The parking at the District Convention (UK) is free this year.
Does anyone know why this has changed - has their scam been rumbled??
the parking at the district convention (uk) is free this year.
does anyone know why this has changed - has their scam been rumbled??.
mr c.
The parking at the District Convention (UK) is free this year.
Does anyone know why this has changed - has their scam been rumbled??
now, you might wonder about sheer laziness in watchtower leadership - given that the bookstudy.
got stuck with the climax book.
or you might wonder about cut n' paste articles in the watchtower.
"I think they must be running out of stuff to say"
LOL, they ran out of stuff to say in 1950
Mr C
i've read so many of your stories and some are heartbreaking.. for all you who have been treated unfairly or are lonely or missing friends and family:.
group hug !!!.
love and best wishes to you all, may you find peace and happiness.. mr c .
"Unconditional Love" - Now thats what I call thinking outside the box
i've read so many of your stories and some are heartbreaking.. for all you who have been treated unfairly or are lonely or missing friends and family:.
group hug !!!.
love and best wishes to you all, may you find peace and happiness.. mr c .
I've read so many of your stories and some are heartbreaking.
For all you who have been treated unfairly or are lonely or missing friends and family:
Group Hug !!!
Love and Best wishes to you all, may you find peace and happiness.
Mr C
do you feel there was a "gap" between those who had more materially and those families or individuals who had less?.
example: did those who had "less" materially not get invited to private homes for get togethers as frequently or not at all?.
thanks for your input.. juni .
I cant say I've noticed it, but then we only have nots in our hall
What I will say is that there is the have and have nots spiritually speaking which is much worse than not having anything materialy
Mr C
specifically for those of you who have been in the jw religion many years and still attend -.
do you see a difference in the brothers' and sisters' demeanor (facial and otherwise) and attitude from years ago?
thank you for your input.. juni .
LOL .... "Vibrancy" is not a word I would use to describe the current situation.
specifically for those of you who have been in the jw religion many years and still attend -.
do you see a difference in the brothers' and sisters' demeanor (facial and otherwise) and attitude from years ago?
thank you for your input.. juni .
Yes, i still go. Definitely seen a lot of change. There is no sense of community anymore, our congregation hasn’t done ANYTHING together for at leased 10 years. A lot of people are miserable but don’t want to admit it. Its all about the preaching work, that’s it nothing else. Its not a social club were told but people need some sort of social interaction. There is absolutely zero love, especially for anyone who is weak. I don’t think this is just in my hall, we have friends elsewhere in different congregations, some are better than others but the trend is the same. Yes the wheels are certainly coming off the chariot. At the book study group the other night (Revelation book) the silences were almost embarrassing during the study, three of us don’t answer anyway (because were secret apostates ) or give double meaning answers during the group and the rest of the rank and file were just looking perplexed. Sorry to be so negative but that’s just the way I see it, I’m not alone either.
Mr C
it is my parents wedding anniversary saturday and every year since i left i have always sent them a card.
i wondered whether i should or not this year.
on balance i wasn't sure what would upset them more - waiting for a card that never came, or receiving a card at all, especially since i said in december that i wouldn't "bother" them anymore.. anyway it felt right to send a card so i did and i decided to put a little note inside, folded and bearing the message: "my news, but don't read it if you aren't interested".
Hi Crumpet,
So sorry this is happening to you. You're doing the right thing though. I still go to meetings and the lack of love is palpable these days.
Here is hoping your parents see the light of day and you get them back!
Lots Of Love
Mr C
i have been disfellowshipped for 7 years and my grandfather refuses to eat with me.
there teachings are to love one another but this is not the case.
does anyone else have this problem.
I made a decision some time ago that I would no longer participate in my own abuse.
Give it a try.
Mr C
1 do you now reject all of the wts teachings and doctrines?
2 what doctrines do you still believe in?
3 what doctrines have you stopped believing in?
Religion Is A Snare and A Racket