outstanding. can not believe it has been 2 years.
Snakes (Rich )
2 years ago today, my grandson began his walk from orlando fl to washington dc to publicise the plight of homeless children.
he was 14 at the time.
wow, how time has flown.
outstanding. can not believe it has been 2 years.
Snakes (Rich )
i start my new courier job soon.
great benefits, full-time, company car provided.
for a small monthly fee ($25/wk) i get unlimited personal use also.. my future supervisor during the interview highly recommended that i get a gps unit.
I start my new courier job soon. Great benefits, full-time, company car provided. For a small monthly fee ($25/wk) I get unlimited personal use also.
My future supervisor during the interview highly recommended that I get a GPS unit. He stated that I might get last minute route changes and it would come in handy for rerouting. I will be driving day and night, so screens have to be readable during both times.
Any recommendations on what you are using? Thanks for any advice.
Snakes (Rich )
i was reading the thread about hoboken's jc meeting and started thinking about the rule prohibiting recording devices in such meetings.
has anyone on the board tried to challenge this rule?.
on its face, the rule is absurd.
I know this thread was a year and a half ago... my how technology and pricing has changed:
If I ever get called to a JC, and I can be bothered, it would only be to record the JC and post it.
Snakes (Rich )
ps...donuthole... i know this thread is old... I wish you had recorded that JC... from where I was sitting both during your JC and the appeals, it was ridiculous and shows how asinine the Organization was/is. Your fate was sealed before you walked in.
i am sure all of us have laughed at something that happened at the kingdom hall or assembly.. the first one i can think of is a brother giving a talk on voting and saying " why is it that men sit iin pubs and discuss how bad the economy is and the cost of everything and yet when the 'erection" (election) comes up they never do anything about it.. my brother in his best beavis n butthead voioce said " huh huh he said erection".
we sat for the next 45 mins trying hard not to laugh.. of course, i got the look from the elders and the talk about not laughing.. .
thanking his mother for coming with him....only that wasn't his mother....it was his wife.
My experience is the reverse: this happened to my mom.. I was the visiting speaker and my mom came with me. When the chairman, who did not know me at all, thanked me after I finished, he thanked "Brother Bailey and his wife" for coming to the congregation. This was a very small congregation, maybe 30 people there. A couple of people who knew me well snickered. Others had no clue.
My mom, of course, was very pleased. The WT conductor was a good friend of mine. He knew better. Of course my mom answered often during the WT as she always does. So it was always "Sister Bailey." At the end, the WT conductor again thanked me, this time saying, "Again we thank Brother Bailey and his very young looking mother" for coming all this way (about an hour). That got a good laugh from those not in on the joke. My mom couldn't stop bragging about that for a bit.
My mom is 67 and she still looks quite young. My brother posted a pic of her on FB the other day, I hadn't seen my mom in a year. My mom is still beautiful after all these years. My dad, he knew what he was doing. I wish he were still alive to see how well she is doing. (However, he might be pissed about me not being a JW anymore).
I am sure I can think of other funny things that happened, just no time at the moment.
Snakes (Rich )
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wow, havent been around here in a while and it's nice to see some familiar names as well as new ones.. .
well, its that time of year again when some members of my family decide that they need to go preach where the need is great.
Let me give an example of a formerly covered area that is technically not "need greater" area (as it is assigned to congregations) but nonetheless is not covered often, for good reason.
Years ago two rural congregations, Hillsboro and Gillespie, IL closed and merged into a new KH built in Litchfield, IL, the biggest town in between them. Not enough publishers to support two small congregations. They spent a bunch of money, along with help from nearby (and wealthier) congregations to build a brand new KH. Things were never right there because the problems from the first two congos came right along to the new merged congo. They never grew. The territory was hostile (this was the same town where JW's were tarred and feathered and their cars pushed into Lake Litchfield back in the 40's.), everyone has a religion, and no one is changing. Religion runs deep in families, and they aren't going to change to a marginal cult.
With the tanking economy, a few of the working (both elder and secular work) men moved away, leaving a bunch of old, retired, and poor elders left. The CO had the place closed and scattered everyone to surrounding KH's. "Surrounding" is a loose term. The congo that I was an elder in at the time inherited the two old incompetent (but kind) elders that were left. They should never have been reappointed. They were but in title only. They and their wives had to drive 40 miles each way to go to meetings and FS. OLD people driving when they could barely see at night. And we were the closest KH. Others were assigned to Jerseyville, Alton, Vandalia, Auburn, and Taylorville. All a 40-45 mile driving radius.
Litchifeld was divided up between everyone. My rhetorical question, relating to the opening post, is --
What are the chances that the JWs are going to find ANY interest in Litchfield, AND get the bible study to progress enough to travel 40 miles EACH WAY three times a week (Sunday, Thursday, and Saturday) for meetings and FS?
Zero. So now there is a big hole in Illinois. Let's hope it expands. The above listed congos are not even covering their closer in territory annually let alone going further out. Why the hell would someone travel that far for the JWs? With the price of gas at $3.50-$4.30 per gallon recently?
Here is to more Kingdom Hall closings. Cheers.
Snakes (Rich, of the "formerly one who worked those rural areas" Sheep Class)
just made me laugh - pranks too often hurt people, this was funny i think - especially since the kid's face is not shown.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pkqe8fm2uw&feature=player_embedded.
snakes (rich .
just made me laugh - pranks too often hurt people, this was funny I think - especially since the kid's face is not shown.
Snakes (Rich )
i saw the flyer today for the summer assembly.
it talks about how people are ruining the earth.
in the upper left corner are the "evil" ones one man smoking, i think the other was drinking and then a pic of a dead seagull.
here is a better * version of what you scanned:
* I found my vomiting smileys -- on a previous DC thread. LOL
i saw the flyer today for the summer assembly.
it talks about how people are ruining the earth.
in the upper left corner are the "evil" ones one man smoking, i think the other was drinking and then a pic of a dead seagull.
this was on google from the back of the May 2011 Awake! Asleep! magazine. I noticed this is the less scary version.
glad I am not having to listen to this drivel.
Snakes (Rich )
or b) continue in my plan of eventually getting him out with steve hassan's help?.
option b is going to be expensive but not impossibly so.
but it would require more patience than i think i have.
Glad you figured it out.
I was raised a JW.... was in it deep. I left about 4 years ago. A couple of years later I met the girl who is now my fiancee-- and she was never a JW. I can tell you if I had tried to date her (or anyone not a JW) earlier in my exit process, it never would have worked. I had to mentally free myself from the religion before I could, in fairness, be with someone never of that faith. I was lucky... she helped me release the last tendrils of the Organization. I would have done it without her, I had been out long enough... but it was great she was patient with me.
The guy you were dating.... he has to figure it out on his own first. If he does, then maybe he stands a chance with a non-Witness. Otherwise, as someone else said, he could revert back if placed under pressure. Bad combo.
Hang around if you like, lots of non-JW discussions happen here. If not, glad you joined us for a moment in your life.
Best wishes.
Snakes (Rich )
those of you who have been following my story know that i just 'came out' to my family about being finished with the religion.. does anyone have advice on how to explain this to the kids?
their ages are 9 & 14 and they are very smart and fully grasp all the issues.. they are living with their father who has brainwashed them.
so this is very touchy.. should i just keep being a good mom and just lay low?
daaaaaammmmmn go scully ...... worships at scully's feet. good advice. sic em.
Snakes (Rich )