I am surprised by how many were raised in the truth and hated it.
I liked it at times. I was born in the truth. Came from a good family. Dad was the PO, older siblings were Elders, MS, Pioneers, etc.. I too pionereed. But I could never do good for too long. I always ended up messing up. I tried regular pioneering on more than one ocassion and I always ended up tired and depressed. I could never do enough, and I always felt like I wasn't good enough, and like I was not worthy.
Then I started hating God cause he required WAY TOO MUCH. And I l realized I wasn't happy with all his requirements now, I probably would not be happy in paradise living under that regime. But I still thought it was the Truth and it was me that was messed up. I browsed the evil internet a bit, which led me to "apostate" sites. I found out about the NGO scandal, and the Mexico/Malawi scandal, etc. That opened my eyes a bit. Then I read Crisis of Conciousness and that sealed the deal. That's when I realized what a big scam it was.