Thanks for your concern, I thank you very much, especially billygoat for your kind words. I am not attacking those who have left the organization of JWs. I know many of you care. But again it is one to speculate, but another thing to give any validity to that specualtion without the facts. I know this for a fact, Robert's former religious training could not have contributed to this tragedy. He came from a very close knit family. The closeness was kinda of scarey to me looking back, I used to refer to that group as the stepford family. But to me that would not make a man a killer.
Are JWs the only ones who kill their families? Well no, but why is their religion not usually brought out as a contributing factor? To me there is a bit of hypocrisy here.
When a person goes off the deep end, can we say for sure why? Sometimes yes. Sometimes No. But what is the point of all of this? Can we really say JWS pulled that trigger? No, Robert did. He has to take some responsibility for this. I realise that you will come to your own "conclusions" on this matter. But for me this is not at all possible. I have not had contact with him for several years now, so I could not even tell you myself what was going on with him before he died.
I am sorry if I came off angry. I am still in a daze. But there was some inaccuracies in Monica's story that I felt had to be set straight. I was in the middle of that situation so I knew what was going on. But again I will say, Robert's family did not drive him to do this. They are a loving bunch of people, even if they are JWs. They suffered because of his actions as well. They do not deserve to be put in a bad light in any way.