Posts by nvrgnbk

  • song19

    Lets list everything that has pagan origins!!

    by song19 in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i have a feeling i am going to have to explain to my jw folks why i have decided to allow my children to participate in holidays at school.

    theyll probably be wondering too why i will get together with our non jw family for the holidays.. .

    we know jws avoid holidays because of their pagan origins.

    1. silent
    2. Heaven
    3. pcop
  • nvrgnbk


  • purplesofa

    embarrassed about having been a witness?

    by purplesofa in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    last weekend witnesses came to where i work....i work at a barbque restuarant (hey it's fun!

    ) i recognized two elders before they came in and freaked!!!!!.

    the elder obnoxious was at the register and i was sure he did not recognize me.

    1. Bring_the_Light
    2. keyser soze
    3. purplesofa
  • nvrgnbk
    I was aware of how they were percieved by non-believers.


    I was constantly embarrassed to be a JW when I was active, especially when in the midst of a large group of Witnesses.

    The worst was the inevitable circus when too many publishers were sent to a territory.

    Now I'm at ease with it, since it's in the past.

    I don't bring it up often, but when I do, it always leads to some interesting conversation.

  • John Doe

    Regardless of reality,

    by John Doe in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    if you could pick one faith/world view/philosophy to be 100% true, what would it be and why?

    1. trevor
    2. LouBelle
    3. *summer*
  • nvrgnbk


    it promotes progress and positivity in lieu of self-hatred and helplessness

  • Thylacine

    JWs and Star Trek...

    by Thylacine in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    one part of my experience with the jw's was that many of the elders in my congreagtion were die hard into star trek...i figured it was isolated to that one kh, but as i went to different ones, i noticed it was a lot of them.

    one elder explained his fandom as: "it makes me think of the new system.

    we will travel to other planets when the earth is full, and colonize the galaxy.

    1. OnTheWayOut
    2. CoonDawg
    3. Thylacine
  • nvrgnbk

    Roddenberry was an atheist to the core.

    Eugene Wesley "Gene" Roddenberry
    Gene Roddenberry created a legend which continues on today, creating a show that has helped believe that there was a future worth living for. He showed us that space is not just for space battles, but for learning new ideas and ways of thinking, and, indirectly, has done more for civil rights and the space program than Martin Luther King, Jr. and John F. Kennedy. Gene Roddenberry will be missed, but will not be forgotten.

    In September 1987, "Star Trek: The Next Generation" continued the legend that Gene Roddenberry began more than 25 years ago. As creator and producer of the original "Star Trek" television series, he launched a phenomenon without precedent in show business and attained a celebrity status unique among his peers. Although Gene Roddenberry passed away October 24, 1991, his legacy remains as "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "Deep Space Nine", "Voyager", and more recently, "Earth: Final Conflict" continue to maintain his vision of the future.

    While making "Star Trek," Roddenberry's reputation as a futurist began to grow. His papers and lectures earned him high professional regard in that field. He spoke on the subject at NASA meetings, the Smithsonian Institution, Library of Congress gatherings and top universities.

    As creator of the beloved Starship Enterprise and its crew, which included the dauntless Captain Kirk and the pointy-eared, logical Vulcan Mr. Spock, Roddenberry unwittingly unleashed a phenomenon in which "Star Trek" enthusiasts became a veritable cult: numbering physicists, aerospace engineers, housewives, senators, children, teachers and intellectuals among its devotees (affectionately known as "Trekkies"). The show went outside television to win science fiction's coveted Hugo Award and then ultimately became a succession of feature films (eight to date).

    Gene Roddenberry led a life as colorful and exciting as almost any high- adventure fiction. He was born in El Paso, Texas, on August 19, 1921, spent his boyhood in Los Angeles, studied three years of college pre-law and then transferred his academic interest to aeronautical engineering and qualified for a pilot's license. He volunteered for the U.S. Army Air Corps in the fall of 1941 and was ordered into training as a flying cadet as the war began.

    Emerging from Kelly Field, Texas, as a Second Lieutenant, Roddenberry was sent to the South Pacific where he entered combat at Guadalcanal, flying B-17 bombers out of the newly-captured Japanese airstrip, which became Henderson Field. He flew missions against enemy strongholds at Bougainville and participated in the Munda invasion. In all, he took part in 89 missions and sorties. He was decorated with the Distinguished flying Cross and the Air Medal.

    While in the South Pacific, he also began to write. He sold stories to flying magazines, and later poetry to publications including The New York Times. Upon his return from combat, he became a trouble-shooter for the Air Force working out of Washington, D.C., investigating the causes of air crashes. At war's end, he joined Pan American World Airways. During this time, he also studied literature at Columbia University.

    It was on a flight from Calcutta that his plane lost two engines and caught fire in flight, crashing at night in the Syrian desert. As the senior surviving officer, Roddenberry sent two Englishmen swimming across the Euphrates River in quest of the source of a light he had observed just prior to the crash impact. Meanwhile, he parleyed with nomads who had come to loot the dead. The Englishmen reached a Syrian military outpost, which sent a small plane to investigate. Roddenberry returned with the small plane to the outpost, where he broadcast a message that was relayed to Pan Am, which sent a stretcher plane to the rescue. Roddenberry later received a Civil Aeronautics commendation for his efforts during and after the crash.

