JoinedPosts by iconoclastic
Was this crazy crap going on in your hall as well?
by Crazyguy inso any way i wonder if this kinda of activity is the norm in halls?
my wife has my youngest boy calling an older couple in the hall grampa and grandma, my oldest daughter called another older brother grandpa, and the ms that is studying with my two oldest boys on the down low (like i don't know), he's calling g them his boys.
what the he'll?
Yes, I have heard such expressions in the Kingdom Halls -
What did early Christians believe about the dead?
by fulltimestudent inas witnesses we were truly convinced that we knew the truth about the dead.
they were truly dead, and we often quoted ecclesiastes 9:4-6, our favourite proof text on that topic, to prove the point.
that text reads (just in case you've already forgotten it - smile), (from the niv):.
Like any scripture in the world, Ecclesiastes too contains contradictions—in one place it says that nothing survives after one dies, but in places like 12:7 it says “his spirit” survives the death of the physical body. This leaves us to resort to our own reason! Danah Zohar, who teaches at the Oxford Strategic Leadership Programme, Oxford University , and psychiatrist Dr Ian Marshall in their 2001 book, SQ: Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence, observe that “while computers have IQ and animals can have EQ, it is essentially an SQ that sets human beings apart“. So, for the `wheel of life' to roll smoothly, all the spokes of the wheel -IQ, EQ and SQ -have to be equally developed.
The journey from IQ to SQ represents moving from gross to subtle, finite to infinite, tangible to intangible. SQ has several dimensions: compassion, wholeness, self-esteem, gratitude, spirit of surrender and service and the ego. Handling the ego is a critical dimension. When one realizes that even ego is a just thought, an attachment to a false image what I am not, one leaves out two costumes—gross (physical body) and subtle (ego), and what remains is the real “I” which is capable of being aware of itself. If something could be aware of itself, it could be non-composite. And if it is non-composite, it will be “minuter than then minutest” in form, hence will not be subject to physical eye or scientific equipments, but it can only be discerned, or understood.
Everyone would agree that knowledge exists, and it follows if knowledge exists, knower too exists—and this knower is immaterial (and some are even capable of premonition, clairvoyance … something they get without the help of physical senses)
Theory of Evolution and humanity are moving in parallel, and in opposite direction too!
by iconoclastic inproponents of evolution theory was comfortable with their easiest method of induction that says something like this: i saw a blind man in the us, then in russia, then in australian, then in africa ..., hence all men are blind.
yet proofs are abundant for the decline (opposite of evolution) we experience globally!.
1) most humans declined into greed, the result of which is climate change which has the potential to wipe out all life from the earth.
Thank you for the very sound observation
Theory of Evolution and humanity are moving in parallel, and in opposite direction too!
by iconoclastic inproponents of evolution theory was comfortable with their easiest method of induction that says something like this: i saw a blind man in the us, then in russia, then in australian, then in africa ..., hence all men are blind.
yet proofs are abundant for the decline (opposite of evolution) we experience globally!.
1) most humans declined into greed, the result of which is climate change which has the potential to wipe out all life from the earth.
Evolution theory is like fly that tries to fly against a storm or an avalanche. Evolution theory indirectly implied that we humans are the evolute through lower beings (which obviously means things/organisms evolve into something better). Yet history of humanity show otherwise. Most humans worship convenience, and each time one does something convenient, he is travelling on the road to greed. He seeks short cuts. Look the way he turned hunting innocent animals! He started this easy method of obtaining food because agriculture seemed to be too difficult for him, as it required a continuous process of putting forward effort to produce.
Whereas sitting behind a stone, waiting for innocent animals to come along, and destroying and eating them seemed to be the easier way! The food we eat and the thoughts and actions that spring forth from us have a distinct relationship. ‘Garbage in, garbage out’ seems to be true of our bodies too. If you put toxic food, or garbage, into your system, the texture of your thoughts and actions has a tendency to become more un-reconciling, selfish, less concerned for others, and lusty -and potentially dangerous to society. Did vegetarians evolving into non-vegetarians help? Did it bring any better results?
