JoinedPosts by iconoclastic
Language shows how theology evolves
by iconoclastic inin some ancient languages, the word for god (which is actually the 3rd person in most of the modern languages) is called primary person; second person is called middle person, and the word for i (which is actually first person in most of the modern languages) is called perfect person.
this wording conveys the understanding of ancient people:.
when god is viewed as primary person, or put above everything else, and.
What was so new about The Theory of Evolution?
by iconoclastic inthe east had already been teaching the 10 stages of human evolution (that should happen in the life-span of a human being) using an allegorical story of 10 incarnations of god:.
1) fish (water borne life, a fish-like start in the womb of mother) amoebae or primeval evolution..
2) turtle (life moves into land, crawling child once outside the womb) amphibians..
The East had already been teaching the 10 stages of human evolution (that should happen in the life-span of a human being) using an allegorical story of 10 incarnations of God:
1) Fish (Water borne life, a fish-like start in the womb of mother) — amoebae or primeval evolution.
2) Turtle (Life moves into land, crawling child once outside the womb) — amphibians.
3) Boar (adapting to land life) — mammals
4) Half lion-half human (Semi-human, growing from animal nature to human nature) — primates.
Evolution of man:5) Dwarf (Life between childhood and adulthood) — primitive human.
6) User of weapon (axe).
7) User of superior weapons like bow and arrow.
8) Agriculturist (plough)
9) Spinner of swadarshana chakra (swa = self/soul; darshana = vision; chakra = wheel) which means one’s realizing that he is a metaphysical being that continues to exist after the dissolution of the physical structure.
10) Kalki/Destruction (Homo spiritus) — leaving behind whatever acquired/accomplished materially, body is destroyed, and person moves into spirit world.
This is the ten stages that happen during one life-span of an individual. Simply put, a spark from God descends and incarnates into the watery womb of a woman where it starts its journey something like a fish, then comes out, and through other stages, finally reaches the finishing point where its physical body is dissolved, after which it continues to exist as a spirit being.
When what was originally meant to apply to the stages (an individual passes through his one life-span) is made applied to collective man (humanity as a whole, passing through various evolutionary stages and many generations) we have the Theory of Evolution. Hence the question whether Darwin was influenced by the East is not important, what is noteworthy is the twist it received—what was originally meant to highlight the evolution into spirituality evolved into something purely material!
Such a purely materialistic outlook would not have arisen if the believers in God ‘had a form of godliness that did not deny its power.’—2 Timothy 3:5
Language shows how theology evolves
by iconoclastic inin some ancient languages, the word for god (which is actually the 3rd person in most of the modern languages) is called primary person; second person is called middle person, and the word for i (which is actually first person in most of the modern languages) is called perfect person.
this wording conveys the understanding of ancient people:.
when god is viewed as primary person, or put above everything else, and.
In some ancient languages, the word for God (which is actually the 3rd person in most of the modern languages) is called Primary Person; second person is called Middle Person, and the word for “I” (which is actually first person in most of the modern languages) is called Perfect Person. This wording conveys the understanding of ancient people:
“When God is viewed as Primary Person, or put above everything else, and
When I deal with another person as if he is in the Middle of me and God, or under the watchful eye of God, and act with pure motive,
I become Perfect in the eyes of everyone—God, other humans.
When me-first attitude appeared, “I” is called First person in most of the languages, and God was pushed into 3rd person.
Here is another case of evolution—a modern word gay! How did this word meaning joyful come to refer to homosexuality? http://www.wordorigins.org/index.php/site/comments/gay/ traces an interesting history.
The first 4000 years Jehovah communicates with humans,the next 2000 years is given to Jesus and he communicates with no one.
by smiddy inthe bible has ample evidence of god communicating with humans during the first 4 centuries.. since jesus time ,god has not communicated with humans at all .,in the same way as he did in the first 4 centuries .. in fact jesus has not communicated with humans in the same way as jehovah did for the first 4000 years., during his 2000 years to this date , .
does not the bible say , god does not change , he is the same today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow ?.
so why was god communicating with humans on a regular basis , one way or another for 4000 years and then , neither jehovah or his son jesus christ ever directly contacted humans ?.
Nice thought, i never thought in this line
JW attitude of “we only are right, and we will shun all those who disagree with me” is based on the Bible, but
by iconoclastic injw attitude of we only are right, and we will shun all those who disagree with me is based on the bible.
interestingly, for almost everything in the bible, one can see an earlier parallel existing outside the bible, in the pagan world.
(http://ggreenberg.tripod.com/ancientne/101rev.html) (http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_jcpa1.htm) .
JW attitude of “we only are right, and we will shun all those who disagree with me” is based on the Bible. Interestingly, for almost everything in the Bible, one can see an earlier parallel existing outside the Bible, in the pagan world. (http://ggreenberg.tripod.com/ancientne/101rev.html) (http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_jcpa1.htm)
Hence truth is that every religion—including JWs—shares a portion of the truth!
