Here is a scan of the Locust Letter from 1991:
JoinedPosts by MADMARY
So there are only 12 magazines left!
by stuckinarut2 inok, so hot on the heels of the announcement at the agm, we have been told that there are probably only 12 magazines left!.
yes, there will be only 3 wt each year, and 3 awakes.... and that they will do this for two years, then reprint those issues.... so yes, the "abundance of spiritual food" is limited to 12 more magazines..... surely, this is proof of the end coming so soon!?!
What Could Jehovah’s Special Provision Be to Save His People From the Wicked Watchtower Society?
by MADMARY ini was baptized as one of jehovah witnesses in 1986. then in 2003, i disassociated myself officially with a letter.
but i did not stop reading the bible or believing in god.
but i have noticed everyone’s reaction here is very different to the great wickedness of the watchtower society.. some of us do not believe in god anymore, and threw their bibles away completely.
Hi to all,
I was baptized as one of Jehovah Witnesses in 1986. Then in 2003, I disassociated myself officially with a letter. But I did not stop reading the bible or believing in God.
But I have noticed everyone’s reaction here is very different to the great wickedness of the Watchtower Society.
Some of us do not believe in God anymore, and threw their bibles away completely.
While some of us, me included, still believe in God and what is written in the bible but have wondered from time to time what God’s Special Provision will be to save His people from the Wicked Watchtower Society, according to the bible?
But I guess, the question I am raising applies more for someone who still believes in the bible and bible prophecy, and is wondering if God is going to take action in behalf of His people.
Therefore my question is based on this scripture:
“28 And I give them everlasting life, and they will by no means ever be destroyed, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 What my Father has given me is something greater than all other things, and no one can snatch them out of the hand of the Father.” John 10:28, 29 NWT
This above scripture must mean even the wicked Watchtower Society cannot SNATCH THEM OUT of Jehovah's and Jesus' hand.
So my question is: What could Jehovah's Special Provision be to save HIs People from the wicked Watchtower Society?
Looking forward to your response to this question.
Does Anyone Know Where This Picture Came From...
by MADMARY init couldn't be from a watchtower cover, right???
does anyone know?.
Did You Know...Jesus Does Not Kill Satan The Devil! ... You Heard It First Here!
by MADMARY inthis topic is especially for all the bible scholars in the house.
the real serious ones... ...who like this type of bible discussion, though-provoking, challenging.. (please click below for the discussion covering this topic, in detail.).
jesus does not kill satan the devil!
This is an interesting question, wouldn't you say? Yes, when we consider the great Messianic Prophecy of Psalms 45:16, doesn't it clearly say the "Messiah" does indeed have "Forefathers" that will miraculously be turned into his "heirs" or "sons" ... yes, his descendants, his "seed" in fact, that exist "forever"? -- Please see Psalms 89:29.
So if it says this for our benefit, then to whom could we truly say this would correctly apply? Yes, to whom can we say these words of Psalms 45:16 actually apply? Could we say this great messianic prophecy applies to people like King David, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob? If so then ask yourself, were these people, these humanly sinner descendants of Adam & Eve to be considered ... Jesus' "forefathers"??? Or, Jesus' “parents” ... Jesus' "progenitors" in fact? How could that be? If Jesus' "forefathers" were sinners from Adam & Eve, then what would that make Jehovah God? Isn't it true, the actual parent, the ONLY "PARENT" that Jesus ever had was his heavenly father, Jehovah? And everyone after that, was all created by Jesus Himself, in his heavenly pre-human existence, just as the bible indicates, be they heavenly creatures or earthly creatures? Yes, the bible clearly tells us, "all things" came into existence by him [Jesus], as God's "only begotten" god and son, this one we refer to as Jesus. Is that not so? --See John 1:3, 18; Colossians 1:15-20.
In fact, Jesus we know, helped to create Adam & Eve too, as Jehovah's "master worker," as Jehovah’s Chief Assistant in the creation of all things seen and unseen, is that not so? Just as Jehovah did indeed say to him, "Let us make man [and woman] in our image and in our likeness..." Jehovah was talking to someone, was he not? Yes, and this one, was indeed, the one we call today, Jesus. -- See Genesis 1:26; 27; Proverbs 8:22-31.
