My pet peeve is people who spell "peeve" as "peave."
it's alwways a god idea to cheek yur speling before comenting on mistakes in gramarr.
makes me crazy:.
there: go over there!.
their: they own it; belonging to etc.. for the love of pete - use them correctly!.
My pet peeve is people who spell "peeve" as "peave."
it's alwways a god idea to cheek yur speling before comenting on mistakes in gramarr.
from facebook:just saw my jw mother after not seeing her for more than 2 years.
when i do see her, it is brief, she never asks about my life, doesn't ask about my 4 children her grandchildren, doesn't ask about my grandchildren...her great grandchildren, she doesn't ask about my other 2 brothers that she is also alienated from, she doesn't ask about my brothers family.
she doesn't talk about the jw/org either.
berrygerry - ask her if she believes the scripture in the Bible, "no man knows the days nor hour" then ask why does she think the end will come January 1 or a few days later
a really moving testimony.
maybe some one can post it here, "monica singleton..awakening from the jehovah's witness nightmare".
posted nov. 11,2017 12:41 min........
I watched her to videos last night and told her about this site where she could find support, may she's here but keeping quiet.
we supposedly had more than a few “demonized” people in our congregation.
they would hear voices or feel internal punishment within their souls.
the answer was always—-these people were affected by the demons and they needed counseling!.
Their were a couple of "sisters" in my congregation`s ( x2 ) who swore they were being raped by the demons and went to the Elders about it.
I've heard that one too, I think these sex deprived sisters trying to go along with the no sex before marriage thing and just had a man spend the night with them and out of guilt blamed it on the demons
we supposedly had more than a few “demonized” people in our congregation.
they would hear voices or feel internal punishment within their souls.
the answer was always—-these people were affected by the demons and they needed counseling!.
The Dubs have to be only religion (cult) on the planet that are so obsessed with demons. If I wasn't raised in this nonsense I wouldn't even know what a demon is. Being told you shouldn't buy from yard sales and all their made up lies that I can remember about some sister bought a sofa or chair or something and all the sudden their hearing noises at night or the table started shaking.
Just as crazy as the Smurf story, with the little smurf running up the aisle at the KH cursing all the way, as ridiculous as that is, some Dubs will swear it actually happened.
i started studying with witnesses about 21 months ago.
started going to meetings in march 2017, went to the memorial and attended my first convention.
i love it.
I remember more than twenty years ago someone told me that I mom's Cong there was a trans, they always compared him to RuPaul, anyway, of course he got the talk from elders, which I'm sure basically said if you don't Identify with being man you cannot be a part of Jehovah's Organization.
I have a feeling you love them now is because you're being love bombed, they welcome you and hope you see the light your self that you are doing what is wrong is Jah's eyes. In your future you will be SO GLAD you got out of such a dangerous controlling CULT
i love the rifleman!
i’ve seen it a million times and still will watch it !
and goodfellas, the movie as well as the sopranos.
It's amazing how I can still watch an I Love Lucy reruns which I've been watching since early childhood, but then my shows from back then like Andy Griffith, Mary Tyler Moore, Sanford and Son, The Addams Family, Hazel, Dick Van Dyke, Make Room for Daddy, The Honeymooners, and many more are still on and I never get tired of them
The shows I used to watch back then and can't watch a minute of some reason are GIlligans Island, McHales Navy, Batman, Beverly Hillbillies, for some reason I've had my fill of these shows. Golden Girls I'll watch but it gets so annoying sometimes especially when Rose starts up with those St Olaf stories.
i would never want to see that happen but i’m surprised it has not occurred at this point.
there are many disgruntled people who have had bad experiences with the witnesses..
The blood issue and shunning could make somebody emboldened to do something crazy!
My thoughts exactly Minimus! I am surprised because of the blood issue some UBM probably lost a wife or baby and gone crazy and shot up the place, just thinking of that yesterday after the Texas shooting, but I've wondered about that before, the main reason being the blood issue
my roommate bought a new dell laptop, operated by windows 10. in the three weeks he's had it, it's online then goes offline (and this repeatedly): when he goes from one e-mail to another, when he engages in a financial transaction, when he opens a new webpage, etc.
he does the basic rebooting, as prescribed in the article whose link is attached.
his pc and my older dell and apple powerbook are all on wifi.
Nic, what's the secret for keeping your old relic running so perfectly, I have an HP a year older thn yours running Vista. Now when I turn it on just to see if it still works which it does, I now have to set the date and time, always has a 2007 date on it, other than that not many complaints I've poured so much money into it, should've gotten it's replacement much sooner than I did with all the repairs money I put into it
about everytime i go to the grocery store just after sunrise, i can see the witnesses sitting and waiting inside their cars to distribute literature.
it is not against the law for them to do that.
i was wondering do they allow parking lot witnessing in your area?.
Sunrise witnessing in NYC is nothing new, but then it's been a while since I've been around the ones that do that, but they used to meet at 6 or 7 and head straight to the subway stations are on the streets where the stations are located. Everybody in a rush to catch the train and they know that, so I'm sure if they actually spoke to one person in a month that would be something.