Thank you for the files. Good to know what drivel my 76 year old, 50 year JW mom is being fed.
1.--2020-06-18-- english--instructions for our online meetings.. distractions.
personal appearance .
Thank you for the files. Good to know what drivel my 76 year old, 50 year JW mom is being fed.
1.--2020-06-18-- english--instructions for our online meetings.. distractions.
personal appearance .
we have to get rid of these racist relics.
i propose that we destroy all these bottles of syrups and burn every pancake box !
we need to get rid of anything that reminds us of anything negative concerning slavery.. in boston they decapitated the head of christopher columbus and got rid of his statue.
Those pancake syrups need banned...because they taste like $hit, not over a dumb logo. What's next saltines cannot be called crackers any more?
I live in a mixed hood....more black than white. I call it the Border Hood....'cause if you go a couple blocks south it IS the hood. Our block is mostly quiet....I rented here 21 years....bought our house in 2019 2 doors down from where I lived when it came up for sale, actually before it went on the market officially. Nicest house on the street. Modest 2BR, 1 bath. Newly remodeled, all brick, garage, full basement. $72k.
I consider myself lucky. Though I am the in the minority (white), I mostly just mind my own business and nobody bothers us or our cats. I just wish ......well, what I wish no longer matters, does it? Reasonableness. There, I said it.
Rambling over at 1am. LOL
i used to watch his videos on the monthly gb talks.
he has went over the top a few times doing one video on why being liberal idiot is a good thing.
he has made comments on the usa not knowing shit about what he was desperately trying to talk about.
I like Lloyd, but his videos are too long. But I chalk that up to I not having the time, too much to do. Nor do I need ex-JW stuff so much anymore. I walked away almost 13 years ago. I know TTATT. And my 76 year old, 50 year JW mom is not changing her mind, just not so harsh. Maybe being a recent widow did that.
Lloyd serves his purpose in the exJW world, just as Rick Fearon of 6 Screens fame (infamy?). Lloyd should stay in his lane. Rick would do well to tone his schtick down. And I miss Dogpatch. He was old school. But effective. Barbara Anderson is informative and her tone is right.
1.--authorization and release agreementfor disaster relief medical assistance.
------------------------------------------------------------------2.--for the attention of all elders------------------------------------------------------------------.
3.--additional direction regarding assistance with practical needs------------------------------------------------------------------.
in october of 2000, i faded away from the watchtower.
like most people, i have family and friends who are jw's (including my wife and parents).
fading is generally the best method for people in that situation.
Bump from another thread. Excellent.
My fade is in its 13th year. I was removed as an elder Dec 25, 06. My last meeting was Aug 07. Physically did not move. Changed states, circuits, congregations. But only less than 20 miles from my previous 3 congregations.
I only recently physically moved, bought a house....2 doors down. My cell # is the same. My landline (now a cell)... same. No visits. Why? $hit don't stink if you don't stir it. I would become a ..... problem.... if they ever bugged me. And they know it.
I also wonder about the OP.
Snakes (Rich)
i’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks and i’m sort of surprised that no one else has introduced this topic!.
what better time than now for a fader to fade?
no meetings, no field service, no elder visits, no assemblies, no convention, and no other bullshit busy work going on.
The elduhs in my mom's congo are having her compile a phone or letter writing territory out of the local phone book (small town Alabama USA). Regional phone book so she has to go through looking for listings in their territory. How dreadful.
Guess it gives her something to do, she was just recently a widow in January (non JW spouse).
Half the time she can't figure out zoom. She is 76, but a little computer literate. 50 years loyal to the end. No fading for her.
i've been having a tough time today, i just got notice that our hospital is laying off a large group of people and furloughing others.
nurses, doctors, we just don't have enough business during this covid crisis, we've only ran at 60% capacity, while cuomo is telling us about shortages, they weren't ever realized, and nys simply won't open up fast enough for us to recover.
nys has given notice that hospitals are likely going to be out for 4-5 more months before all restrictions will be lifted, only necessary surgeries are allowed right now, with a few hundred of millions per month revenue shortfall, this is going to destroy and contract our business and our remote (rural) hospitals are the hardest hit, probably going to close permanently.
I am in the Midwest. SSM Health System is furloughing 2,000 employees in their 4 state system. I work for one of the 2 big labs (Labcorp). Quest already furloughed 4,000 (9%) for 2 weeks. We haven't YET, despite huge drops in testing. SSM is our biggest client in St. Louis. I figure I am safe...probably, but hell, I'd make more in unemployment than working and the company would pay all my insurance to boot. My son is getting $651 week....for a minimum wage job!
What a mess. The health care system as we know it is forever changed. For better or worse remains to be seen.
Back to work, might pick up some more COVID specimens.
Snakes (Rich)
Raised in from age 4 (1970). Baptized 1983 (16). Elder 2002. MTS 2002. Deleted as elder Christmas 2006 (40), moved congos immediately to fade, last meeting August 2007. Never set foot in there again. Now age 53.
while i sit here watching my extra-pimi wife on zoom.
i see her go into the jw trance, duel personality at it's finest.
it is so creepy to watch this religious personality come out.
I guess my question is, unless you have a "part" on the meeting, why have a camera as an audience member?