Everything about the war in Iraq is wrong and this is just one more example of what disaster this administration's foreign policy has been.
by avram goldstein.
may 5 (bloomberg) -- the number of suicides among veterans of wars in iraq and afghanistan may exceed the combat death toll because of inadequate mental health care, the u.s. government's top psychiatric researcher said.
community mental health centers, hobbled by financial limits, haven't provided enough scientifically sound care, especially in rural areas, said thomas insel, director of the national institute of mental health in bethesda, maryland.
Everything about the war in Iraq is wrong and this is just one more example of what disaster this administration's foreign policy has been.
watchtower society has found buyer for the famous bossert hotel.
the price was 100 million dollars.
This is just one more piece of evidence that the BORG may be in serious financial trouble.
Just maybe .....one more nail in the coffin.
one of metatron's threads had the suggestion that around 2009, the witchtower will try to reverse its losses by going after inactive ones.
lost sheep.. what i will laugh at if this happens, is that the gibbering buddy has already said that one is not judged as a sheep until armageddy.
so how can you be a "lost sheeple" - it is as nonsensical as saying that somebody is a "lost goat".. i can imagine dire threats.
I don't what your BORG experience history is, but back in the '80s there was a similar effort to contact and reactivate baptized publishers who were MIA. It was a pretty big effort in the congregation I attended -- there were lists and lists of names compiled from old congregation records, personal knowledge of publishers, etc. The elders were assigned names to follow up on and they exhausted all of the possibilities to contact the MIAs.
So, I don't think that it is such a far fetched prediction. The difference is that the people who have faded now, have less of a stake in "end of the system" gibberish when it is so vague and ill defined.
i have been coming here for some months y i must admit that i am still in.
but i have serious doubts, i mean, i am 99.9% convinced, the jws are not the true religion, but i still live with my family, and they are jws, and i love them.
my parents have a long time been jws, and it is very hard for me to tell them the truth.
Hi Philosopher,
Welcome to JWD.
I concur with many of the other posters who recommend taking it easy on trying to confront your family head on with this.
Having said that, I will guarantee you that there is not an old timer Dub alive who does not have doubts in their heart of hearts. They may barely reveal the doubts but the doubts are there. I know this is true because when I was still in (bailed in 1997), once in a while in conversations with old timers who were elders, or special pioneer couples, or sisters who had been in the BORG for 40, 50, 60 years they would make comments lamenting the fact that they fully well expected to be in the new system by then. The sour taste of 1975 and the change in the "generation" change is taking its toll on the BORG's credibility.
Listen to the comments your family makes. If they make comments that express doubt, disappointment, or uncertainty about when the end will come or the authority of the BORG, take the time gently coax them to elaborate. You may be surprised at what you hear. On the other hand, it's true that when someone wraps their life around something that later proves to be an illusion, it can be devastating and can cause the person to go into denial mode, so they may never respond.
All the best and good luck at a very difficult road ahead.
the first one was about the universe.. tomorrow's will be aout genetics in the observor.
Damn, you Brits have all the good shows.
It sounds like an interesting series.
Tell me more about it.
i'm looking for the old 1967 did man get here by evolution or creation.
and the new 1985 life how did it get here, by evloution or by creation.. i'm putting together a nice summary of the lies, and i need the pictures from these books.. .
i saw the 1967 pdf was available at one time here.
You are probably already familiar with this information, but in case you are not.
For what it is worth, you may want to look at Alan Feuerbach's (sp?) excellent critical analysis of the Dub / Fundie teachings of evolution and the Genesis creation account.
You can find a link to it on the freeminds page (the old site home page, which you can link to through the new site) under the Science tab.
All the best.
baptized at 15 because forced into it.
i left the jw 2 years ago.
i should have left a long time ago.
Welcome to a very helpful community of friends.
many who post here are always talking about they don't need god and that they don't believe in god and that he dosen't exist.
god does not ask us to do unreasonable things.
most of the things he ask us to do protects our lives.. why don't people get that?
If you are talking about the God of the Bible....
How's this for starters:
Slavery is okay, keeping women in a subservient relationship is required -- women are not equal to men, intolerance of free thought, slaughtering innocent women and children was fine, incest was no big deal for a servant of God, double standards for rich and powerful Bible characters who commit adultery and murder, and the list goes on.
The one that gets me the most though is the Bible's standards for the treatment of women. It's actually shocking!!!
what expressions get you going?.
i like "it's all good!!!
"I could care less" really annoys me.
Obviously, the person saying this means they "couldn't care less!"
Just another example of people not thinking before speaking.
Kind of reminds me of this:
Cheers to all,
it can be picked apart scientifically and it's prophetic claims don't withstand scrutiny.
surely god could've come up with something more convincing?.
if the almighty had started genesis by establishing his credentials thoroughly i'd be more inclined to take the rest of the book seriously.
NO!!! It is a book that was written by men, some of whom were pretty beastly characters.
The Bible has so much meaning. You can read it over and over again and still be delighted by what you learn. how many of you have read a scripture and then later read it again and got more out of it? Thats because the word is alive.
Anything you reread is bound to have new meaning in the context of other things you have learned or experienced. The Bible is no more alive than the New York times. All great spiritual thought (no matter what the brand) focuses on similar themes. Actually, much of the value in the Bible is in the object lessons of how people lived their lives and how they behaved. However, the Bible merely expresses some of what the Greeks called axiomatic or eternal truths. Many of the same lessons found in the Bible are found in Greek mythology, which actually probes the human psyche much more thoroghly than the Bible does..
The human drama as played out in Greek mythology is vastly more instructive than the story of Adam and Eve.
Thanks for this thread.
Cheers to all,