I experimented with your statement that
in science ( from
Latin scientia, from scir e‘know’, hence denoting knowldge”)
there is no difference between HOW and WHY.
When my daughter (9 year old) came from
the school, I asked her:
“How did you go to the school?”
Mummy dropped me in the school as usual
on her way to the Hospital (She runs a hospital, and also works there as MD)
“Why do you go to the school?”
You must be kidding, Dad.
“No, I am serious. I just want to know
how answer to the question HOW and WHY? And I want to report to one of my
friends. Tell me, WHY do you go to school?”
Because I want to build my character
and equip myself for a successful career like my mom” (my wife spends bulk of
her earnings on three orphanages run by Catholic nuns and is widely respected
by the community). You know my school Principal described my mom as an angel in
human form.
“You don’t want to become like me?”
Who will waste the best part of life in
the sea (I was working in the Merchant Navy)?
You see how people differentiate between HOW and WHY
Similarly, science may explain HOW life
But it cannot answer WHY did it appear
from non-life only to disappear after evolving into homo sapiens—a wonderful
journey started from matter and returns to matter in the end—WHY?