Dont do it! Fight the power!
Dont give in to censorship
Take care ThiChi...............
goodbye for now.... .
at the outset, i would like thank simon for this site.
it is truly a great place for xjws to hang out and discuss topics that interest us.
Dont do it! Fight the power!
Dont give in to censorship
Take care ThiChi...............
to all my fellow americans!
happy 4th of july!
i would like to thank our neighbors to the north and our brethen across the atlantic for being there with us through both good times and bad.
To all my fellow Americans! Happy 4th of July!
I would like to thank our Neighbors to the North and our brethen across the Atlantic for being there with us through both good times and bad. May all of you have a safe 4th of July.
God Bless America and God Save the Queen
(and God Save Farkel....)
cosby has harsh words for black community
by don babwin, associated press writer
chicago - bill cosby (news) went off on another tirade against the black community thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere.
Hmmmm so we are both stalking each other... hmmmmmm Kinky
I'll leave Simon my keyboard.
cosby has harsh words for black community
by don babwin, associated press writer
chicago - bill cosby (news) went off on another tirade against the black community thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere.
And I thought you loved me CHEV
I guess i'll have to stalk someone else
Maybe Bill Cosby??
i took the "belief-o-matic" survey at beliefnet yesterday, and it looks like i am a mormon.
the survey matches your beliefs on various matters to the creeds of the world's religions and assigns a percentage.
i was 100% church of jesus christ of latter-day saints.
Well it looks like im a quaker
cosby has harsh words for black community
by don babwin, associated press writer
chicago - bill cosby (news) went off on another tirade against the black community thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere.
Contrary to popular opinion, nobody here is trying to quell dissent or stop someone for speaking out.
Actually, Simon oppresses me on a daily basis
the number "666" is hidden in every upc bar code!
(if you don't believe it, get a bar code and look at it!.
in the last few years, some upc codes have appeared with additional boxes underneath the bar code.
Heathen! Gotta watch out for that 700 Club
stupid ass army...........
Wouldnt it be obvious if they brought that soda can in that it wasnt a normal coke can?? Its not like it looks like a regular can. You cant drink it. It seems silly.
cosby has harsh words for black community
by don babwin, associated press writer
chicago - bill cosby (news) went off on another tirade against the black community thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere.
That was addressed to our society in general. It was addressed to every single group in this country who complains how bad they have it.
I just read all of the comments in this thread. There were several comments agreeing with Cosby in regards to getting a proper education and speaking correctly, which were full of spelling and grammatical errors. Funny..
I cant speak for everyone else on this board but my spelling and grammer is and always will be atrocious. I do have a 'proper education' but writing has always been a weak point for me. Quite frankly I hate it. I always scored in the 60's when it came to spelling and writing on the standerized tests. Reading however I was always at a 99%. So while I might know what im talking about, attempting to express my thoughts on this board has been quite challenging. I will never have the writing skills of Alan F . However, if it came to giving a presentation or marketing pitch I would blow the vast majority of this board away
crazy151drinker <------------------------------working on his MBA, but writes like a 6th grader
stupid ass army...........
Stupid ass Army..........