JoinedTopics Started by jdough
New 144,000 article
by jdough inhttp://144000.110mb.com/index.html
the new, lengthy, paper entitled why the jehovahs witnesses are wrong teaching: - that only 144,000 go to heaven; - that the great crowd of revelation 7:9 is standing on earth; - that the first resurrection began in 1918; - that resurrected man can be educated to perfection; - that jesus christ, the angel, is no longer needed after the thousand year reign and is therefore dispensed with; - and much more
can be found here:
jerusalem 607 change of web address
by jdough infor those interested in whether jerusalem was actually destroyed in 607 i have placed the article "why jehovah's witnesses are wrong in believing jerusalem was destroyed in 607" on a new web site.
the old web site: http://www.geocities.com/jerusalem607/
the new web site: http://www.jonathan.freehyperspace.com/
Jerusalem 607 change of web address notice
by jdough infor those interested in whether jerusalem was actually destroyed in 607 i have placed the article "why jehovah's witnesses are wrong in believing jerusalem was destroyed in 607" on a new web site.
the old web site: http://www.geocities.com/jerusalem607/
the new web site: http://www.jonathan.freehyperspace.com/
by reneeisorym ini read this and i don't believe the tablets that prove 587 would disprove the bible.
so can you help me figure out what the bible really says about the fall?.
counting back from that date, and adding up what they have discerned to be the reigns of each king, 605 bce is found to be the first year of mighty king nebuchadnezzar.
Discussion with Elder....a must read story
by drew sagan infor those who don't know i've been 'inactive' for around one year.
i stopped attending meetings late last year.
all during this time i was working on my wife (known on this board as amber rose), helping her see the problems with the watchtower.
607 proven wrong via scripture
by jdough ini dare anyone to prove me wrong.
roll up your sleeves.
New Jerusalem 607 B.C.E. web Site
by jdough inthere is a new web site devoted to the false claim by jehovah's witnesses that jerusalem was destroyed in 607 b.c.e.
please feel free to link to the site.
Jerusalem was not Destroyed in 607 B.C.E. New Web Site
by jdough inthere is a new web site devoted to the false claim by jehovah's witnesses that jerusalem was destroyed in 607 b.c.e.
please feel free to link to the site.
Has anyone seen this research on 607 and the Watchtower?
by lurker ini was recently searching the web for information on 607 to discuss with my wife and i came up with this.
http://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/607/default.html these people say that they are proving the watchtowers 607 date correct.
i am convinced that the watchtower is wrong because of all the other things that i have researched but i would welcome any feedback.