Nip/Tuck- Losing my love for it as time goes on, but eh it still "shocks" me here and there... not eally. I just love the music.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia- Love this show! What time is it? DIAPER TIME!!!! (Ifyou watch the show you know what I'm talking about)
X-Men (the cartoon series, actually there's been a few and I've loved very single one of them. hell they need to do another one goddamit. how many superman and batman have had shows...)
Family Guy
The Simpson
New Advenrtures of Old Christine (hope they din't cancel it..)
How I Met Your Mother
Law and Order SVU: Ah.. Christopher Meloni... what I would pay to be in a confession room being tossed around by him as he yelled at me all Daddy-like. *sighs* And Martigay aint' bad to look at either.
Criminal Minds
L-Word! (Makes me wish i was a lesbian instead of the other queer variety. Tina/Bette for Life!)
Dexter- which mainly grew from my love of Michael C Hall when he was on...
Six Feet Under
Buffy (Oh god, I use to *tape* this show as a kid and my mom found out adn stopped me.. then I had to sneak and wtach it. It was so sad.. she would listen from outside my door for Buffy/Monster sounds...LOL!)
Angel (which when I looked back wasn't all that but again, Buffy sinoff gets love no matter what. And better Angel than that loser Spike geting his own show...)
Brothers & Sisters
Desperate Housewives (those chicks are crazy...)
Ugly Betty!
Wow... I my tv choices is as gay as I am. *shrugs*