Some of them want to be abused....
oh how happy it would make them.
I used to tell them I was a satanist and watch them back away in horror.
remember when we were blinded in our self righteousness.
you haven't changed.. bts.
Some of them want to be abused....
oh how happy it would make them.
I used to tell them I was a satanist and watch them back away in horror.
to the woman he said....i shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy.. to the man he said....cursed is the ground---in pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life and thorns and thistles it will grow for the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground ( death).. now lets look at the above in todays world.would the state (government) after convicting a man of murder, torture him by hard work all his life only to kill him at the end of his life.would a loving parent torture his son all his life for one mistake.. why does god of the wbts blame man for ruining the earth when he made those evil thorns and man had to get destroy those evil weeds by chemicals.see no thorns no chemicals.. the list goes on...look at all of god's wars and destruction.. maybe it is me but the more i read the bible the more i get *^%&^%#* .......................... bob.
The God's of all religions are man made, and inspire tribalistic violence.
But that doesn't mean there is nothing beyond what we see.
pioneer hour change is legit.
letters are being mailed out soon to all congregations for announcement in early october right before the tract campaign starts.. .
elimination of circuit overseers.
The CO's around here were famous for coming around and denouncing anyone who worked shiftwork and had to miss meetings for work. It is also pretty hard here to find a job that pays enough to raise a family that doesn't involve shiftwork(without a college education). I used to hate their visits, as they would make my husband feel terrible when they said he lacked trust in Jah's ability to provide on a minimum wage job.
I went in service once with the CO and he started on the shiftwork rant. I actually told him that my husband would be glad to take a job that didn't require shiftwork if he would like to help support the family, if we couldn't make the bills. He showed such disgust towards me after that. I hope he is one of the CO's that is left to fend for himself.
I remember it well, and it wasnt' just the CO's. Anyone who let family responsibilities get in the way of meetings was considered weak, even if the father had cancer and there were three small children with one disabled child. Mind you even with all that the 'brothers and sisters' in the congregation NEVER lifted a finger to help. They just piled on the criticism. We finally stopped going and it took 4 months for our 'dear friends' to come by for a 'sheparding call'. That was 22 years ago and even though I miss my family I don't regret leaving the 'Highland Park' congregation of JW's in Denver CO. No love lost because they had no love to begin with.
I remember staring at that one. I wake up in panic mode at night, always have, maybe this is why?
i have heard on this discussion board numerous rules that apply to upcoming a$$emblies.
some are designed to stop people from meeting the opposite sex; others, to make sure everyone is always ready to recruit new members into the scam.
i heard that some km inserts have been urging those whose congregation has cleaning assignments to sit in the section that they are assigned to clean.
I remember as a young mother I would get up early to make breakfast and lunch to carry along. I reall really thought I was doing the good wife thing, but a MS told me I shoulnd't be bringing lunch along, I should be buying it there. I complied even though we couldn't really afford it.
We bought lunch for ourselves and the kids at the assembly and after waiting in a long line, and paying way too much for the "chicken sandwich" we sat down to eat. As I opened the sandwich, I saw it was indeed chicken, a fried chicken thigh with bone in, on ONE piece of bread. That is what I had to pick apart and feed my small children. We couldn't afford drinks, so we had water, and nothing else came with the sandwich. I was stunned and couldn't believe they did that. I never did buy lunch there again.
There was no love for the R&F.
in norway, the ombudsman of children s welfare intervened and a lot of fuss were made when it was made clear that jws endorsed corporal punishment in their publications even though it was banned by law.
it was even mentioned in the national news.
the coordinator was even interviewed on tv and the day after it was proven from the wt indexes that he had been lying.... i remember it was very embarrassing.
As my grandpa was known to say: The biggest room in the house is the room for improvement.
This is a great example of what is wrong with Christianity. You are taught that you are in no way "OK", you can never be "OK", and the only things you can do that are "OK" are the things dictated by the leaders.
in norway, the ombudsman of children s welfare intervened and a lot of fuss were made when it was made clear that jws endorsed corporal punishment in their publications even though it was banned by law.
it was even mentioned in the national news.
the coordinator was even interviewed on tv and the day after it was proven from the wt indexes that he had been lying.... i remember it was very embarrassing.
