You know I think we all do this but we have this tendency to somehow think that the JW past has left us somehow deformed and effed up more than most when compared to others without remebering that most people are deforemed and effed up in lots of others ways to and they had the 'normal' upbringing we all claim that we wish we had instead of the ones we were given.
For example, you say how you are 29 years old and don't know how to date. I'm 22 and I still don't know how to 'date' (in the traditional 'go out to a movies, talk, court' kinda stuff. I just call that hanging out). A co-worker of mine is going through a divorce from a man she has been with since she was in her teens is turning 40. She doesn't know how to date either and yesterday all I heard was "What do i do..I don't do this a lot, oh my god I feel so stupid I don't know how people do this and what to do i I call him or is it too soon!!!?!?!"
She was so adorable.
If you just say 'Look, where I'm from I didn't get a lot of experience in the dating department. We just weren't raised like most people were when it came to seeing people when growing up a JW." Most people will get an idea (maybe not totally grasp it but they will get that you aren't wise to the obvioin Dating 101) . People write into columnists each and every week wondering what to do on dates so this knowledge you feel a lot of people have isn't really true. Most people are stumbling bumbling fools at first and its rare for someone to just naturally have it, you know.
I damn sure dont. i talk about really geeky stuff and ramble like hell and become overly sexual to save myself after I feel like Ive said something stupid. Because at least he'll like me in the en, you know?
People hire matchmakers to teach them how to date, read tons of books to get a grasp of the opposite-sex, same-sex and how to deal with them in all sorts of situations. They go to family members and ask them all sorts of info in exactly 'What the f*** is wrong with him/her and what do I do?!"
So I personally don't think you/I/we are *that* effed up from the Watchtower as you think you are. Inept at things others learned early in life, yes, but all those lessons you think you missed out on could be the things people would pay someone to miss out on (getting dumped over and over again, having friends involved in your relationship, dating an friend of a friend, messing with a friend's ex, who gave you crabs... I tell ya my 'wordly' friends had some good times)
So I say cheer up and don't worry. I won't tell you 'she's out there' because I don't kow if 'he's out there' for me and why give you false hope I can't give myself? But what I will say is that each and every date you learn something new and its better to be interesting than another guy some girl has to go out on a date with who'll impress her with the normal bs of what he drives/does/bench presses or who he knows.
You can say ,"I was in a cult for a couple of years, haven't spoken to my family in a while, and throughout it all am happier than ever- can you pass the pepper?"
And then she'll go, "REALLY? OMG I never met anyone whose been in a cult before- tell me all about that..." Make it more funny rather than a sob story and you'll look cooler. If it appears like you are still going through the painful emotional stuff of it all (and really when Aren't we going through the bs of it all with family still in it?) then she'll see you as a problem to add to your life (although some women LOVE taking care of broken guys so exeptions to every rule).
Be honest and turn your so called hinderance into an interesting fact about yourself. Own it and werk betchcakes.
And there you go. And the bad dates you go on, take them as someone saving you the time of being in a 6-month boring going nowhere relationship... and just try to get some. No reason you both cant make a good thing out of no thing, you know?