) 10 min early. Encourage talking afterwards....leave KH at 930am. Hit Eternal Not-At-Home(R) on the way to rural territory.
(Make sure to be Car Captain. Be sure to have odd number. Volunteer as Resident Pioneer(tm) or Elder(tm) to work by yourself so the Sisters(tm) dont have to...praised for unselfish attitude.) Do fake door bell ring/soft knock to prevent waking Householder (tm) while working by oneself.
1025a.m. Ask if anyone needs to freshen up/get coffee....end up at Hardee's, where there are 7 other car groups already starting on their 3/4 Thickburger Combo Meal (1500 cal). Why the hell are they eating THAT so damn early. Stay until 1115.
1115-Noon(ish).... go on Perpetual Return Visits Social Calls..Bonus time if they start Study (tm).
If you must go out in afternoon, just claim to have prearranaged studies and RVs....no, no, have to do these by myself. Be sure to turn in Bible Study Reports(tm) for these phantom studies., in case you have diligent Service Overseer(tm) or Secretary(tm) that asks about them. If called on to take CO(tm) on these calls, just say, "Oh, so-and-so died last week." (Remember to turn in one last report for dead phantom study...create new phantom study next month to take their place.)
Routine after I stopped Pioneering and became an elder: Do Early Morning Routine with Group at 7....meet for service at 9...get group out....go home and back to bed.
Current Routine.... dont bother anymore...turn in 2-3 hours of phantom time and a couple of phantom return visits to prevent Shepherding Calls On Inactive
SnakesInTheTower (of the "Sleeping in on Saturdays" Sheep Class)