Fortunately, there are many, many Jehovah's Witnesses all over the world who do not use spanking as a means of discipline.
Thereby breaking God's law.
It's only when pressured by the outside "world" the JW's change. Then they lie and make believe it's always been that way.
When I was in the borg, one elder was very proud of the fact that he took his 6 weeks old baby in the back for a spanking.
watchtower--ngo with wango!
if the watchtower society truly believes in a "new world" then why are they joining organizations that are attempting to make this old one better?
activitieswango is unique in regularly bringing together a prestigious, international leadership of non-governmental organizations, as well as other prominent leaders, representing diverse nations, perspectives, and realms of activity, and who are integrally involved in advancing world peace and creating a better society and world.
I still believe that the 10 years they did associate that they must have had some sort of agreement even to just use the library .
Yes. Does anyone know what agreement must be made to use the library?
Also, why would you trust any information contained in the books of a library run by THE BEAST? Wouldn't Satan try to corrupt it? Do they NOT believe it is Satan's organisation?
watchtower--ngo with wango!
if the watchtower society truly believes in a "new world" then why are they joining organizations that are attempting to make this old one better?
activitieswango is unique in regularly bringing together a prestigious, international leadership of non-governmental organizations, as well as other prominent leaders, representing diverse nations, perspectives, and realms of activity, and who are integrally involved in advancing world peace and creating a better society and world.
A definition of NGO
From the horses mouth
What is an NGO?
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a not-for-profit, voluntary citizens’ group, which is organized on a local, national or international level to address issues in support of the public good. Task-oriented and made up of people with common interests, NGOs perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizens’ concerns to governments, monitor policy and programme implementation, and encourage participation of civil society stakeholders at the community l evel. They provide analysis and expertise, serve as early warning mechanisms, and help monitor and implement international agreements. Some are organized around specific issues, such as human rights, the environment or health. Their relationship with offices and agencies of the United Nations (UN) system differs depending on their location and their mandate.
Criteria for association with DPI
- the NGO must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the UN and have a clear mission statement with those principles
- the NGO must be recognized nationally or internationally
- the NGO should operate solely on a not-for-profit basis and have tax-exempt status
- the NGO must have the commitment and the means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents about UN activities
- the NGO should have an established record of continuity of work for a minimum of three years and should show promise of sustained activity in the future
- the NGO should have a satisfactory record of collaboration with UN Information Centres/Services or other parts of the UN System prior to association
- the NGO should provide an audited annual financial statement, conducted by a qualified, independent accountant
- the NGO should have statutes/by-laws providing for a transparent process of making decisions, elections of officers and members
NGO responsibilities
Associated NGOs through their information programmes are expected to
- promote knowledge of the principles and activities of the United Nations
- disseminate information about the United Nations and its work to their constituencies
- keep the DPI/NGO Section informed about their UN-related activities by submitting a report every four years
- fill out an accreditation form every year
Please note that association of NGOs with DPI does not constitute their incorporation into the United Nations system, nor does it entitle associated organizations or their staff to any kind of privileges, immunities or special status.
watchtower--ngo with wango!
if the watchtower society truly believes in a "new world" then why are they joining organizations that are attempting to make this old one better?
activitieswango is unique in regularly bringing together a prestigious, international leadership of non-governmental organizations, as well as other prominent leaders, representing diverse nations, perspectives, and realms of activity, and who are integrally involved in advancing world peace and creating a better society and world.
The reason this becomes an important distinction in the matter of their Associate membership is that registrations can be required by governments for all sorts of reasons but no one ever can be compelled to apply. It demonstrates unequivocally that they willingly chose to join the UN/DPI, therefore they cannot use the excuse of submission to superior authority in this matter. Their letters demonstrate an ardent desire to confuse the point of registration versus application so that they can use the excuse of submission.
Absolutely correct.
They cannot be required to become UN/DPI associates, they must PROVE eligibility AND allegiance.