Thank you all again for sharing, I am becoming more aware and getting a much clearer picture of the WT society especially the baptism part which says:
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism indentify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization.
This God's spirit-directed organization is obviously the WT society which one must agree with its governing conditions or laws. How can someone agree to something they don't know about? The JWs only speak to you about Jehovah and Jesus when they knock on your door. These governing laws are not made known to the uninformed before baptism. So basically your enter into a blind agreement and if you're fortunate enough to realize you have been "led up the golden path" it will be too late because you have lost all your family, friends and associates you have known and spent time with all your life. Not only that, but you're stuck with you are a devil worshipper not worthy of anything. You become trapped within the organization not knowing what to do because of the immense fear that has been instilled within. If this is not oppression I don't know what is. If JWs agree to turn their back on the WT society and preach exactly to the letter according to Jesus's teachings I will join up quicker than an eye blink. But I cannot see that ever happening. I find it very comical when I'm told if I convert I will be saved when the war begins. Do I know that 100% ? Nobody does; only Jehovah.
Brother apostate, in your post you state;
Some things to consider:
Are you willing to mindlessly obey the Watchtower instead of the Bible?
Are you willing to lose your friends you have now?
Are you willing to avoid questioning any JW teachings under threat of disfellowshipping?
Are you willing to live a double life if you decide they are wrong about certain teachings?
Are you willing to become a robot and surrender your free will?
Are you willing to give up your free time to spend at meetings and driving around knocking on doors?
Are you sure that becoming a JW will save you?
Your call.
All these things I did consider and was willing to do at the drop of a hat until my father gave me insight into the clearer picture because my mind was clouded and after reading the horror stories on this site. No way in the world will I do any of the above. The JWs will come knocking on my door again, I know it because they gave me the book of Revelation with the red cover to read and will ask me what I think of it. That is when I will ask them what do think will happen to you with the things the governing body of the WT society instructs you to do. If they stay around for me to elaborate I will unleash everything to them and point out that their practises are not in accordance with bible principles. But I'm very certain they will not wait around to hear what I have to say; they'll be gone faster than lightning.
Lady Liberty,
you state;
The first thing they want you to do is to isolate yourself from friends and family who are now titled as "wordly". Now you have two classes. Those approved of and those who aren't. Then the fear comes in. The fear of becoming a bad associate yourself if you associate with wordly friends and family too often. Fear of displeasing Jehovah. And so begins the viscious cycle of always being afraid of something.
Who on earth are they to dictate to you to slowly seperate from family? If my mother is ill does it mean I am required to ask for permission to see her and explain in detail why. I am definitely not a person who discloses any family domestic details to anyone. They are much too busy bodies for my liking. It is very interesting that they demand you to isolate yourself from worldly people except those whom you are employed with even if they may be of very worldly influence, such as drug users, adulterers, thieves and trouble makers (I have been employed with them many times over many years, but I've never had any issues with them, got along well). Why is this so? Because if you isolate yourself from your employer, you have no job, therefore no food on the table. But I have been shown in their literature many times that JWs go out of their way to help people; but they will not feed you; oh no, no, thats is something you are responsible for. This is the only time you are granted permission to associate with the worldly. Far too many double standards for me.
in your first paragragh you say;
I wanted to say, I don't know if anyone else already said it, but - I don't think the JWs would ask you to cut off your family, not lend them money and never associate with them if they are not witnesses. They would only discourage you from spending much time with your family, but they wouldn't ask you to withhold anything from them. What usually happens is families get frustrated when you won't participate in holidays and birthdays, and then the new witness attitude where you are preaching to them all the time gets old really fast and it's your family that would probably cut YOU off, not the other way around, in most cases. The pathetic thing about this is witnesses consider it a great honor to be able to brag about their families cutting them off. It's the persecution complex, and all witnesses have a little bit of that in them.
To me it makes no difference who cuts who off. The fact is they are the driving force behind it; the third party which influences the divide. I have no intentions to associate with anyone or any organization that tries to influence me in that manner. Family is far too precious.
Thanks again people, stay tuned for more as I gain more insight and become stronger in my convictions.