Power of reason makes
no room for a Satan, a Savior or God’s organization
Religions behave as
though they do not know the meaning of the very word religion (from religare, Latin, “to reconnect”) and go to any extent to keep their
identity and to massage their feeling of self-importance. This makes adherents
hypocrites which in turn makes onlookers lose their faith in God. People in
general never integrated teachings of their religions into their lives. For
1) Religions teach that God is merciful (yet
people ask: “Why does then inequality exist in the world?”)
2) Religions teach Law of cause and consequence,
and at the same time neutralize it presenting a Satan and a Savior (yet many
ask: Why did this happen to me, why did God do this to me ….)
So the only resort is
the power of our reason. We see changes everywhere. Change presupposes
something unchangeable (in other words, change happens in relation to something
unchangeable—for a change to happen something unchangeable is required as a
platform). This inner eye of perception shows that God is sustainer of the
physical world and is eternal. If He is eternal, He has to be indivisible,
“minuter than atom” (as some Scriptures put it) in form, and “infinite and
inexhaustive source of all good qualities” which means no one would ever feel
like self-styling himself as a Satan against God!
“He resides in
unapproachable light.” (1 Tim 6:16) In order to see the light, no other light
is necessary. Just as in the physical world, the sun in its self-effulgence, is
self-evident, so too, in the spiritual realm, to know the Knowledge Absolute no
other knowing-principle or a mediator is needed. Though people say they see,
they see the illusion of what they think the reality is, hence it is no
different from dream. The dreamer can never know the waker, for, while knowing
the waking-state the dreamer himself ends to become the waker. To awaken
oneself from the dream is to know the waker; to know the waker is to become the
waker. So too, on ending the ego-centric existence, in the flash of the
spiritual awakening, the misguided, panting ego ends itself in the re-discovery
that it was nothing but an attachment to a false image of what I am not [ego is
sense of doership and thinking in terms of me and mine—both are in a way an
illusory feeling; because when one thinks that doership of an action belongs to
him, he is ignorant of countless causes—perceptible and imperceptible—behind producing
an action/result, and no one posses anything in its real sense].
Interestingly, some Scriptures
call God as the Supreme Soul or Param Atma (combination of a negative prefix “a” +
“tama” or darkness) which literally means God is antonym of
darkness, ignorance or ego, and describe Him as “effulgent like sun” whose duty
is to give light and heat, which means God is the giver of illuminating
spiritual knowledge and empowering qualities, with no thought of receiving
anything in return. (Mathew 5:44-48)
If the Supreme Atma, God, is understood as “antonym of ego,” His very attitude and action
become a silent and effective teaching that we are also atma, hence antonym of ego. Interestingly, Galatians 5:25, 26
contrast spirituality with “egotistical living.”