Omg I think I know who he is!?!!?
JoinedPosts by honest
Pervert`s go-ahead to watch over kids ( A JW ? ) With A Childcare Centre
by smiddy infrom an article in the herald sun newspaper wed.dec.7,2016 ," a convicted perverts plan to open a childcare centre have been given the green light by the victorian civil and administration tribunal".
" he was found guilty of wilfully and obscenely exposing himself on five seperate occasions between 1982 and 1997.".
apparently" he masturbated in front of two 16 year old school girls asking them if they had a good look and if they enjoyed that.".
Oh, How to Choose What to Follow in the Mosaic Law...
by Sorry inmy sarcasm will get me df'd one day.
after being disgusted by the bs of the sunday meeting, i chatted with one inactive brother came back for that one meeting.
i can't exactly remember how it came up, but he told me and a sister whose a close friend of mine that she shouldn't be so uptight, we're no longer under the mosaic law.
@A believer people are held captive to this horrid cult and that's why they have to pretend to be Jehovahs witnesses and go to the horrid cult meetings. leaving the religion has huge ramifications. Ps if Jehovah sees all how come he does nothing about the child abuse cover up with in his so called organisation?
Jehovah God is Real
by TakeOffTheCrown inthere are many on this site that do not believe that jehovah truly exists; that he is not a real being.
but, he is as real as next breath you draw into your nostrils.. some of you say that there is no evidence that he exists.
yet, none of you can prove that he does not exits.. cofty, (you come to mind), i appreciate that you have stated, without reservation, that you do not believe that god exists.. yet, you cannot prove it.. hope in jehovah..
Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה) was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah.[2] His origins are unknown, although they reach back to the early Iron Age and even the Late Bronze:[3] his name may have begun as an epithet of El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon,[4] but the earliest plausible mentions are in Egyptian texts that place him among the nomads of the southern Transjordan.[5
If you want to believe in Yahweh shouldn't you know his history?
Question: Can't You Just Ignore A Judicial Committee?
by Sorry inone thing i've never understood is judicial committees.
yes, i understand it's held to see if elders should go through with the disfellowshipping process.
but why give them all the power?
Tell your cousin to tell the elders that geoffrey Jackson said under oath at the Australian royal commission that they don't pursue inactive ones. why would they go against what the GB says?
Potential Muslim convert
by StopTheTears inabout a month ago, i purchased arabic/english gospels of john that contain a commentary for muslims.. .
i went to one of my neighbors and spoke to him and gave him one.
fast forward to today, my brakes need done so i took my car to the shop, walking back into my street i saw my friend abdullah outside.. .
Islam is pure evil. Why on earth would a decent human being join this filthy, murderous unpeaceful barbaric cult?
Anyone who takes heed from a pedophile prophet is just as evil.
Your prophet fucked a 9 year old little girl and yet you praise him and his evil book
Some recent baptism figures in the UK - is there a "bounce back"?
by freddo inwell, round my way (south of the uk) all the way up to and including the regional conventions this summer, baptism numbers have been extremely low.
but i have just received news of three recent circuit assembly days where the figures seem to be higher.
(all have been across the last three weekends at a uk assembly hall in october).
That is not impressive baptism numbers. Thank goodness, although it would be better if there was zero baptisms.
Requesting a few dozen copies of any edition of Watchtower and/or Awake!
by Pete J ini need maybe 2-5 dozen copies of any edition of the watchtower or awake!
magazines to distribute to family, friends, and neighbors.
any reasonable condition.
Are you sure your family, friends and neighbours would appreciate such literature?
New, but needed to vent- thank you :-)
by Danni Jackson ini discovered your website this morning as i was trying to find some information about 'marking'.
you see a very close friend of mine was 'marked' earlier this week and as i know the ins and outs of the situation (as we are close friends) i disregarded the talk immediately as i know my friend is obviously having issues but is no way a 'danger' to anybody else's spiritual health.
basically they are dating a non-believer- hence the talk.
I was born into this religion ( cult) I can tell you this is not a isolated incidence. jehovahs witnesses are a high control group, your life is ruled by them. There is no allowance for individuality or individual circumstances. It's a one size fit all and if you deviate you are punished.
I have seen it all. From child abuse cover ups, markings, disfellowshipping for questioning or disagreeing, family break ups, children dying and kidnapped from hospitals to avoid blood transfusions ( in the 80s), false prophecies and pure lying.
As a honest person who values truth and justice I could no longer support this evil cult that forces families to shunn their own blood and encourage conditional friendships, I left and allowed my natural instincts to take over.
I think you are coming to that realisation that this organisation is unjust. I have seen so many good jw's come to this realisation and left the organisation. When something smells rotten it usually is rotten.
I encourage you to research what is supposedly Jehovahs organisation has done in regards to child abuse. How they really take care of their victims 😉 see if it is in line with your instincts.
You also need to separate religion from God. I notice that you imply this organisation to be representing Jehovah God. These are assumptions and also a very elitist view ( no fault of your own as watchtower drums this arrogance view into its members)
Jehovahs witnesses do not have a monopoly on God nor are they the one true religion ("the truth") after all if they have lied and falsely prophesied countless times through out their 140 year history I doubt they are the truth.
I wish you well and hope you truly research with out rose spectacles and be honest to yourself and those you love.
Ps clear your browser history everytime after you visit here. We have had many on here that were being spied on and were caught and then punished for visiting this site. Please be careful....
Pps be a true unconditional friend. Your friend will be feeling humiliated, degraded, ashamed and lonely. An act of loving kindness can save someone.
Biblical Scholar Claims The Story Of Jesus Christ Was A HOAX Designed To Control The People
by anointed1 inhere is something i found interesting:.
biblical scholar claims the story of jesus christ was a hoax designed to control the people.
All religions are a hoax
After Being Out for 17 Years He is Back In again!!!
by new boy ini called a guy i haven talked with for over two years yesterday.
i met him at bethel back in the 1970's.
david b was known as the g job king back then.
" World conditions" omg is he serious? Sure we have Islamic terrorists and political problems but world conditions today are more superior than our past years. I once asked a jw which time period would they prefer to live in? I asked them would they like to live in the 15th, 18th century or todays world. That jw responded with today's world, well world Conditions are not that bad are they 😉.
Then he went on about homosexuality being accepted I then again said historically we have has periods of rife homosexuality eg the ancient Greeks. So how is this any worse? ( not that I believe homosexuality is wrong)
These people have serious mental illnesses and like to blame everything on world conditions and love believing a fairytale that it will all magically dissappear and they will instantly be happy. Deluded..