I've mentioned the story several times here explaining why I use the name ShirleyW, here, because of so much hypocrisy in da troof. That's the name of one of the sisters in the KH I grew up with who had a "roommate" practically all of their adult lives. They started attending the KH I was in when I was around 9 or 10 years old, they were together until SW's roommate passed away about four or five years ago They were both pioneers when they first moved in together, but then they moved to NY from FL and opened a piano teaching business. I don't know why they were never DF'd. All you had to do was look at the two of them and tell they were a couple, whether their relationship was consummated or not, (there are married folks out there that have never consummated their relationship for whatever reason.)
There were also discussions about them and someone of course always said "well Jehovah will clean up his organization in due time."