Scary Teddy... looks like a zombie...just die already OK? You want your heavenly reward, don't you??? dyings NOT a bad thing for you... ...oh, your not so sure about it? want to keep living here and tormenting us R&F dubs with your backward thinking....oh....I seeeeee.....
OM(G?)! that tshirt is too damn funny! Is that a photo shop on that T shirt or is that real? I bet you could sell a bunch of those to us apostates!
choosing life..
If they would turn that story around and have a jw kid refuse to pioneer and insist on going to college and then move out to spite the parents, what do you think would happen? If baptized, they would easily be considered bad association or enjoy the inside of a JC.
EXACTLY...maybe you were still around the congo when I was going to college?... as an ELDER no less. Do you remember their reaction to that? The local BOE was pissed that because I had a college course that was only held once a year for 16 weeks was only available on Tuesday night...and it was a degree requirement for graduation. I had to go to the morning book study and not take care of the evening book study at the KH for that time (I had my MS assistant conduct). I suggested the elder (you know him) who conducted the morning old timer group switch with me for the know what they said??? "OH, Brother Greedy has his MLM meeting on that night, he cant make it.....".... well, that's not exactly how they said it, but it was the reason he could would not switch...yet, he always was able to switch to make the CO visit or some quick build thing.......hmmmm
They tried to remove me for that, but the CO told them they could not and that since it was short term, they had to be reasonable......they got me a year or so later.....ta hell wit em...
SnakesInTheTower (of the "getting better educated but not by the Borg" Sheep Class)