I hear that you might be made of wood
Yeah that's what all the chicks say.
Oh, and Robyn, there's no need to burn me because [BarryWhite] I'm smokin' hot already, baby! [/BarryWhite]
i have a question for you who have a background of being wittness.i was forced to become a wittness by my when i am older i feel nothing but hatred becourse of that damnable brainwash.from my early boyhood i have allways been attracted with what is called satanism.this i confess now.the only true religion for me.that's i ask from you there anyboby out there who confess satanism after leaving jw's?
I hear that you might be made of wood
Yeah that's what all the chicks say.
Oh, and Robyn, there's no need to burn me because [BarryWhite] I'm smokin' hot already, baby! [/BarryWhite]
ok folks!.
you think you've got controversy in a nutshell, eh?.
well, you're wrong!.
You don't know what you've just let yourself in for. You think you do, but you don't. You really have no idea. Trust me, you don't. Am I getting the message across here?
Expatbrit, buying Marmite in bulk for the next time he meets Ray.
p.s. No you don't know.
p.p.s NO YOU DON'T!
i have a question for you who have a background of being wittness.i was forced to become a wittness by my when i am older i feel nothing but hatred becourse of that damnable brainwash.from my early boyhood i have allways been attracted with what is called satanism.this i confess now.the only true religion for me.that's i ask from you there anyboby out there who confess satanism after leaving jw's?
Seems to me that Satanism is serving Satan's interests. If you want to serve your own interests, tell Satan to get stuffed.
Not that it matters. It's all superstition anyway.
i just had a jw come to my door and i had to threaten her to get her to leave!
i told the woman right off i was 'apostate' and had no intention of changing it.
she kept asking me personal questions which i told her were none of her business and she said she would have the elders come by and i told her that if they came by the better be wearing bullet proof vests!
Btw Ravyn:
Here's another page from do-not-call you might be interested in:
Expatbrit .
jehovah's witnesses asking woman to pay legal costs in sexual abuse lawsuit.
toronto (cp) - a woman who received $5,000 in damages after accusing the canadian wing of the jehovah's witnesses of negligence over their handling of allegations of sexual abuse is being asked to pay for part of the religious group's legal costs in the case.
Those WT lawyers a the &%$#@* scum of the Earth! Even after losing!
Now that is bang on! Hell, I could write a biography of David Gnam just by following the slime trail. Expatbrit .
jehovah's witnesses asking woman to pay legal costs in sexual abuse lawsuit.
toronto (cp) - a woman who received $5,000 in damages after accusing the canadian wing of the jehovah's witnesses of negligence over their handling of allegations of sexual abuse is being asked to pay for part of the religious group's legal costs in the case.
I understand that frustration with red tape, trust me. And you're not the only person asking these questions. Unfortunately, I'm not a legal guy, so I can't give good answers as to why Vicki's lawyer chose the strategy he did. There was good stuff given to him that was not used.
But now the trial is over, and verdict has been given. The question being resolved now is costs, and again, the written submissions have been made. The Judge must make her decision on what she has been given in the case, not on material submitted to her outside of the case. That's just the way it is. Personally, I'm more hopeful of getting a good result on the costs than I was with the original case.
And let's not lose sight of the huge significance of this case that Vicki has already achieved. This is precedental (is that a word?) stuff.
Expatbrit .
jehovah's witnesses asking woman to pay legal costs in sexual abuse lawsuit.
toronto (cp) - a woman who received $5,000 in damages after accusing the canadian wing of the jehovah's witnesses of negligence over their handling of allegations of sexual abuse is being asked to pay for part of the religious group's legal costs in the case.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong here, but in a court case, I believe both parties must submit the evidence they plan on using in the trial before it starts. This makes it fair on both sides. One side attempting to introduce new evidence on the fly generally draws ire from the Judge, doesn't it?
Now if that is true, what do you think the reaction will be to someone trying to influence the Judge during her deliberations? Then, even if the Judge rules in favour of Vicki, it leaves the Watchtower a perfect opportunity to claim that the verdict is invalid because the Judge has been biased by outside influences.
Like it or not, verdicts must be given on the evidence submitted in the case, not public opinion. If you try now to influence the Judge, you will be doing more damage than good.
from the san francisco chronicle's mark morford:.
= mark's notes & errata ==.
where opinion meets benign syntax abuse .
Oh good, a viewpoint from the State about to disappear into a left-threaded black hole of fiscal and governmental irresponsibility, courtesy of the Democrats and Direct Democracy.
thought i'd pop in and say "hello" to all!
i have a computer but i don't have the time or money to get it hooked up to the internet right yet.
i should have it all together in the next month...let's hope anyway.
Hi Carrie:
Glad to hear that the new job is going swimmingly. While you've been away everyone has converted to right-wing politics. Simon will be looking after George Bush's website for his re-election campaign( Realist has become a monk.
Get that computer hooked up soon!
calgary herald
credit: calgary herald archive
credit: calgary herald archive