So then, we must acknowledge the fact that none of the humans referred to above, individuals who were faithful to Jehovah centuries and centuries ago like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, none of them could actually be said to be Jesus' "forefathers" ... who could later be changed, yes miraculously changed, into Jesus' "sons," Isn't that so?
Think about it.
However, just for a moment, if we were to think in terms of the "Messiah" being an imperfect human descendant of Adam & Eve, a regular man, a sinner, ohhhh yes, then it would all make much more sense, this great messianic prophecy of Psalms 45:16, wouldn't it? Yes because now, when we read those same words of Psalms 45:16, we can see, the true humanly sinful, descendant of Adam & Eve, the "seed of the woman [Eve]," would and could now be "made" [by God] into this the parent figure we speak of, in this case. The "Messiah" could actually have previous, fleshly "forefathers" ... former parents and grandparents and great, great grandparents from Adam & Eve, that God could miraculously transform ... transform or be made into the "Messiah's" offspring or descendants. Now, that angle ... would work! Think about it. -- Please see Psalms 89:27 where the "Messiah" is said to be “placed” ... or as some translations say “to make” or “to appoint” one to be God's "Firstborn." Ask yourself, would Jesus need this special help to become God’s “Firstborn?”
Therefore, when we examine closely Psalms 45:16, what does it tell us? Well, it tells us a descendant of “Eve,” a descendant of King David, yes, the actual Davidic Heir will become something amazingly special. (2 Samuel 7:11-15) It states the Davidic Heir will become the “father” of those previously thought to be his progenitors or forefathers. This is a miraculous happening, just as the verse says:
“In place of your fathers shall be your sons; you will make them princes in all the earth.” -- English Standard Version
When we compare this particular verse with Psalms 89:27, a great “Sacred Secret” is unveiled for us. This verses states:
“And I will make him the firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth.” -- English Standard Version
In Psalm 45:16 and Psalms 89:27, Jehovah The Almighty tells us the promised Davidic Heir will be appointed or ‘made’ into the earthly “firstborn” son of God, the same way Adam would have been if he had remained faithful. Did you ever notice that point before? Ask yourself, why would someone like Jesus need to be made into the “firstborn” in God’s eyes? He would not. However, if this applied to someone else, some other human, could this be because this person would be assuming the position that Adam (who failed God in the Garden of Eden) once had … could this be possible???
Think about it!
For more information please see: "Three Statements Part 2"
Did You Know...Jesus Does Not Kill Satan The Devil! ... You Heard It First Here!
by MADMARY inthis topic is especially for all the bible scholars in the house.
the real serious ones... ...who like this type of bible discussion, though-provoking, challenging.. (please click below for the discussion covering this topic, in detail.).
jesus does not kill satan the devil!
Did You Know...Jesus Does Not Kill Satan The Devil! ... You Heard It First Here!
by MADMARY inthis topic is especially for all the bible scholars in the house.
the real serious ones... ...who like this type of bible discussion, though-provoking, challenging.. (please click below for the discussion covering this topic, in detail.).
jesus does not kill satan the devil!
Eight (8) Pivotal Points to Consider in Understanding Genesis 3:15
1) The Watchtower Society simply assumes the "Woman" cannot be Eve because she could not produce a perfect "seed." (But we can ask ourselves, does the "seed" need to be perfect to accomplish God's Will in this instance?)
2) If the "Woman"" pictures the heavenly organization (as taught by the Watchtower Society), then her "seed" could NOT be Jesus because Jesus was created directly by Jehovah as His "only-begotten," and thus existed before any other spirit creature in heaven. And as we know, Jesus was responsible for the creation of the entire angelic family and so could not come from this group of angels, but instead they come from him. (John 1:18; Colossians 1:15, 16)
3) The Churches of Christendom who say the "Woman" is Mary, overlook the obvious fact if you say the "seed" comes through Mary, you are still saying that the "seed" still came from Adam & Eve. You can't separate that fact. -- See Genesis 4:25; 12:3; 17:5; 22:17, 18; 2 Samuel 7:11-15; Psalms 89:3, 4.Further, if the "Woman" is Eve, Jesus could not be her "seed" or descendant because no imperfect human male was involved in his conception. This of course means in medical terms, Mary was used ONLY as a "Surrogate" mother in giving birth to Jesus. -- Please see Part 3 for more information on Surrogacy and/or being a “Surrogate Mother.”
