Hello Kaytee,
When I saw the planes fly into the Twin Towers on live TV I was sure The Big A had arrived.
The programming is deeply embedded.
when we were in the wts, they used to fire up our expectations over the slightest things, earthquakes being one of them.
how we used to latch on to these things very quickly, but if we read the scriptures it doesnt say .
in fact it says the opposite,.math 24 v 4..jesus said "look out that nobody misleads you".
Hello Kaytee,
When I saw the planes fly into the Twin Towers on live TV I was sure The Big A had arrived.
The programming is deeply embedded.
a comment by rubadub in the thread about learning new things at the meetings made me remember something, and gave me a chuckle.. i would always see how fast i could look up the scriptures during the talks, and race to beat most everyone else.
of course everyone else didn't realize i was racing them, but i'd always feel a smug (and perhaps a bit self-righteous) satisfaction at having the scripture looked up and ready to follow along while from the sights and sounds around me most everyone else was still looking it up.
being able to look up jehovah's word with such speed would surely earn me spiritual brownie points.
Hello Blondie,
Demonized, no. Needing to get out more, yes.
Just kidding. I really respect your knowledge,
hello everyone i hope you are all well.
there was a very strange announcement given out at the meeting last night in all congregations in a western european country .
the borg here are at a critical stage in their court room battles.
Echoing AlmostAtheist, Bro A, and Gill,
This is the very definition of unconscionable.
I thought I had seen it all,
If there exists a God in heaven, He must be furious with these arrogant asses.
it doesn't take long to know every jw belief.
maybe after a few months, you know all that there is to know.. then, every meeting for the rest of your life will be only repitition.
Hello Terry,
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Especially true:
I don't think I can say I ever experienced one single moment in a Kingdom Hall which felt religious (or "spiritual") or that educated me or even uplifted me.
does anyone have a pic of ted jaracz that i could "borrow"?
the larger the pic the better!
Hello Nosferatu,
Check the Church of Satan website.
Good luck,
i understand that a jw elder in western australia defected to the sda.. have there been other cases of elfers defecting to other religious groups.
Hello agapa,
Please don't misunderstand me for in the not too distant past, should I have chosen to disobediently post comments on a clearly apostate site in an attempt to save them I may have made a comment like this one as well:
I must disagree with your statement: So in his moving his association from one human group to another, this did not mean he defected from one God to another.
It is a fact that most Religions worship Jesus as God. The JWS do not. So most likely the Church he defected to does not worship Jehovah as God like he once did.
But now that I enjoy the freedom to express myself freely, thus avoiding continued psychological damage, I would like to direct your attention to a point that you perhaps already are aware of. As much as you have grown to love the name Jehovah, due to the power of suggestion, all scholarship(including that of the WTBTS) admits that it is a hybrid fabrication. To question the validity of a personal relationship with God that another individual claims to enjoy on the basis of that is the height of arrogance.
Respectfully submitted,
april km says that there is to be a new campaign again this year - clearly the wts feels that this is the way to go.
i thought that the results last year were quite poor , but apparently in some countries , the dc venues were beseiged - the culture in some lands is that when you get an invitation to anything , you go.
some people obviously don't get asked out much - not that i can relate to that personally , of course.... .
If they keep doing these the Dubs will stop getting excited about them.
It's much like dealing drugs. When the desired effect of the "special" campaigns wears off they'll have to step up to harder stuff. Naked, co-ed auxillary pioneering perhaps?
Glad to be off the drugs,
...but i can't say anything more right now.
still, it's amazingly, wonderfully, ain't the sky a gorgeous shade of blue today kind of news.
wish me luck... .
Dang it Confession,
You beat me to it:
Whose precious booty are you reaching for?
a comment by rubadub in the thread about learning new things at the meetings made me remember something, and gave me a chuckle.. i would always see how fast i could look up the scriptures during the talks, and race to beat most everyone else.
of course everyone else didn't realize i was racing them, but i'd always feel a smug (and perhaps a bit self-righteous) satisfaction at having the scripture looked up and ready to follow along while from the sights and sounds around me most everyone else was still looking it up.
being able to look up jehovah's word with such speed would surely earn me spiritual brownie points.
The Gospel of John was a black hole, but then the GB did'nt use it much except insofar as they needed it as a rebuttal against some Christian doctrine.
That's just too rich, Moggy.
shopworker in line for 120,000 after suffering homophobic bullying05.03.07 add your view.
marlene bielak: suffered months of bullying at the hands of a colleague who disapproved of her homosexual lifestyle.
a lesbian shop assistant is in line for more than 120,000 after leaving her job because of a colleague's taunts about her sexuality.
Sorry SBF,
I was just funning you too.
I also have a bizarre sense of humour,