My goodness, look at those truckloads of Depends generously donated by Georgetown on their way to Brooklyn!
don't know if anyone has covered this article yet.
sorry if this is a repost.
ashlawsuits allege cover-up of sexual abuse by jehovah's witnesses.
My goodness, look at those truckloads of Depends generously donated by Georgetown on their way to Brooklyn!
diminutive democrat presidential frontrunner howard dean today called for the bush administration to reinstate saddam hussein to the dictatorship of iraq since the decision to invade iraq was made using "faulty intelligence information.
"just because saddam was a brutal genocidal dictator doesn't mean that america has the right to go and depose him," governor dean said as he addressed the annual meeting of the transgendered vegetarians association.
"when you get right down to it, george w. bush isn't any better than saddam.
but not according to me.. for the number of jws still going strong the ones here is but a handful, so mabye most of you are just pitiful whiners who should accept a little personal responsibility for your lives and quit trying so hard to blame someone or something.
northern girl.. .
and is the following reasonable?you have the right to do anything you want on this board ... it would be 'nice' if the name didn't say 'forum for jehovah's witnesses' though.
Most of YOU are pitiful whiners
I had a householder say a very similar thing to me once after he had read the Watchtower and Awake magazines.
...but not necessarily the bible.
do you pray?
what do you call him/her?
I guess that if we were to start throwing labels around then you would be "agnostic", yes?
As you know, I'm an atheist, because I have a lack of belief in God. This is different from believing that God doesn't exist. The position is that, until there is convincing evidence that cannot be explained any other way than by the existence of God, I will by default lack belief in the existence of such an entity.
See, the trouble with saying that we should not dismiss anything we don't know for sure leaves everything open. There is very little, maybe even nothing, that we know for absolute sure, therefore arguments can be made for anything.
Take for instance Funky D's example of Santa Claus. How can we know for sure that Santa doesn't exist? Have we explored the entire universe? Is Santa beyond our comprehension? We may think that we have explained how presents get under the tree, but is the Grinch blinding our eyes? You can see that someone who really wanted to believe in Santa could make the exact same arguments as those who believe in God, and those arguments would have just as much validity.
This is why we lack belief in Santa, because a) there is no convincing evidence for his existence, and b) the stories and myths that purport his existence have been demonstrated to be extremely implausible, and have much more plausible alternatives.
As an atheist, I apply these same principles to God.
...but not necessarily the bible.
do you pray?
what do you call him/her?
Is it your position that we should believe in everything until it is absolutely proven not to exist? If so, what would this absolute proof consist of?
at first i thought this was a joke.
then i realized it was real.'s futures market plan condemned mon jul 28, 9:52 pm etadd top stories - ap to my yahoo!.
Yeah this is daft. It doesn't result in any new intelligence, just predictions based upon mass ignorance. I guess they're trying for the kind of thing that Asimov used in the Foundation books.
ok folks!.
you think you've got controversy in a nutshell, eh?.
well, you're wrong!.
vegetarian korma eaters
Probably the nastiest insult I've ever read. MODERATORS!
my results - .
your score is: 8 - 11: nudist-in-waiting!.
Your score is: 3 or less: Still a way to go!
But don't worry - many people would get a similar score. Why not try to consciously improve your score - perhaps by sleeping nude or going for a naked walk in a forest (remote area please: you shouldn't break the law). Set a goal for yourself - when you can score 8 or more, it's time to do it!The Average score for this test is 9.38
Thank the stars for that.
i was just reading moxy's post "biggest mathematical miracle in the world" .
and as i was reading all the logical reasons why it would have been impossible at least physically impossible, for that many israelites not to mention even one, to wonder through the desert 40 years and not leave a trace of their even having been there.. the only thing that seems to be more incredible then that is how many people on earth believe it.
regardless of weather it's true or not what is it that continues to inspire millions and billions of people to continue to believe?
Ha, I see Reborn carpe diem'd the veni, vidi, vici. He's semper paratus, alright.
Well how about this well-known *cough* motto of the Roman Police (discovered by Terry Pratchett):
Expatbrit, excretus ex fortuna
a missionary from taiwan mentioned that the brothers in hong kong have been told that they are not showing faith in jehovah god by missing meetings because of the outbreak of sars.
they were told to rely upon jehovah and not stay away from the, what do you think??
Yes it does sound genuine. I was just thinking that to have such a thing in writing would be a handy club to clobber them with.