Thank you, Heathen. I really do appreciate your part in this discussion.
Thank you, Heathen. I really do appreciate your part in this discussion.
for the most part i rely on my computer clock to give me the right time.. well just missed an appointment because of that .
i have adjusted the time several times - those senior's moments made me think i just forgot to to do it.. well each time i set it the stupid clock resets to the old time.
allk my other clocks are fine except the computer.. i finally realized that if i set the computer to say i am in the central time zone it just might stay at the right time until the end of the month when i can rest it for eastern time.
Then starting in 2007 the change was moved up by three weeks.
geeze, the memorial to remember your place in the organization jesus christ is next tueday i think.......anyone else getting roped into going besides me?
i'm trying to talk my brother into going....just so i'm not the only slacker there.
i know whats going to happen.
I will be in Lithuania in spirit, BA.
here's a question that i haven't seen addressed directly:.
why are there many witnesses who enjoy the organization immensely?.
no matter what you tell them, they would not dream of leaving.
This question really hits a nerve. I didn't even read the posts but here's my answer...
I don't know. My mom hasn't even met all her grandchildren. But last time I saw her she had on the glazed smile like she was happy. How could she be happy? The only reason I can think of is that she genuinley doesn't love her family in her heart. I would feel better if she would admit that awful truth then to continue hiding behind a watchtower.
It's the perfect excuse for her to use to avoid us. "It's not me darling, it's Jehovah." (wink, wink) The WTS serves many purposes that can make people happy.
i wasn't planning on it.
i work reading meters for residential and business areas and see the witlesses all the time but usually avoid them (i might whistle a kingdumb melody while walking by just to confuse them), and have never been accosted by them.
today two witnesses street witnessing took me by surprise.
lol 6o9!
FBF - love your name, not so crazy about he pic, ewwww. I would love to have been there. I don't know how I'll react if I am ever confronted by a pushy JW. I have a mix of rage and pity in my heart. How does that combo of emotion manifest? I one day will learn to forgive but, I'm not ready yet.
You did great.
for the most part i rely on my computer clock to give me the right time.. well just missed an appointment because of that .
i have adjusted the time several times - those senior's moments made me think i just forgot to to do it.. well each time i set it the stupid clock resets to the old time.
allk my other clocks are fine except the computer.. i finally realized that if i set the computer to say i am in the central time zone it just might stay at the right time until the end of the month when i can rest it for eastern time.
I can't beleive yet another international blunder courtesy of GWB. YIKES!
BFD - of the really stays out of the political arenea class but couldn't resist
back when i asked for advice about staying together for the kid/s, i should have listened and just gotten the divorce.
i was just too effing spineless to do it though.
huge mistake.
Sometimes when I find myself taking the easy way and I know I'm lying to myself about it, I ask myself, if not now, when?
Hope this helps a little.
ok this is the first thread i have ever started.. .
i have decided to live my life on one premise .
basically that jesus christ said that he had one commandment - love one another .. .
i received a call last night that my grandmother had a stroke.
my first thought was "finally".
i know how awful that sounds, but her health has been deteriorating for years.
I know exactly how you feel. Two years ago very dear friend of mine had a major stroke at the age of 92. All the doctors said that there was no hope for her to fuction again. I just sat with her for hours holding her hand and telling her that is was OK to let go. She died two weeks after the stroke.
This woman lived on her own up to the last moment before her stroke, and was a great ballroom dancer. That's how we met. Anyhow, I am sorry for your pain right now, and I understand how you feel. And, I don't think it is wrong.
Who said anything about equal? There could be three parts that are not equal but make up one.