Something else that occured is that it is very easy to confuse an action with a label for an action.
Take rape for example. Rape is not actually an action. Rather it is a label for a specific occurence of an action that fits certain criteria. The action is sexual intercourse.
In order to make a moral judgement on a specific occurence of sexual intercourse, we ask questions that will shed light on the context and circumstance of that specific occurence. Questions such as: what were the ages of the participants? Was the act mutually consensual? What are the personal circumstances of the participants as respect to relationships with others etc?
Once we have this individual information, we then assign a moral label to the specific occurence of the act. These can be negative, such as "rape" or "adultery", or they can be positive, such as "making love" etc. There are a range of labels to suit the various circumstances of the specific act.
In order to be a moral absolute, you would have to say that all occurences of the act (i.e. sexual intercourse) are either wrong, or right. This is obviously unworkable, and show why moral absolutes do not exist.
It is also why saying that "rape is an absolute wrong" doesn't really have any meaning, because,"rape" is a morally relativistic label, applied using the process of moral relativism.
Same goes for "murder". That too is not an act, but a label for a specific occurence of an act. The act is killing a human, and again, there are a whole range of labels to be applied to specific occurences of that act e.g. murder, manslaughter, suicide, execution, euthanasia.
When you analyse it, there are no acts which are not subject to moral relativism i.e. making a moral judgement by taking into account the context of the act.