Thank you Merry for seeing past my bluntness, and addressing the real issue. Pertaining to women, many Men don't know how to control their outright staring and commenting at the ladies. Others, don't want to try and control it. It's just what they do.
My original point that most that posted missed, is that the cause and effect of revealing alot of flesh and wearing almost next to nothing is something that women seem to ignore or just don't care what people think. But guys are gonna look at your goods, especially if they are being "shown off". This is the effect of the cause, but don't act like all these guys that are oogling and drooling have no good reasons for doing it.
You can be less revealing and still be attractive, without over doing it. If you over do it, you better expect what comes with it. And don't complain about it.
( I realize there are different opinions on what over-doing-it is)