JoinedPosts by iconoclastic
Jesus foretold corruption of scriptures (rather than apostasy of Christendom)
by iconoclastic injws apply the fulfillment of what jesus fold in mathew 13:24-30 in what they call the great apostasy of christendom.
here jesus was speaking in parable, hence application should be made in its essence.
jesus sowed the seed (which means he preached the truth), later when it was compiled, selfish writers sowed weeds (interpolated their own ideas), and it became one book where on cannot distinguish what is good seed and weed.
Jesus foretold corruption of scriptures (rather than apostasy of Christendom)
by iconoclastic injws apply the fulfillment of what jesus fold in mathew 13:24-30 in what they call the great apostasy of christendom.
here jesus was speaking in parable, hence application should be made in its essence.
jesus sowed the seed (which means he preached the truth), later when it was compiled, selfish writers sowed weeds (interpolated their own ideas), and it became one book where on cannot distinguish what is good seed and weed.
I was hinting at a direction. If you use this line of reasoning, you will find that more things are interpolation and a very few things are real. Interestingly, we do not need any manuscripts support, because greatest exponent of this type of reasoning is none other than prophet Jeremiah himself: “when I brought your ancestors out of Egypt and spoke to them, I did not just give them commands about burnt offerings and sacrifices….the law of the Lord, actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely”—Jeremiah 7:22; 8:8
Jesus foretold corruption of scriptures (rather than apostasy of Christendom)
by iconoclastic injws apply the fulfillment of what jesus fold in mathew 13:24-30 in what they call the great apostasy of christendom.
here jesus was speaking in parable, hence application should be made in its essence.
jesus sowed the seed (which means he preached the truth), later when it was compiled, selfish writers sowed weeds (interpolated their own ideas), and it became one book where on cannot distinguish what is good seed and weed.
JWs apply the fulfillment of what Jesus fold in Mathew 13:24-30 in what they call the great apostasy of Christendom. Here Jesus was speaking in “parable,” hence application should be made in its essence. Jesus sowed “the seed” (which means he preached the truth), later when it was compiled, selfish writers sowed “weeds” (interpolated their own ideas), and it became one book where on cannot distinguish what is good seed and weed. To mention a few:
1) Jesus respected woman, and appointed them to convey good news to men. (John 4:7-42; 20:17) whereas later writers added things such as woman should not teach in the church and so on (1 Tim 2:12); should put cover their head while praying (1 Cor 11:5, 6)
2) Jesus put no restriction on greeting anybody, but weed was added to the Bible (you should not greet those who left the Christian teaching—2 John 10)
3) Jesus said : “your Father knows what you need even before you ask him” (Mathew 6:8) which leaves no necessity of reminding God about our needs. Yet later writers added a prayer, that too, which makes no sense:
= “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name [No one can make His name unholy, and His name is always holy—Revelation 4:8]
= Let your kingdom come [His kingdom is not going to come just because we say: Let it come]
= your will be done on earth as it is in heaven [everything that happens is His will, because one thing leads to the other—Galatians 6:7]
= Give us today our daily bread [seed becoming fruit-bearing tree which produces seed is an eternal cycle which works whether we ask or not, whether we exist here or not]
= And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors [God to take lessons from puny humans? Impossible]
= And lead us not into temptation [God does not lead anyone into temptation]but deliver us from the evil one [evil one is each one’s own egoistic tendencies, hence one can easily put an end to them if he resolves. If evil one is here meant Satan the Devil, such one cannot exist—if he exists, what prevents him from putting his hands on the nuclear arsenals and from destroy the people]Thus later writers made the scriptures ineffective (like drinking dope and tonic together), and this was not prevented by God which means God expects people to follow their conscience!
Also, this explains why God was never interested in safeguarding the originals!
New hominid Species Discovered in South Africa
by cofty inhomo naledi has been added to our family tree but exactly where, is still to be discovered.
read more here.... over 1500 fossils making up 15 separate individuals have been discovered in a cave near johannesburg.
here are a few highlights of it's anatomy.... the skull was globular, like a member of our genus but the brain was small and primitive.
Your reply sounds like that of North Korean ruler. Even if we go by your reply it would mean that people like Einstein who said, “Religion without science is crippled, while science without religion is lame” have not read any books on science.
Anyhow, you brought the subject of reading. Here is something what I read in the November (2011) issue of "Discover Magazine." In that there's an article called, "His troubles are your troubles". On the cover it's titled, "MAD MICE, How neurotic rodents rule the $30 billion mental health industry."
The article is about lab mice. The one thing of importance is that it states that the mouse shares 99% of our DNA. So, then, we must be related to the mouse as much as we are to the apes.
