James Mixon - Eating is the only enjoyment for JW's, so I understand
James you forgot the only true enjoyment for a helluva lot JWs, alcohol !!
gluttony seems to be a sin that jw's like to ignore .there are several scriptures that point out that gluttony is a sin, proverbs 23:20-21 "do not join those who gorge themselves on meat".....also i read somewhere that 1% is the number of disfellowshipped jw's each year......how do prove someone is a glutton and not just a person who love food???
James Mixon - Eating is the only enjoyment for JW's, so I understand
James you forgot the only true enjoyment for a helluva lot JWs, alcohol !!
gluttony seems to be a sin that jw's like to ignore .there are several scriptures that point out that gluttony is a sin, proverbs 23:20-21 "do not join those who gorge themselves on meat".....also i read somewhere that 1% is the number of disfellowshipped jw's each year......how do prove someone is a glutton and not just a person who love food???
my mother was overweight, but not obese, that would've been funny if the Borg did start dumping folks because of that, their numbers would've dropped dramatically and like I mentioned my mom was overweight, so I guess she would've been called in the back room for counsel to start a serious diet. . . what a bunch of morons!! and of course the ones holding those meetings would be overweight themselves, but, oh, they were appointed elders by the holy spirit, yeah, ok, sure, . . .bunch of morons
trying not to type swearwords as i write this so bare with me.. my little 3yo attends meetings with her jw mum (who doesn't believe watchtower anymore but is stuck in because she relies on her family for help).
my mum (the one who tells people im dead) had a party for her grandchildren.
that's my 4 nieces and 1 nephew aged from 3yo-11yo.
Absolutely terrible and disgusting . .
I wasn't shunned by my JDub peers until I go to my teenage and young adult years, but they never said to my face we don't want to be bothered with you. And my mother was still trying to push that crap down my throat that it's da troof. GIve a motherf*^*^ing break .
the video was posted directly to a pro-jw facebook page.
i cant believe what i'm hearing... actually, nothing surprises be about this cult anymore.. didn't they say to the judge in the arc that they dont discourage college?.
Losch needs to do what the now unemployed Mooch referred to a few days ago in one of his tweets, ease up a bit and not be so uptight. . Of course it would have a greater effect if Losch could get some hot, brick house sister to do it to him instead.
have to say after all the stories I've heard over the decades, this actually happens, but my mom and Elder dad never made a move in any way, hint or fashion to kick me out the house . . . HATE to give the Borg a positive mention, but I won't lie about it either as far as my household growing up was concerned
ah yes the convention is approaching.
wife is squirreled away with her wt books, her laptop and the tablet thing ..even at meals.. conversation is a word or two and not often.
spoken to.. doesn't answer.. and on return it will be grumps on for at least a week.. anyone else know this phenomenon?.
Three days after she returns, ask her what talk she enjoyed the most. Ask her for the 3 most significant points from that talk.
Reminds of a talk a brother gave decades ago and he started off with the line from the potato chip commercial "betcha can't eat just one". So that evening at dinner when my friends dad used to ask them what the was talk about, her little brother said potato chips.
what are your convictions now that you are no longer one of jehovah's witnesses?
are you a born again christian?
have you joined another denomination of christianity?
apistevist - well I learned a new word today!
I myself refuse to get involved with any religious organization, one crazy cult that I was born into was enough!
Also not to willing to step foot in another house of worship, HOWEVER, only ONCE have I done that since I stopped attending meeting in the 80's, about ten years ago a friend that goes to a non-denominational church invited me to her Sunday services to see a production about the John the Baptist, (I think it was him, the guy who got his head chopped off) anyway I'll say I enjoyed the "Professional production" very much, nothing like the dramas at the assemblies with pre-recorded audio and the actors just moving their arms to show emotion with the audio.
I remember the Pastor or whoever announced that in a week or two they were going to have a speaker of a Reverend or whatever that visited an island that is just for prisoners in North or South Carolina if I remember the location correctly, must say sounded interesting, but I said to myself "no" don't get suckered into another religious event, had to draw the line right there. Didn't want to be a phony churchgoer who only goes and pick and chooses what they want to hear and believe in.
i have been dating my boyfriend for almost a year now.
when i met him i had no idea that he was a jehovah witness.
we took a vacation and he lied to his parents about who he was with, and they ended up finding out not only that he way lying, but who i was.
Well, since you call him your soul mate, sounds like you two or in your late teens or early 20's.
Just make sure he wants to make a clean break but from the cult, he might be feeling a bit conflicted although he did move away from his parents and his friends have stopped talking to him. Lots of young folks leave, sometimes mentally it happens quickly or there may be something in their mind that might still be bugging him a bit about walking away from the cult
Why do you think you're the one that made him lose his relationship with family and friends? He's the one that chose to walk away from the JWs,
i just had a visit from two guys who are engaged in a door-to-door campaign in the area, preaching "the gospel", and offering, to quote "the best news you are ever going to hear".
this was at 3:30 pm local time, an hour at by which all jws would have long called it a day.
while these two didn't identify themselves with any particular church group, it was quite obvious that they were neither jws or lds.
I remember way back in either the 70's or 80's a Seventh Day Adventist came knocking at the door, lo and behold, my mother actually stood their and listened and took her little pamphlet. Of course after she closed the door she then says, "well, I started to say something to her, but I just listened" and the pamphlet went in the trash. I think she was just gobsmacked to get back in her face what she's been doing since 1958.
we all know the rate of suicide is high among jw's.
my question is this- was there some subliminal messages that encourage this.
i was a born in and my entire life i would have these thoughts that could come out of nowhere,"kill yourself.
Hey Simon, kinda seems like BOTR is back posting under a different name, what do you think?