You say you do not understand my post. One day what the NASA’s scientists warn will come true: “New Statistics Warn that Global Sea Levels Continue to Rise At An Alarming Rate.” (http://www.piercepioneer.com/new-statistics-warn-that-global-sea-levels-continue-to-rise-at-an-alarming-rate/45600) That day, you will also ponder over in the same line as I did!
Theory of Evolution and humanity are moving in parallel, and in opposite direction too!
by iconoclastic inproponents of evolution theory was comfortable with their easiest method of induction that says something like this: i saw a blind man in the us, then in russia, then in australian, then in africa ..., hence all men are blind.
yet proofs are abundant for the decline (opposite of evolution) we experience globally!.
1) most humans declined into greed, the result of which is climate change which has the potential to wipe out all life from the earth.
What the school biology books say may be true, and understandable. But what is not understandable is what they are interpret through the supposed proofs. This is the reason why we find some scientists who do not believe the theory of evolution.
Theory of Evolution and humanity are moving in parallel, and in opposite direction too!
by iconoclastic inproponents of evolution theory was comfortable with their easiest method of induction that says something like this: i saw a blind man in the us, then in russia, then in australian, then in africa ..., hence all men are blind.
yet proofs are abundant for the decline (opposite of evolution) we experience globally!.
1) most humans declined into greed, the result of which is climate change which has the potential to wipe out all life from the earth.
Proponents of evolution theory was comfortable with their easiest method of induction that says something like this: “I saw a blind man in the US, then in Russia, then in Australian, then in Africa ..., hence all men are blind.”
Yet proofs are abundant for the decline (opposite of evolution) we experience globally!
1) Most humans declined into greed, the result of which is climate change which has the potential to wipe out all life from the earth. July 2015 was the hottest month in recorded history.(http://www.cbsnews.com/news/july-2015-was-hottest-month-on-record-globally/) Global recession (another effect of greed) that started in 2008 is now all set to assume the size of a global tornado!
2) Religions (from religare, “reunite”) declined into divisiveness!
3) When people were told to sacrifice the beast called ego, they declined into the easier option of sacrificing a literal animal (followed by eating its flesh too)
4) Human body too is on the reverse gear with deadly disease being on the increase (https://agenda.weforum.org/2013/09/how-to-stop-the-rise-of-deadly-new-diseases/)
5) Bible correctly foretold a global moral decline (the very opposite of evolution) in 2 Timothy 3:1-5
All the scientific achievements we have made so far is the result of various combinations we have tried with properties of various elements of nature, most of which came with their ill-effects too, thus neutralizing all the supposed benefits—hardly an evolution from good to better.
The salvation paradox
by OverlappingGeneralizations inanother thing that has bothered me-.
if the righteous and the unrighteous will be resurrected, and will have the same chance at paradise as the hard-core dubs, what was the point of being hard core?
i know the point used to be "well, armageddon is gonna happen this weekend, and you'll survive and they won't!
There cannot be salvation.
If you are able to be self-aware, it means you have a non-composite identity/entity behind the details called your physical body.
If it is non-composite, it is obviously not subject to disintegration, hence eternal—it can only live forever whether here on earth through different births or somewhere else. Where and how matters not—let that be a surprise!
If God exists ....
by iconoclastic inif god exists, he must be a god of freedom.
because he has endowed us with free-will, and never interferes with it (as confirmed by our own experiences).
that means he wants everyone to make their choice and reap the fruits accordingly.
Free-will and fate are two sides of the same coin—you are free to do whatever you like, but are not free to reject its fruits!
Public Prayers - Scriptural?
by OverlappingGeneralizations insomething that has always been a pet peeve of mine- public prayers.
is that even scriptural?
i know many churches (along with the jws) do it.
All prayers originated from the misplaced belief that we are beggars: “your Father knows what you need before you ask him” (Mathew 6:8) and insult God who is the very epitome of goodness (Mark 10:18)
If God exists ....
by iconoclastic inif god exists, he must be a god of freedom.
because he has endowed us with free-will, and never interferes with it (as confirmed by our own experiences).
that means he wants everyone to make their choice and reap the fruits accordingly.
All your various responses confirm the very first sentence of the excerpt (“The people of various tendencies can only be accommodated into the corresponding phases of cyclic history”). A God who accommodates every variety of people is easily understandable.
People make various remarks about God because they are disappointed at the way religions portray God and the hypocrisy of the believers.