New hominid Species Discovered in South Africa
by cofty inhomo naledi has been added to our family tree but exactly where, is still to be discovered.
read more here.... over 1500 fossils making up 15 separate individuals have been discovered in a cave near johannesburg.
here are a few highlights of it's anatomy.... the skull was globular, like a member of our genus but the brain was small and primitive.
You are trying to prove that the alphabets s, q, u, a, r, e, c, i, r, c, l, e exist, hence a square circle do exist.
If some fossils are found somewhere in the cave, how can that prove life arose from non-life and evolved from simpler creatures to more complex life forms, or in other words, the tiny cell eventually became an amoeba, then a lizard, then a monkey, and finally— you? Philosophically, it makes no sense—it cannot answer the big question WHY?
Why life arose from non-life?
Why it started a journey to reach more complex life forms, only to die and disappear?
Instead, believe only what you see and experience:
1) Life comes from life
2) Symbiotic relationship that exist between species
3) Engineering feats (One example, tree. It provides breathable oxygen for us while processing carbon dioxide, which would in high amounts in the air be toxic to us. It supplies wood, housing for birds, roots to limit erosion, fruit and seeds to eat, is biodegradable and gives shade. …
A ship (no matter how big) will ultimately sink if it has a hole
by iconoclastic inhumanity is like a ship, and holes are our hobbies (lust, greed etc.
which are fondly renamed as each one likes) which always have been outperforming what science could accomplish!
most of the greater or significant scientific achievements started from 19th centurymay be with the commercial transmission of electricity!
Let atheists continue to ask: “Where is God, what is the proof” like the one who asks in the night where is sun, what is the proof that it exist?” But you try meditation; you will surely realize that Second Law of Thermodynamics is truer than what you thought and also God will provide the needed recharging at the right time—as He has been doing countless time in the past, from the time immemorial. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) Thus you will know both Science and God are true!
A ship (no matter how big) will ultimately sink if it has a hole
by iconoclastic inhumanity is like a ship, and holes are our hobbies (lust, greed etc.
which are fondly renamed as each one likes) which always have been outperforming what science could accomplish!
most of the greater or significant scientific achievements started from 19th centurymay be with the commercial transmission of electricity!
Here is another one lamenting:
“I guess if there’s one thing I can say about the 21st century, it’s that the 21st century is all flash and no substance… everything is digital, nothing but files of invisible electronic data on computers and mindless zombies on their cellular phones… it’s sad how because of the digital age, society is ultimately doomed. Nothing in the digital age is real anymore, and you know, they say celluloid film and ray tube televisions and maybe even paper might become obsolete in this century? …What’s most annoying is that nobody cares, they’ve just learned to accept the digital age and get addicted to it… none of them are ever going to step up and say to the world, “you’re all a bunch of sheep!” and even if they did say anything, I doubt anyone would listen… they’re all too obsessed and attached to their cellular phones and overly big televisions and whatever other moronic things they’ve got these days… it almost makes me want an apocalypse to happen, to erase digital technology and force the world to start over again.” –Rebecca McNutt
A ship (no matter how big) will ultimately sink if it has a hole
by iconoclastic inhumanity is like a ship, and holes are our hobbies (lust, greed etc.
which are fondly renamed as each one likes) which always have been outperforming what science could accomplish!
most of the greater or significant scientific achievements started from 19th centurymay be with the commercial transmission of electricity!
About human nature, here is an interesting quote:
“No destiny attacks us from outside. But, within him, man bears his fate and there comes a moment when he knows himself vulnerable; and then, as in a vertigo, blunder upon blunder lures him.” --Antoine de Saint
A ship (no matter how big) will ultimately sink if it has a hole
by iconoclastic inhumanity is like a ship, and holes are our hobbies (lust, greed etc.
which are fondly renamed as each one likes) which always have been outperforming what science could accomplish!
most of the greater or significant scientific achievements started from 19th centurymay be with the commercial transmission of electricity!
Human nature is the guarantee that we are doomed: Even a rich country may become poor overnight through a natural calamity. Wealth can disappear with changes in the economy. Stocks and bonds may lose value or a serious illness may drain our finances. Alexander the Great proved to the world putting his empty hands outside of his coffin that we come here empty-handed and has to go empty handed. Knowing all these things, people are repeating the same mistake of amassing wealth at the cost of many other people. We are born in fear, live in fear and die in fear. We live in a time when even the President of the sole superpower requires a no-fly zone over his residence even when he visits other countries.
A ship (no matter how big) will ultimately sink if it has a hole
by iconoclastic inhumanity is like a ship, and holes are our hobbies (lust, greed etc.
which are fondly renamed as each one likes) which always have been outperforming what science could accomplish!
most of the greater or significant scientific achievements started from 19th centurymay be with the commercial transmission of electricity!
NASA warns nothing can stop dangerous sea level rise