I might ruffle some feathers here. We know in high school there is always a seperation of the students to a point, in groups or clicks... like the nerds, the jocks, preps, stuck up types, popular/not popular, druggies, bullies, etc. So after months of reading everyone here, I know there would be groups formed among all the members here, if we were to be put into a gathering situation. Some here, would only hang with certain people, and maybe socialize less with others. What groups/clicks do you think would form? Does anyone want to put themselves into a group? This is a topic that is just human nature, so go easy on me.
JoinedPosts by NotaNess
If this forum was high school, how many cliques would there be?
by NotaNess ini might ruffle some feathers here.
we know in high school there is always a seperation of the students to a point, in groups or clicks... like the nerds, the jocks, preps, stuck up types, popular/not popular, druggies, bullies, etc.
so after months of reading everyone here, i know there would be groups formed among all the members here, if we were to be put into a gathering situation.
DFd for smoking. Is that considered an Apostate now?
by NotaNess injust wondering that now makes one an apostate.
its more of a physical than a verbal shunning of their doctrine or even due to the hard habit to break, so do they treat you the same?
also, can you be a smoker while going to meetings (not during), as long as your not baptised yet?
Just wondering that now makes one an Apostate. Its more of a physical than a verbal shunning of their doctrine or even due to the hard habit to break, so do they treat you the same? also, can you be a smoker while going to meetings (not during), as long as your not baptised yet?
If Walmart employees can do it and win, why can't we?
by REBORNAGAIN inwhy are we not all getting together as a group and get back at the borg for what they have done to us?
"there is strength in numbers" and definitely enough of us.
we have all suffered in similar ways, some more than others.
less plaintifs have won over lesser issues. Get a clue. See, these are the attitudes that contribute to nothing being seriously done. By the way if your gonna put your fingers to the keyboard, make sure making a valid comparison.
Just give me a "big ol jug of sweet tea", --sugar, tea, water, ice, maybe lemon...then I'm good.
Am I a cool dude or what?
by sweetface2233 incheck out my new avatar!
so the opposite of a sweet face, but he's so adorable.
i love his nose!
Am I a cool dude or what?
by sweetface2233 incheck out my new avatar!
so the opposite of a sweet face, but he's so adorable.
i love his nose!
WAIT!!! It was in my text window..where did it go???
Am I a cool dude or what?
by sweetface2233 incheck out my new avatar!
so the opposite of a sweet face, but he's so adorable.
i love his nose!
Yippie, I figured out how to post pics properly
Am I a cool dude or what?
by sweetface2233 incheck out my new avatar!
so the opposite of a sweet face, but he's so adorable.
i love his nose!
Hey, it could have been worse, right?
"We'll be over the day after"
by Wordly Andre ini don't know how others are but in my family, my grandma makes a turkey for thanksgiving, and either turkey, pot roast or ham for christmas.
all of us non-jw's go over to celebrate and enjoy the time with the family, now the jw's in the family always say, we'll be over the day after, they eat the same turkey we did for thanksgiving, eat the same food, pies, etc.
we did but just the next day?
I was told by a JW - "I can eat the birthday cake the next day...just not the day of the birthday" This is someone in the org for 20+ years. Then know of some that go to watch the Fireworks for 4th of July.
What an embarrasement that faith is. How can grown adults be caught up in this type of living, in this day and age, I'll never get it.
If Walmart employees can do it and win, why can't we?
by REBORNAGAIN inwhy are we not all getting together as a group and get back at the borg for what they have done to us?
"there is strength in numbers" and definitely enough of us.
we have all suffered in similar ways, some more than others.
This would be an easy case to win. Someone said it earlier...organization. That's the key.
Huge lawsuit settlements over pedophilia, and I never heard 1 word about it in the national news, but if someone takes a video of a dog jumping off a roof and lands unharmed.. it makes a 10 second national news clip on TV. There's something wrong there.
5,000 come forward in a major lawsuit against the WTS?......that's powerful. GET IT DONE PEOPLE.