    Back in the States, Roddenberry continued flying until he saw television for the first time. Correctly estimating television's future, he realized that the new medium would need writers and decided that Hollywood's film studios would soon dominate the new industry. He acted immediately, left his flying career behind and went to Hollywood, only to find the television industry still in its infancy, with few openings for inexperienced writers. At a friend's suggestion, he joined the Los Angeles Police Department in order to see life from perspectives valuable to a writer.

    By the time he had become Sergeant, Roddenberry was selling scripts to such shows as "Goodyear Theatre," "The Kaiser Aluminum Hour." "Four Star Theater," "Dragnet," "The Jane Wyman Theater" and "Naked City." Established as a writer, he turned in his badge and became a freelancer. Later, he served as head writer for the highly popular series "Have Gun, Will Travel." His episode "Helen of Abiginian" won the Writers Guild Award and was distributed to other writers as a model script for the series. Next, he created and produced "The Lieutenant" TV series, starring Gary Lockwood and Robert Vaughn, the story of a young man learning the lessons of life while in the United States Marine Corps.

    "Star Trek" followed (1966-l969). The first of two pilots was pronounced "too cerebral" by the network and rejected. Once on the air, however, "Star Trek" developed a loyal following and has since become the first television series to have an episode preserved in the Smithsonian, where an 11-foot model of the U.S.S. Enterprise is also exhibited on the same floor as the Wright brothers' original airplane and Lindbergh's "Spirit of St. Louis." In addition to the Smithsonian honors, NASA's first space shuttle was named "Enterprise," in response to hundreds of thousands of letters from fans demanding that the shuttle be named after the beloved Starship.

    After the "Star Trek" series ended, Roddenberry produced the motion picture "Pretty Maids All in a Row," starring Rock Hudson, Angie Dickinson and Telly Savalas, and has also made a number of pilots for TV. Among these are "Genesis II" for CBS (1973), about Earth recovering from World War III. Next came "The Questor Tapes" for NBC (1974), the story of an android in search of his creator, then a sequel to "Genesis II" -- "Planet Earth," for ABC. He also co-wrote and produced "Spectre" (1977), a two-hour horror movie for NBC.

    Roddenberry served as a member of the Writers Guild Executive Council and as a Governor of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. He held three honorary doctorate degrees: Doctor of Humane Letters from Emerson College in Boston, Mass.; Doctor of Literature from Union College in Los Angeles (1977), and Doctor of Science from Clarkson College in Potsdam, New York (1981).

    On September 4, 1986, Gene Roddenberry's fans presented him with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the first writer/producer to be so honored. "Star Trek: The Next Generation," in its first year in syndication, was awarded with the 1987 Peabody Award for the "Best of the Best." To date, the series has garnered a total of eleven prestigious Emmy awards. In February 1990, the March of Dimes honored Roddenberry with the Jack Benny Memorial Award for lifetime achievement.

    On Thursday, October 24, 1991 Gene Roddenberry passed away and a world not so far away mourned the loss of one of television's foremost pioneers. He is survived by his wife Majel Barrett ("Nurse Chapel" from "Star Trek" and "Lwaxana Troi" in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine") and their 19-year-old son, Gene Roddenberry, Jr. He is also remembered by his two grown daughters, Darlene and Dawn, from a previous marriage, as well as two grandchildren.

    In addition to having served as executive consultant on "Star Trek" feature productions, Roddenberry added "novelist" to his writing repertoire. His novelization of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" (Pocket Books, 1979) sold close to a million copies and was ranked number one on national best seller lists for many weeks.

    by: Andrew Tong --- [email protected]

  • RavenManiac

    Adam and Eve, True or False

    by RavenManiac in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    do you believe the story of adam and eve?

    why or why not?

    1. StAnn
    2. StAnn
    3. lrkr
  • nvrgnbk

    Free will is another myth.

  • slimboyfat

    It takes courage to enjoy it.

    by slimboyfat in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    as someone wise once said, it can sometimes take more courage to give in to our desires than to resist.

    i feel this is especially true for those who have been jehovah's witnesses, but who have managed to break free from the mental tyranny of so many needless watchtower prohibitions.

    how many of us had a warped or in some sense stunted adolescence because of the mixed up views of sex the watchtower instilled in us?

    1. dwtnphotog
    2. Eyes Open
  • nvrgnbk
    on the contrary it takes real courage to enjoy it

    You sound like my therapist.

    One of your best posts ever, slim.

  • OnTheWayOut

    WTF, I still get a Kingdom Ministry??? Am I still a publisher????

    by OnTheWayOut in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i haven't turned in field circus time in more than a year and a half.. i notice my wife's got a paperclip on her okm (our kingdom ministry).

    so, even though i haven't picked up her okm in many many moons,.

    i wonder what's behind it.. well, besides the dc lapel cards (that's right, 2 of them), there is .

    1. OnTheWayOut
    2. SnakesInTheTower
    3. Witness 007
  • nvrgnbk


    They just want their brother back.

    It's wishful thinking.

    I kept getting one for about a year after I stopped reporting service time.