Can JWs Use Corporal Punishment On Their Children?
They always have, at least when I was growing up.
can a parent slap or use a "rod of discipline" on their kids?
i know it's politically incorrect and perhaps illegal, but is it a personal decision based upon the scriptures or is it taboo these days?.
They always have, at least when I was growing up.
my wife was playing the "stay loyal" convention that she taped the other day and i noticed the brother said something that wasn't in the outline.
during one of the talks friday on shunning he said "can you imagine if apostates were allowed to stay in the congregations?
the congregations would be a garbage heap instead of the spiritual paradise they are now.
I'm sure there are many apostates still in because they're still doing the double life thing so certain family members won't cut them off, or they're just hanging on until they feel totally comfortable to tell the elders to fuck off.
i have never heard of the guy but it seems that he is now a j w ....and important enough to warrant a newspaper story..
He's an actor. You might want to google his name since he's now baptized, there are a few molestation allegations against him before he got dipped
this is on the reddit frontpage and sounds super weird.
can it be confirmed in any way by anyone here?.
Don't believe the hype !!
Don't they pull the same every year at the annual meetings they have ?
it was a mild surprise, learning that a brother and sister-in-law had began re-associating with jehovah's witnesses after at least 25 years of being away.
the couple, of hispanic ethnicity, are in their early 60's, with their five children all grown and independent.
the family had been considered nominal jws, infrequently attending meetings, rarely in field service, but using the annual convention as their family vacation.
What kind of bullshit is that? They should be glad some folks showed up to do the work!, I remember several talks when I just a kid encouraging those at the weekly meeting about showing up when it was your book studys turn to clean the KH, such assholes, but yet they blindly follow !
the scripture quotes aside, i was always told that we don't celebrate birthdays because that is a celebration of the self, which has no place in jehovah's organization.
then why celebrate anniversaries?
anniversary celebrations are about the joining of two selves, isn't that twice as selfish?.
because they don't know what the F they're doing and just made up their own rules
one of the things i often wonder about at the meetings is how many of these people are actually living a lie or sinning in secret?
and more importantly, how do these ones stomach it?
in my case, i have secretly dated and done things disapproved by the wt with a pioneer sister in my congregation for years and we both go to the same meeting twice a week and pretend everything is perfect and nothing has happened.
awokenjw - you're not alone in your actions with another member of the congregation, but the tricky thing is she just might wake up one day and feel guilty and report it, but if she did would you really care at that point.
Just for an example, but involving married couples I've heard a few stories of how couples engaged in oral sex, with the wife requesting it, the husband obliges, then the wife felt guilty and went to the elders and the husband was the one that gets their ass handed to them because he should've known better, crazy how the Borg gets a hold of the minds of its followers.
tens of thousands of protesters are expected to show up in cleveland this week for the republican national convention.
muslim groups.
mexican groups.
Well, good people don't carry an assault weapon like an AK47 strapped to their chest
tens of thousands of protesters are expected to show up in cleveland this week for the republican national convention.
muslim groups.
mexican groups.
Someone please tell me why the guy in the picture feels the need to attend a political convention with that assault weapon strapped to him? Sad to say but this will probably be the first convention where someone might lose a life.
i think we can say many of those laid off no longer trust the governing body because of being lied to repeatedly over so many things.
things are getting very explosive at the governing body's home location kind of ties right in with being moved to a seriously pcp contamined chemical dump site, in fact bad karma has come to rest where ever these stupid lying clowns go.
these gbs are a bunch of real ass holes and they treat the faithful shit and expect them to just take it like a bunch of dummy drones..
I just sent you a msg at that email address you gave out because I want to ask you about a few folks I know at Bethel and was wondering if they are still there.