I did learn a valuable skill. Just yesterday my husband and I were lost in a neighborhood. He was driving round and round, totally lost. I said to stop the car. I got out and went right up to a house and knocked on the door. I introduced myself and said I was lost and asked them to point me in the right direction. They did.
My husband was very impressed! I got back in the car and told him " See, its just like being a witness going door to door. The householder told me where to go!"
LOL! anewme, I can SO relate to you on this one! I remember having to figure out which one of the apartments in a building was my friends because she left a message for me to stop by. Both her cellphone and house phone were off at the moment so what do you think I did...
I also did it when I hit a parked car, I went and knocked on the guy's door and told him w/o any fear.... I tell people that story and they are flabergasted that I had the balls to knock on somebody's door after I hit their car- even more that I did high-tail it out of there.
So OnTheWayOut, I recall a few gatherings where we all had to gravitate aroun the marked folks and what not. Like you were allowed to enter the bubble for a little while, but if you stayed too long people would start looking and wondering what was going on.... So, it made you not talk as much 'cause you could feel the stares (whehter they were real or imagined) burning into you amd end the conversation with a "Well, it was nice seeing you-" as if you somehow aren't in the same house or lacation. it was quite sad, but folks slapped a smile on their faces and all was well again.
God its weird how this behavior can be seen as "normal" or okay because back then it didn't even phase me.