Rather curiously, the 1961 edition of the New World Translation (with the distintive bright green cover), had end leaf maps bound into the front and back of the Bible. The one in the front was of the Middle East / Mediterranean area and it had little artist's renditions of some of the events associated with places on the map (e.g., I think there was smoke and Moses on Mt. Sinai). There were a few dinosaurs randomly place throughout the map, from which one could draw the reasonable inference that humans and dinos co-existed at some point in time.
However, as far as I know (and I really searched when I was a Dub), they have never definitively stated whether or not humans and dinosaurs co-existed. I do remember reading something to the effect that the dinosaurs may have become extinct by the time Adam and Eve were created, but that they were unsure and the dinos could have died in the flood.
In any event, the Dubs are dogged by the same problems as the young earth creationists with respect to the geologic evidence that life has been here on Earth for a very, very long time.
One of the key pieces of evidence for an asteroid impact causing the dino die-off is the iridium layer that is coincident with the stratigraphic (time / sediment) layer in which the dinos disappeared. Radiometric dating of the stratigraphic layers runs headlong into Dub dogma about the age of life on earth and other pesky scientific observations that seem to get in the way of a good fairy tale.
This is one of those issues that they gloss over rather irresponsibly in the Creation Book and other publications.
Don't know if that helps but hope it sheds a little light on things.