If God exists, He must be a God of freedom. Because He has
endowed us with free-will, and never interferes with it (as confirmed by our own
experiences). That means He wants everyone to make their choice and reap the
fruits accordingly. This means many would choose as they like—bringing varying
degree of goodness and badness, and God will naturally be impartial to everyone.
This would mean the following:
God will
have nothing to do if everyone makes right choices which safeguards the harmony
within and without, or
God will have to recreate ideal situation if
things go to the worst.
With this introduction, my friend sent me an interesting excerpt
from one spiritual magazine he read this week, and it goes like:
“The people of various tendencies can only be accommodated
into the corresponding phases of cyclic history. Each cycle of history runs
like a special ship, a mammoth ship, which has 84 decks/floors numbered in
descending order—first on top (smallest) and 84th (largest) being on the
entrance floor, and it has a circular route around the globe. This ship is
special in one more sense too that it starts the journey by taking a very few
chosen travelers from the starting point putting them in the first floor
(top-most floor), and when it reaches the second port, some more people will
board but into the second floor and in which travelers from the first
floor will also join; and when it reaches the third port, some more
people will board but into the third floor, in which all people from the second
floor will also join; thus when it
reaches the 84th port, it will be fully crowded with all the passengers as
everyone changed only the floor, but did
not go out of the ship.
The higher the floor, the more the facilities and comforts
will be and vice versa. First 20 floors are reserved for the people whose
character is like that of gods and goddesses whose highlight is altruism. And
the remaining 63 floors are for those who are passionately seeking personal
gains in all their actions and for those who are always complaining never
getting satisfied over anything. And finally when the time comes they are all
together in the 84th floor, the Captain (God) takes measures to restore and
rejuvenate the condition of the ship and of the passengers. And as they
remember their past glorious journey, the souls resolve to recreate their
original pure and divine state which will enable them to restart their journey
as gods and goddesses.
In this journey, the good people take births in the good
phase (first half of the cycle of history) number-wise—according to one’s merit
and time, and will continue to take birth in the successive phases too. The mediocre
people take birth in the mediocre phase (first part of the second half of the
cycle of history) number-wise, and will continue to take birth in the next phase
also. The selfish people take birth in the last phase (last part of the second
half of the cycle of history) numberwise.
Such a sketch of history ensures that good people are available
throughout the cycle of history!
Thus the sketch of the history of mankind is such that
people who have karmic accounts to be settled will come together again at the
appropriate place and time. There is, in fact, no such thing as accident.
Everything that happens to us happens by the Cause-and-Effect principle and not
by chance. Hence there is nothing to be worried over receiving the unpleasant,
and nor to be elated over receiving the pleasant. There is nothing to feel
personal in any happening as everything is just ONE THING LEADING TO THE OTHER.
Once an action is performed, it is like a seed planted—its sprouting, growth
and fruition are absolutely certain—something the forces of nature will do
meticulously precise in its own time and its own way. Once convinced of this,
one can live in peace and freedom as he knows whatever happened or is happening
to him is the fruit of what he sowed in the past, and what he does now will
definitely have its appropriate fruits in the future. Hence, it allows one to
be very passionate about all his duties and dispassionate about their results–which
means one should add fullness to whatever one is doing now which would make
every moment of his life joyful.”
I found this interesting, hence thought of sharing with you!