4) The foretold "enmity" spoken of in this verse is strictly between Satan and the "Woman" and then, between the "seed" of Satan and the "seed" of the "Woman." Isn't that true?
5) Since we know Satan's "seed" is earthly, so must the Woman's "seed" be also. Further, they must co-exist together on earth, in order for genuine "enmity" to be expressed between the two, as foretold.
6) Since the foretold "enmity" is between the two earthly "seeds," so must the accompanying "bruising" action be delivered to one another, on earth. Otherwise, it would have been pointless to mention the predicted "enmity" was to be strictly between the "seed" of the Woman and the "seed" of Satan [Serpent]. If the "bruising" actions were to be between the Messianic Seed and Satan [Serpent], then why even bring up the "enmity" between the two "seeds" in the first place.
7) The Bible emphatically states Satan is to be destroyed by God, and not by the "seed" of the "Woman" or messiah. So the "seed" of the "Woman" does not "bruise" Satan or destroy him. (Romans 16:20)Last But Not Least, As This Is The Most Important Of These Eight Points:
8) The name devil means “slanderer” [Greek: Diabolos]. So think, who was actually slandered in the Garden of Eden when Satan said Adam and Eve would NOT die after eating the forbidden “fruit?” (Genesis 3:4) Was it Jehovah or was it Jesus -- which?
The answer is Jehovah God.
So, the primary enemy of Jehovah is Satan the Devil, more so than even Jesus.
No doubt, this is why the “Archangel Michael” refused to “rebuke” Satan and indicated this should be done ONLY ... only by Jehovah God Himself. [For that matter, no one knows what it would take to kill an angel or angelic force anyway, since this has never been done before. The bible only tells us that Satan’s wicked life would be terminated by throwing him into the “lake of fire” and completely destroying him. Yes, only the Almighty Himself knows how to do this.] -- See Jude 9; Revelation 20:10.
Did You Know...Jesus Does Not Kill Satan The Devil! ... You Heard It First Here!
by MADMARY inthis topic is especially for all the bible scholars in the house.
the real serious ones... ...who like this type of bible discussion, though-provoking, challenging.. (please click below for the discussion covering this topic, in detail.).
jesus does not kill satan the devil!
Hi all,
This topic is especially for all the bible scholars in the house. The real serious ones... ...who like this type of bible discussion, though-provoking, challenging.
(Please click below for the discussion covering this topic, in detail.)
Did you know:
Jesus Does Not Kill Satan The Devil! ... You Heard It First...Here!
"All Great Truths Begin As Blasphemies" -- George Bernard Shaw
by MADMARY ingeorge bernard shaw once said: .
"all great truths begin as blasphemies" .
why not check out the following link to see if such a thing spoken of by mr. shaw, could not be soooo true, even in our day and time.. click here to see: link to newspaper article discussing genesis 3:15 and jehovah's witnesses.
Hi all,
George Bernard Shaw once said:
"All Great Truths Begin As Blasphemies"
Why not check out the following link to see if such a thing spoken of by Mr. Shaw, could not be soooo true, even in our day and time.
Click Here To See: Link To Newspaper Article Discussing Genesis 3:15 And Jehovah's Witnesses
This article appeared in Section A. on Friday morning, March 20th, 2015 in a major caribbean newspaper, with 10s of thousands of readers.
watchtower and money
by snare&racket inare you still a jw?
please ask yourself and think about is deeply..... if there is a god and he made this incredible universe.......what is more likely?.
a) that he needs your dollar bills to achieve his plans for the universe.
7 Indictments Of Wickedness Upon Jehovah's Witnesses!
by MADMARY ini think the graphics on this page are outstanding.
here is the link: .
7 indictments of wickedness upon jehovah's witnesses!.
I think the graphics on this page are outstanding. Here is the link:
7 Indictments Of Wickedness Upon Jehovah's Witnesses!