as the thread referenced by jgnat said, dont bother...esp since you are going to another continent (thus another branch).
As for the suggestion on that thread about faking an address of a secretary, dont bother. If you are moving within a circuit, or nearby circuit, someone knows someone...
When I was secretary and someone moved out of state (and many moved out of the hell hole of a congo I was in), they would give me the new secretary name/address. Being the thorough sort, I always called the Society - Service Desk - and verified the secretary information. No one ever tried to pull a fast one like that, but I was the rare one that followed procedure.....
Here is what you could do. Call the Society at Patterson, ask for Service Desk. When you get the service desk, ask for the <state> Desk....choose a state far from either your old congo or your new home. Tell them you are moving to a new congo there and want the nearest KH and would like the name/address/phone number of the secretary so you can get in touch with them before you move there. They will be glad to give it to you, no questions asked. Have the secretary of your old congo send your cards/letters to that KH. Make sure you include an address of where you are moving (just go online and find a house for sale and use that address). Letter goes to congo, they go to address, no YOU, maybe just an empty house, maybe they call old congo, maybe not....might figure you havent moved in yet.... meanwhile, you settle into your new location....ahhhhh... (this only works if no one in your old congo knows where you really went....because:
I cant find the quote from the KM just now, but if you dont request the cards be moved, the secretary could take the initiative and not wait for the request from the new secretary send the cards and a letter ahead of you without you requesting them. If he knows where you are moving to, he can send them to a congo in that would be forwarded if it was the wrong congo....
SnakesInTheTower (of the devious Sheep Class)
oh, when I changed congos, and later became an elder, I removed the letter of introduction with its lies about me from the file....wish I had done that with my last congo...