I am sure any day now the Governing Body® and its pharisaical Helpers™ will issue yet another mind numbing page and a half Letter to the Elders® describing in step by step detail how to handle this new Arrangement™ with an accompanying Announcement© to the Congregation™ to be read at the shortened Service Meeting® and then read again after the shortened Watchtower© Study, along with a postscript advising the Elders® to destroy all previous Letters to the Elders® and update the Index of Letters®© showing the new procedure will involve the Service Overseer©, and the Magazine Servant™ along with their assistants (in larger congregations) to meet on Saturday after Field Service™ to open the boxes and separate these smaller magazines tracts so that the Publishers® will more willingly offer them in the Magazine Tract work.
Oh, I am sorry, did I forget paragraphs in my run on sentence.
Snakes (Rich, of the formerly having lots of titles in the Borg Sheep Class)