...and he had to wade across crocodile infested waters to conduct the meeting for service and no one else showed up. W.OncePrecisely.
But wait...there's more.
He preached till sundown.
He was hungry.
He was parched.
He was ready to retire for the evening, he had to traverse that crocodile-infested river yet again, but he felt the need to knock on one last hut.
Turns out, the householder had been praying to God that He send a sign.
A study was started with the householder, the village witchdoctor.
Now he's a Circuit Overseer.
By the way, he's also just a torso, as he's lost all his appendages whilst crossing the many crocodile-infested rivers in his assignments.
Makes one ask...am I REALLY doing enough?
let us not forget the walk in service and to the kingdom hall is up hill both ways.