Is there any scientific evidence that love ...exist?
In the case of majority, love doesn’t exist. The days of wine and roses soon devolve into days of whine and neuroses! Relationships are breaking down at an alarming rate. The `love' people in general declare is actually selfishness. People only love themselves. The child or spouse caters to you so you say you love them. When they no longer cater to your demands, love ceases.
Yet as an exception, love exists in very few people. I have experienced a real help from somebody who did not want anybody else to know about. This love is the reflection of the greater love we call God from whom all good qualities flow. This is not a dogmatic view—it’s my experience.
Our experience is that one thing leads to another. Whether an observer should acknowledge it or not matters not. A boulder rolls down a hill. A man stops it and holds it midway. If he takes his hands off, it will roll down again. Here, nothing is moving; yet, something is happening. The man holding the boulder from sliding is an event that is happening. Of course, no change is manifest. Yet,s omething is going on. Cards arranged as a pyramid are still. But a lot is still taking place. Forces act in various directions,n ullifying each other. It is a passive event. Antarctica is mostly still, which is the effect of the equilibrium of the underlying forces heat, gravity, etc and not absolute or independent. Few perceptible changes, yet many imperceptible forces. Ergo, an event may not involve a change perceptible to us. At times, nothing changes, yet an event may be taking place, passively. How does one know there is an event going on when it is passive? Develop senses. Develop devices. Do whatever. But be less sure while saying nothing is going on or a Heavenly Daddy does’nt exist just because it/He is imperceptible. Events have always happened as an unbroken cause: as an effect chain, not always perceptible, from time zero. Perceptibility is but one not the only norm by which to conclude something happened or somebody exists. Eyes of understanding can perceive what is not perceived by the senses.