Though some may claim resurrection is unique to the Bible (very few know that resurrection too is of pagan origin), even this has its problem. Growth and decay is the law of nature which God would not violate. Even if He does resurrect somebody, he will die anyway at the completion of his life-span. Hence what does God gain by resurrecting someone? Bible says Jesus resurrected some people (Matthew 9:25; Luke 7:13-15; John 11:43-44) He too did not gain anything from it as none of those resurrected one came for preaching work during or after Jesus’s life-time.
Something that silenced my pestering JW friend
by iconoclastic in(http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_4.htm).
(http://www.zmescience.com/other/most-amazing-unexplained-artifacts/); .
(http://beforeitsnews.com/beyond-science/2013/01/13-world-mysteries-without-explanation-2440676.html); .
If Satan snatched rulership over earth some 6000 years ago, why do we have the following archaeological wonders which the modern science finds it difficult to explain? To mention a few:
1) 5,000-year-old coins that have been found buried in the United States; (http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/the-worlds-biggest-mysteries-scientists-still-cant-solve/story-fnjwl1aw-1227045377722)
2) The Antikythera mechanism, an incredibly intricate analogue computer (that belongs to the period of BC) found in a shipwreck near Greece in the year 1900 which is actually a device used to determine the positions of celestial bodies using a mind-bogglingly complex series of bronze gears. (http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_4.htm)
3) Stone disks unearthed in China, believed to be more than 10,000 years old that tell the amazing story of spaceships that crashed into the mountains. (http://www.zmescience.com/other/most-amazing-unexplained-artifacts/);
4) Underwater Pyramid in the ruins of megaliths in the so-called Yucatan channel near Cuba (http://www.diverdaily.com/7-underwater-wonders-of-the-world/)
5) Ancient cave painting from Japan, dated to be more than 5000 BC, showing an ancient rocket ship. (http://beforeitsnews.com/beyond-science/2013/01/13-world-mysteries-without-explanation-2440676.html);
6) Pumapunku (Pre-Columbian archaeological site in western Bolivia, South America), part of a large temple complex which is an example of monumental engineering, with stone blocks on the site weighing up to 400 tons, yet bearing no chisel marks, raising the question what technology they used to cut them and transport. (http://blog.world-mysteries.com/science/10-insane-ancient-achievements-that-science-cant-explain/).
7) Ancient flying machines (http://www.viralnova.com/unsolvable-mysteries/);
8) A 300 million year old piece of aluminum machinery found in Vladivostok (Russia) which appears to be manufactured. (http://beforeitsnews.com/beyond-science/2013/01/300-million-year-old-machinery-found-in-russia-experts-say-aluminum-gear-not-the-result-of-natural-forces-may-be-extraterrestrial-2440610.html)
I asked him: “Where do you fit these wonders into—before or after the rebellion?”
It’s now one year I put this question to him—he seems to be still doing research in WT Library!
Why don’t we have a better story?
by iconoclastic in1. some say we are all gods, and god is omnipresent..
2. some say: god created his children who later challenged his sovereignty, who in turn asked his eldest son: go down to the world, do not resist the wicked, but be murdered by them, the value of which will be used to atone the sins of the world..
3. universe arose out of a big bang.
I am humanist, had no real contact with any established religion so far except some JW friends who pester me to join their fold. I believe in God who encourages free thinking.
Why don’t we have a better story?
by iconoclastic in1. some say we are all gods, and god is omnipresent..
2. some say: god created his children who later challenged his sovereignty, who in turn asked his eldest son: go down to the world, do not resist the wicked, but be murdered by them, the value of which will be used to atone the sins of the world..
3. universe arose out of a big bang.
You can go on taking instances from ocean theory of evolution—that will not prove there is no God. If Darwin had been in our time and had a glimpse into the complexities of DNA or a Cell, he would not have thought about evolution even in his most irrational dream.
You have all the answers in the following observation:
When information is lengthened as far as possible (as happened in the case of theory of evolution), you are lost in the ocean of information and you are forced to feel this may be true.
When you shorten the information to its essence, as I did in my original post, you will see clearly, what is possible and what is not possible, and what is true and what is false.
Why don’t we have a better story?
by iconoclastic in1. some say we are all gods, and god is omnipresent..
2. some say: god created his children who later challenged his sovereignty, who in turn asked his eldest son: go down to the world, do not resist the wicked, but be murdered by them, the value of which will be used to atone the sins of the world..
3. universe arose out of a big bang.
I am sorry to say my subject is not about about how many genders there are.
Why don’t we have a better story?
by iconoclastic in1. some say we are all gods, and god is omnipresent..
2. some say: god created his children who later challenged his sovereignty, who in turn asked his eldest son: go down to the world, do not resist the wicked, but be murdered by them, the value of which will be used to atone the sins of the world..
3. universe arose out of a big bang.
You say “a human can or cannot make a "human hand"' still says nothing about evolution or the argument for God.”
Yes it speaks against evolution, as such sophistication will not come from lower forms (or species) [at a time super-intelligent humans now with all the computer advancement simply fail to even duplicate the dexterity of human hands]
When information is lengthened as far as possible (as happened in the case of theory of evolution), you are lost in the ocean of information and you are forced to feel this may be true.
When you shorten the information to its essence, as I did in my original post, you will see clearly, what is possible and what is not possible, and what is true and what is false.