Men wrote the bible then claimed divine inspiration.
Here's one:
The mormons believe that Joseph Smith translated the book of Mormon from invisible golden tablets that only he could see and coincidently only he could translate.
Uh what?
nu 31:17-18 moses, following the lord's command, orders the israelites to kill all the midianite male children and "... every woman who has known man ...." (note: how would it be determined which women had known men?
one can only speculate.
dt 21:10-13 with the lord's approval, the israelites are allowed to take "beautiful women" from the enemy camp to be their captive wives.
Men wrote the bible then claimed divine inspiration.
Here's one:
The mormons believe that Joseph Smith translated the book of Mormon from invisible golden tablets that only he could see and coincidently only he could translate.
Uh what?
this is weird.
i searched on the internet for ideas for my re-instatement letter and after gathering my information i submitted it.
the local body of elders questioned some of the information on it asking if it was from my heart and asking where i got it.
Matt 23:4 They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden .
Good one!
Matt 23:15 “Woe to you, experts in the lawand you Pharisees, hypocrites! You cross land and sea to make one convert,and when you get one,you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves!
how many of you always felt like you would be killed at armageddon no matter what you did... it was never enough and your parents put a guilt trip on you?
Holy crap!
No wonder so many JW parents kill their families.
how many of you always felt like you would be killed at armageddon no matter what you did... it was never enough and your parents put a guilt trip on you?
especially since most of JW kids were as bad or worse then the "worldly" ones I knew.
As everyone else here I was never allowed to play with the evil worldly kids. Just the Elders kids who killed my pet turtle, or who threw things around my room and left. Or the ones who when no one was home had origes with their step siblings at age 12. Or snuck in at night the other JW kids from down the block to have sex with two at a time. A lot of teen pregnancy in my cong. but that was supposed to be better than the freindships from the world.
how many of you always felt like you would be killed at armageddon no matter what you did... it was never enough and your parents put a guilt trip on you?
Borgia! That is great!
how many of you always felt like you would be killed at armageddon no matter what you did... it was never enough and your parents put a guilt trip on you?
I was afraid of being killed by my father too. My drunken father still in good standing. Once put his hand on my head and told me he could crush my skull with one hand. I once threatened to go to the police, my mother had a fit. That bothered her more than the abuse. Keep it quiet we aren't supposed to go to the police it's against our religion. I had no choice but to leave home as a teen. As my three brothers did before me.
how many of you always felt like you would be killed at armageddon no matter what you did... it was never enough and your parents put a guilt trip on you?
I never knew how much Grace was associated with my life until recently.
That is such a great comment. I don't know what God is but I still beleive in 'something'. I knew I hated going to the meetings, in service, and knew Jehovah saw all of that. Now I see how unbelievably demanding the org is. It took me a long time not to be mad at God but now I see and feel that Grace you are talking about.
I think the org actually takes away your ability to be close to God, Spirit, Om, Allah, Buddha, Shiva, Bridget, Odin or whatever name you've discovered! I never use the name Jehovah because it reminds me too much of those people. I am surprised to see that some Christians don't even think that's God's name.
how many of you always felt like you would be killed at armageddon no matter what you did... it was never enough and your parents put a guilt trip on you?
I really thought I wouldn't make it to 21. No matter what because you never knew how to tell what was "in you heart". Needless to say 1975 came and went and here we are 32 years later with them revamping all of the beliefs about timelines AND blaming the believers for believing what they said.
I remember watching "Crack in the Earth" on TV with my dad, he said "That is what it will be like at Armageddon". I was 8 years old. That has got to be some form of child abuse! I was terrified. They always said some may die at Armageddon but not by Jehovahs hands and be resurrected right away. I didn't think that was much consolation. If you were one of the resurected, you were "as the angels, neither marrying nor being given in marriage". Not such a great life if you ask me.
i dont believe much of the societys teachings anymore.
but theres one thing that i carried with me all my life:
when everything is false, what is about those stories about demons, seances and all that stuff that is out in the world?
And thus, the discussion reaches an impass.
Seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened.
For those truly interested in knowledge and truth, the answers and proof are there in personal experience. Then and only then can the individual make an informed decision/choice about their spiritual beliefs without having to rely on others spiritual/religious anecdotes, which are akin to "someone who heard of someone who knew someone".
Stories are still just stories whether they are of gods or demons.
i dont believe much of the societys teachings anymore.
but theres one thing that i carried with me all my life:
when everything is false, what is about those stories about demons, seances and all that stuff that is out in the world?
I don't really think that using the term "demon" is correct. It is a biblical term, many other belief systems past and present have myth about invisible entities good and evil (also relative). It is a mistake to fear evil entities because they are said to feed off of the negative emotional energy.
I agree that buying a CD and then claiming demon attack is ridiculous. That is what irrational fear can do to you.