I remember one about the pioneers that went to a door and the dog told them to go away. Apparently, it was possessed by demons. I can't recall the particulars of that story, but I guess the details would change to suit the storyteller anyway.
JoinedPosts by johnjaspers
Urban Legends in the JWs
by Country Girl inwhat was your favorite urban legend whilst you were in the jws that you now know to be just a buncha hullaballoo?
my favorite one was when a child brought a smurf doll to the kingdom hall and that thing just got up and went screaming out of the kingdom hall on its' own two feet.
i cracked up on that one.. .
My boyfriend is a JW and we want to get married but I want him to get OUT
by blueday ini'm am so heart broken to see my boyfriend with so many internal strugles.
he is a good man, a good god fearing man and this is why it has been so difficult for him to leave the jw's religion.
we love each other so much and we want to be married but he fears the consequences of marring somebody who is not a jw.
I know kids have been mentioned a few times, but here are some other things to consider:
No more holidays for you or any future children. No Christmas morning. No Birthdays cakes. No Easter egg hunting. And it will affect the kids in school. No participation in school holiday events. No sports. No school dances. No first date. No friends in school. Discouragement of higher education.
No blood transfusion if they need it to survive. None for you if you can't speak for yourself.
And you? No dinner with your parents and in-laws together (not without extreme discomfort). Be prepared to sacrifice your relationships with parents, siblings, and friends. Don't plan on getting married in a church or having any real say in the proceedings.
And marriage to a JW is NOT easy to get out of. They do not divorce easily, and the Watchtower Organization provides free legal advice and aid in helping their members to obtain full custody of any children, if you do manage to divorce.
I know that you love this person. You would not be considering marriage if you did not. And he must certainly love you. He risks much just by entertaining a relationship with an unbeliever. But when you marry a full fledged JW, you do not just marry that person. You marry the organization and Kingdom Hall they are part of. That is their family. Their "brothers and sisters".
Proceed with caution...
Did any of you ever have "overzealous"parents?
by Ex-Jo Ho inthis may have been discussed before but did any of you have crazy strict parents...i mean did they have even more strict ideas than what the religion already had put restrictions on?.
my stepfather had been a crazy drug/alcohol addict before dragging my family into the "truth"...then it seemed he became obsessed with the religion.
honestly...i don't know which was worse!
Something I remember as a JW kid, was at an elders house. His little daughter had lied ( 10 yrs old I think), and her punishment was to be locked in a closet with a tablespoon of cheyenne pepper (or some kind of tabasco spice, I cant be sure) and she could not come out until she ate it and sat in there for a while. The thing that really struck me, was that he put a waste basket in the closet with her. Nothing else, just that basket. Her brother told me, it was to tempt her into spitting it out, and then the punishment would be 10 times worse. Fortunately, she did not spit it out. It was the cruelty of the basket that stuck in my mind more than anything else.
The worst thing my Mom did was throw out all my comic books when an Awake article came out in the early 80's warning about how dangerous they were. That sucked, but it was better than what some other kids were getting.
By the way, the closet incident occured in the early 80's, on Cape Cod Massachusetts, in the good old U.S. of A.
I remember the last name of the family, and some of the first names. If, by some miracle, any of the kids in that family are reading this post, I hope you are doing well, and you can contact me if you like.
All said and done, Ex-Jo Ho...You are not alone. It just gets crazier the deeper you get.
watchtower artwork
by johnjaspers inhey all.... i am new here and we can talk about that later, but i have a question that you may be able to help me with.
several years ago, there were a couple of sites that had artwork from the watchtower and awake magazines, as well as other org.
Thanks to all for the links and advice. I am not looking for the "subliminal" ones. I have seen those (they are always the same) and as fun as it may be to think the society is involved in some "subliminal conspiracy" to corrupt our minds with hidden demonic images, I just don't see it. That seems to be more of a "face on Mars" effect.
No..What I am looking for, and find far more frightening, are the honest depictions of all those sinners being destroyed. Buildings in flames, dogs falling into chasms, people fleeing in abject terror, while JW's stand around with beaming smiles on their faces. The way those pictures were used in our weekly studies and the comments that were always made about them, left a very distint and fearful impression on me as a child. I am sure the same kind of programming has affected many others.
What I found interesting, was that when I looked at these pictures again, many years later after leaving the org., I was amazed at how cruel and almost heavy handed they came across.
A part of the reason I revisit my past experiences of when I was a very active JW is that I am trying to figure out exactly what it was that appealed to me, and how I could have accepted some of what I now see in a different light.
Thanks again.
watchtower artwork
by johnjaspers inhey all.... i am new here and we can talk about that later, but i have a question that you may be able to help me with.
several years ago, there were a couple of sites that had artwork from the watchtower and awake magazines, as well as other org.
Hey all...
I am new here and we can talk about that later, but I have a question that you may be able to help me with. Several years ago, there were a couple of sites that had artwork from the Watchtower and Awake magazines, as well as other org. publications. I remembered quite a few of them from my childhood and was shocked to realize how graphic and manipulative they were. However, since then, I have noticed that all those sites are gone, and finding any images on-line from the publications is almost impossible. Does anyone know if this is something the org. did, or if the sites have just moved? There are some people I would like to show the pics to. Thanks for any info.